Ok hes definitely trolling. That's actually my exact stats I've said it before, I'm 6'3 240 not a internet 6'3 240 either ,close to 20 percent body fat. And I have more muscle mass and a little more body fat.​
Oh boy... you cracked me up when you said "more muscle mass"

I just checked your profile with that selfie you took in the mirror. You definitely trolling, especially if that's your current state. Muscle weights more than fat you know that right?

Difference between being in a deficit being shredded with little to no fat on your frame and fat, sorry to break it to you fruitcake.

Post up your most recent, assuming that photo is old, which I'm assuming it is as that would make way more sense then.
Bruh. That is an ultra high RHR. Why throw more meds at it? You've already got quite the polypharmacy situation going on.

Is that 20mg Cialis PER DAY? I hope not.

I would start with dumping the cardarine. Drop the Cialis to 5mg/day max if you're at 20mg day. Check your electrolytes. Make sure you're getting plenty of cardio.

Also, don't run the tren longer than 6 weeks. If this is a bulking cycle drop it altogether - tren is a poopy bulker compared to 100 other compounds you could run that are way better for bulking and less harsh on the organs.

I'm curious how much do you weigh? How many cycles have you run before? Are you watching your blood pressure too?

edit: also your history has you at 19yo and also starting a cycle just this March - and you're blasting over a gram of gear right now in late summer/early fall. I'll spare you the "you're too young for this" stuff as it's too late already. But please, please understand that this process is a marathon, not a sprint. Be nice to your body.
That's an insane resting heart rate especially for someone OP's age.
Damn OP, you need to cut your PEDs doses at least in half in my opinion and get to the bottom of why your resting heart rate is so damn high.

Consider just TRT only for now, give it a few weeks and then see what your resting heart rate is over several days. If its still high, Id see a doc about it.

Edit: Appears OP may be a troll. Got me.
Exaggerating his weight and height I understand but I think he actually has some of these crazy BP and HR issues.

OP just use google and it will tell you it’s time for a visit to an emergency room. You don’t need a forum
Exaggerating his weight and height I understand but I think he actually has some of these crazy BP and HR issues.

OP just use google and it will tell you it’s time for a visit to an emergency room. You don’t need a forum
No I am legit 6,3, 109kg and yes the blood pressure and resting heart rate is actually 100% for real.

If I go to an emergency room, won't I have to tell them I use AAS?
No I am legit 6,3, 109kg and yes the blood pressure and resting heart rate is actually 100% for real.

If I go to an emergency room, won't I have to tell them I use AAS?
You don't have a handle on your cycle and want to bring in more drugs when you just learned the differences between clomid and nolva.

Drop to trt and reevaluate your life.
You don't have a handle on your cycle and want to bring in more drugs when you just learned the differences between clomid and nolva.

Drop to trt and reevaluate your life.
That was ages ago aha.

Edit: Also I remember now why I don't come on here, as people just seem to completely avoid a question and go completely off topic from what was actually asked.
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That was ages ago aha.

Edit: Also I remember now why I don't come on here, as people just seem to completely avoid a question and go completely off topic from what was actually asked.
When it's ridiculous yeah. You know what you should do but don't. It's your life if you've thought it over, heart attack at 30 isn't uncommon now. I take nebivolol instead and it brings my rh down, both are beta blockers so it's what they do.
That was ages ago aha.

Edit: Also I remember now why I don't come on here, as people just seem to completely avoid a question and go completely off topic from what was actually asked.

I think your question has been answered multiple times, you just dont like the answers.

It seems like you're coming here for permission and a blessing to just add more drugs (beta blockers, etc) and since you're not getting it - you're saying that you're being ignored.
That was ages ago aha.

Edit: Also I remember now why I don't come on here, as people just seem to completely avoid a question and go completely off topic from what was actually asked.
I'm not here to tell you your business, but I think you know these guys are giving you the correct advice. If my resting heart rate was ever 120-140 I'd be freaking out and stopping everything immediately. Anyone who values their life would too, I reckon. Do what you gotta do. You can't expect people on a harm reduction site to give you the shitty advice you're looking for, though. Just my 2 cents.
Oh boy... you cracked me up when you said "more muscle mass"

I just checked your profile with that selfie you took in the mirror. You definitely trolling, especially if that's your current state. Muscle weights more than fat you know that right?

Difference between being in a deficit being shredded with little to no fat on your frame and fat, sorry to break it to you fruitcake.

Post up your most recent, assuming that photo is old, which I'm assuming it is as that would make way more sense then.
I did post a old pic of my pretty much peak natty physique that is over 15 years old. I havent posted anything recent. I might one day do a before and after.

I give u a bit of props for have the balls to post that pic , most people dont, but seriously you dont have to lie to anyone here,most of us have good bs senceing.most of us also have the same goals so check ur bp do blood work and good luck fruitcake! Lol
I didn't even notice it at first. When you're trying to be a social influencer personally I'd shy away from using seduction in the pics lol
The fact that you said I am 160lbs (72kg) is so unbelievably off that nobody should definitely listen to you. That's more concerning.

109kg btw (240lbs for you Americans)

And I'm not even bulking again until the 1st of October aha as I'm in a deficit.
Hmmmm, my numbers for you are so far off huh ????????? Lol you fucking idiot !!!! Quote … unquote from you clown !!


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Still laughing lol !!!!!
I’m impressed with my visual estimation skills. 80kg it is.

Don’t worry about getting caught lying online just get into emergency care asap. And yes you absolutely have to tell them what you have taken otherwise there could be serious interactions with the cocktail they are going to give you to get you BP and HR under control.
Standing back and looking at this situation it's pretty fucked up though. The kind of pressure / twisted thinking that goes on to make a kid that young start blasting such a cocktail for almost the entire year in an effort to get big as fast as inhumanely possible and his heart redlined to the max and he's here looking for ways to keep at it. I hope he isn't in ICU right now or worse.
Currently running:
750mg of testosterone cypionate
400mg of trenbolone enanthate
250/300mg of tudca + nac
20mg of cialis
20mg of cardarine

I have a resting heart rate of 120-140 bpm.
My question is can I run 40mg of propranolol and 10 mg of ezetimibe while on cycle to help with this?
Thanks in advance.
Dude - First off, a resting heart rate of 120-140 bpm is a serious concern, man, especially when you're on a stack like that. Before diving into more compounds, consider the following:

  1. Tren & Heart Rate: Tren is notorious for causing cardiovascular side effects, including elevated heart rates. With a resting heart rate that high, the first thing you'd want to consider is dropping or reducing the tren. Your health should always be priority numero uno.
  2. Cialis with Tren: Using both can intensify cardiovascular side effects, like palpitations or an elevated heart rate.
  3. Immediate Action: With a resting heart rate that elevated, I'd really suggest seeing a doc ASAP. It's not something to mess around with.
  4. Blood Work & Cardiac Monitoring: Get comprehensive blood work, bro. And given the heart rate concern, consider an EKG/ECG or even an echocardiogram. These can give more insights into your heart's condition.
Remember, there's always another cycle. But you've only got one ticker. Look out for it.
I would go see a cardiologist if I were you. That is not normal, plus you might want to see what damage is done if your heart is running like that for a while.

I will be wary if I were you, you're young and already experiencing elevated heart rate. Eeek.
Are mentally il people drawn to this site somehow ?
I’m pretty sure it’s more broad than that, as in mentality ill people are drawn to PED use. Personally in my 20s I used AAS to override feelings of inadequacy from childhood abuse and I’m fairly certain I’m not alone in that. This revelation happens only after years of therapy and many men just won’t go to therapy but the gym is a different story so I believe this is pretty well established path for young men with inadequacies, childhood trama, depression, adhd, ect… to find AAS use very appealing and American culture absolutely glorifies the male supper/action hero body type still even if it is less than in the 2000s. Then these young men just happen to find this site.

For the OP, many of us were young and reckless with AAS use but the important take away is we weren’t having the BP and HR issues you are. The #1 most damaging part of AAS use is prolonged hr and BP causing permanent heart damage. Your body is speaking very loudly to you and you can address it or suffer the consequences.