If you’re only running what you posted, it’s the tren ramping up t4 conversion. It will level off over time. Gotta do your research beforehand.
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When I think back to how retarded I was in my early 20's I thank christ I never got into these drugs. I was too worried they were going to shrink my balls, and I needed those for a whole bunch of things. The lack of good information kept me away from it, in other words. It was probably a blessing.
I’m pretty sure it’s more broad than that, as in mentality ill people are drawn to PED use. Personally in my 20s I used AAS to override feelings of inadequacy from childhood abuse and I’m fairly certain I’m not alone in that. This revelation happens only after years of therapy and many men just won’t go to therapy but the gym is a different story so I believe this is pretty well established path for young men with inadequacies, childhood trama, depression, adhd, ect… to find AAS use very appealing and American culture absolutely glorifies the male supper/action hero body type still even if it is less than in the 2000s. Then these young men just happen to find this site.

For the OP, many of us were young and reckless with AAS use but the important take away is we weren’t having the BP and HR issues you are. The #1 most damaging part of AAS use is prolonged hr and BP causing permanent heart damage. Your body is speaking very loudly to you and you can address it or suffer the consequences.
You forgot kidneys also.
I mean we try to help them and say quit the tren but they don't listen.
Anyways i hope at least some will .
How's your resting heart rate now?
Great actually.

Found out I had low iron which was causing it.

Got prescribed iron tablets and now my resting heart rate is 60-70 bpm.

Also blood pressure is perfect now literally always pretty much on 120-60

Forgot to mention I also use telmisartan.
I do take:

To basically keep everything in check and extremely rarely have to take propranolol.

I'm convinced if I removed any of 6 things I listed then I'd probably get problems.
A that dosage i'm sure i would be covered by acne ahhah
Great actually.

Found out I had low iron which was causing it.

Got prescribed iron tablets and now my resting heart rate is 60-70 bpm.

Also blood pressure is perfect now literally always pretty much on 120-60

Forgot to mention I also use telmisartan.
Da fakk. I didn't know iron deficiency could mess up the heart rate that much. Glad to hear it's back to normal. That was sketchy shit.
Da fakk. I didn't know iron deficiency could mess up the heart rate that much. Glad to hear it's back to normal. That was sketchy shit.
I didn't know either to be honest, but they said low iron can make your resting heart rate above 100bpm and can even be abnormally fast and elevated for long periods of time and can even give palpitations and potentially heart attacks etc.

Thank fak I went to get tested otherwise I wouldn't have known and could have ended up actually dropping dead like.

They said it was good that I didn't ignore it as it could have been fatal if not attended too.
I didn't know either to be honest, but they said low iron can make your resting heart rate above 100bpm and can even be abnormally fast and elevated for long periods of time and can even give palpitations and potentially heart attacks etc.

Thank fak I went to get tested otherwise I wouldn't have known and could have ended up actually dropping dead like.

They said it was good that I didn't ignore it as it could have been fatal if not attended too.
You must have had one hell of an iron deficiency, I'm guessing? I have a very slight iron deficiency. My doctor tells me to eat more broccoli. He's a prick.