New to PEDs, looking for some advice

You said you were on using the oral or injectable? B12 high dose....are you not injecting this?
Thanks TB82

Yes, using semaglutide injectable, B12 oral 1000mcg every 2-3 days (off for the last 2 months).

What is stopping you from injectable test? I'm not terribly familiar with the transdermal options but they do exist.

I'm not judging (in fact my life story...though not exactly like least has some comparable similarities) but there is no way you are going to find advice on oral steroid stacking that will be rational or logical for what you are seeking.
I guess for me, injectables is another level of PED use and I am not mentally ready for that. Also, managing that with my wife and family is something I do not want to handle for now.

If you wanted some more help, starting with blood work that looks at lipids, E2, PSA,. IGF-1 etc. along with CBC/Comp may at least yield some more input from the veterans around here. However,.the judgement will be because the orals (and even the test derivative injectables) are not to be dabbled in lightly and the people most informed on these simply do not use them for fat loss in the way you are proposing.

Comments here so far are spot on. I have some Dbol on hand for the express purpose of raising my E2.

Blood work every 1-2 months has helped me see the impacts of what I "dabble" with but I have gone very slow and steady and in no way would start to try and give you advice on anabolics in the manner you are hoping to use them.

Your question is valid...but orals simply are not to be trifled with especially as you get older. Yes, they can be used but they're definitely not the a base of a cycle you are proposing. Good luck!

I do have bloodworks done regularly, already needed because of my diabetes.
They have always come up just fine after the diabetes was under control.

I guess I will stick to Var for now on a cycle at 50mg and use Dbol as preworkout.
Will have to experiment on myself and see if it yields some results and find out about the negatives.
That's what I thought you meant :)

I don't disagree that a test base is the best solution.
However, I am looking not looking for the best solution but for an alternative oral only cycle one with well know side effects and if this doesn't fit my need I will most probably start a test base cycle.

My questioning is very simple:
I am going to use Anavar. From what I read stacking with Dbol might give much better results that a Var only cycle.
Do you see any issues with using let's say 50mg Anavar + 50mg Dbol cycle that might be prevalent instead of an 80-100mb Var only cycle?
I that dosing too high?
Liver assistance needed and oestrogen issues forseen?
Other oral stack than Dbol would be better?

At 51 "Cycle" shouldn't even be in your vocabulary before TRT.

You're exhibiting a classic feature of new arrivals. You're certain there's an alternative to the most fundamental principles, despite having very little knowledge.

Why don't you find a single example of someone achieving what you're seeking, successfully, and simply do what they do?

If you persist down this path, imagining yourself the Magellan of AAS, despite being unqualified to captain a rowboat, what will happen is that you'll spend a significant amount of (precious at your age) time achieving sub-par results at best, while further deterioration in your physical and mental health is more likely.

Then one day you'll try some topical testosterone, and within a few days the clouds will part, your depression will lift, experience an undeniable boost in well being, and you'll feel like a fool.

After that is the usual progression. It'll occur to you that small children give themselves daily, near painless insulin injections, fragile, pain averse women "get over it" and inject GLPs, and buoyed by the minor results from topical test, you'll finally get with the program. A bittersweet moment since you'll have wasted precious time by that point, but at least you got there.
Thanks TB82

Yes, using semaglutide injectable, B12 oral 1000mcg every 2-3 days (off for the last 2 months).

I guess for me, injectables is another level of PED use and I am not mentally ready for that. Also, managing that with my wife and family is something I do not want to handle for now.

I do have bloodworks done regularly, already needed because of my diabetes.
They have always come up just fine after the diabetes was under control.

I guess I will stick to Var for now on a cycle at 50mg and use Dbol as preworkout.
Will have to experiment on myself and see if it yields some results and find out about the negatives.

Out of curiosity, is there a particular reason you are so dead set on using Oxandrolone?
Where do these var only cycles come from jesus…

Var is going to shut you down, your test is going to tank and you will feel like shit, thats why you NEED test as a base.
I can guarantee when your test tanks you will make no progress and might even go 10 steps backwards.
Var barely makes gains itself, I cant imagine making anything with it on 0 natty test

Many people seem to say that.
But I have experimented on myself and can absolutely confirm that in MY case that just didn't happen.
Probably because of the doses and also that I was not really cycling but using as prwworkout
You're exhibiting a classic feature of new arrivals. You're certain there's an alternative to the most fundamental principles, despite having very little knowledge.

Why don't you find a single example of someone achieving what you're seeking, successfully, and simply do what they do?

If you persist down this path, imagining yourself the Magellan of AAS, despite being unqualified to captain a rowboat, what will happen is that you'll spend a significant amount of (precious at your age) time achieving sub-par results at best, while further deterioration in your physical and mental health is more likely.

You seem to have a lot of imagination to create a whole narrative from what I wrote.

I never said I will not go on test cycle.
Simply not for my first cycles. I will experiment on myself anyways.

Also one thing I forgot to say is that I am often going on remote sites in foreign countries this is also an issue.
Many people seem to say that.
But I have experimented on myself and can absolutely confirm that in MY case that just didn't happen.
Probably because of the doses and also that I was not really cycling but using as prwworkout
Did you get a blood test... if not, then you dont really know anything.
When people do research they are gonna see this thread, so hopefully having some good advise in it will help future people.
The problem with your statement is we have an influx of people NOT doing research so they'll never see this anyways. And if they do, chances are they'll end up doing the exact opposite.
Since your using the experimentation and observation method not the standing on the shoulder of giants method lets look at this.
Beginning of last summer I started some AAS, Anavar for 6 weeks (20mg as pre-workout for 4 weeks, then 30mg for the next 2 weeks)
Didn't see any negative effects
No negative effects. No liver issues or Test suppression.
I was thinking about raising Var to 50mg and add Dbol
If you add a second oral (Dbol) that is proven to suppress natural Test, do you think your "negative effects" results will still hold? If your not going to use needles, don't you think it makes sense to just keep raising the oral that didn't give you "negative effects" until you do see unwanted side effects or you get what you want out of it? If you introduce to many variables you will not be able to determine what did what and you will just be spinning your wheels.
Dbol is very suppressive. If you're dead set on oral only cycle, I would not use Dbol. If you really want to do another Var cycle I would use a solid dose of HCG with it 1500 - 2000 weekly. That's the only thing that could possibly help keep testosterone production going if you're using. Say 40 or more milligrams of anavar for more than 6 weeks. If you choose to do Var and HCG I would get blood work at about 4 weeks to make sure things are working the way you want them to.

Other places online, you may see people using orals with a SERM. That is a bad idea. Serm Is very unlikely to help with suppression unless you are using a very low dose and even then it is not the best. Var is not highly suppressive but the suppression is dose and time dependent. If you use say 50 mg for 8 weeks it is likely you will be fully suppressed, but not guaranteed. The higher the dose and the longer you're on it, the more likely you'll get full shutdown and if you do, you will feel terrible.

There are many guys who will say that oral only cycle is pointless. For bodybuilding it is. They are definitely not as effective as an injectable cycle, but they will yield results. If you are looking for milder effects over time then it can be done intelligently. A lot of guys will try it and have mild results and decide that it's worthless. It really depends on your goals.

If you really want to use d-ball, I would just use testosterone. About the same level of suppression but more effective and much less health side effects.

Your testosterone level is very good for your age. Just know that if you keep repeating these oral only cycles the risk of not fully regaining natural testosterone production will go up each time. Age is a big factor for recovery. You may be a lucky one who will just bounce back every time. If you keep doing this, stay on top of your blood work and if you have a cycle where you don't bounce back easily then I would stop the oral cycles unless you are willing to risk needing trt.
No negative effects. No liver issues or Test suppression.
None. Probably due to the small doses used.

If you add a second oral (Dbol) that is proven to suppress natural Test, do you think your "negative effects" results will still hold?
I do think that test suppression will occur with Dbol.

If your not going to use needles, don't you think it makes sense to just keep raising the oral that didn't give you "negative effects" until you do see unwanted side effects or you get what you want out of it? If you introduce to many variables you will not be able to determine what did what and you will just be spinning your wheels.
Was also thinking about simply raising the Var for first and see how things turn out.
Dbol is very suppressive. If you're dead set on oral only cycle, I would not use Dbol. If you really want to do another Var cycle I would use a solid dose of HCG with it 1500 - 2000 weekly. That's the only thing that could possibly help keep testosterone production going if you're using. Say 40 or more milligrams of anavar for more than 6 weeks. If you choose to do Var and HCG I would get blood work at about 4 weeks to make sure things are working the way you want them to.

Other places online, you may see people using orals with a SERM. That is a bad idea. Serm Is very unlikely to help with suppression unless you are using a very low dose and even then it is not the best. Var is not highly suppressive but the suppression is dose and time dependent. If you use say 50 mg for 8 weeks it is likely you will be fully suppressed, but not guaranteed. The higher the dose and the longer you're on it, the more likely you'll get full shutdown and if you do, you will feel terrible.

There are many guys who will say that oral only cycle is pointless. For bodybuilding it is. They are definitely not as effective as an injectable cycle, but they will yield results. If you are looking for milder effects over time then it can be done intelligently. A lot of guys will try it and have mild results and decide that it's worthless. It really depends on your goals.

If you really want to use d-ball, I would just use testosterone. About the same level of suppression but more effective and much less health side effects.

Your testosterone level is very good for your age. Just know that if you keep repeating these oral only cycles the risk of not fully regaining natural testosterone production will go up each time. Age is a big factor for recovery. You may be a lucky one who will just bounce back every time. If you keep doing this, stay on top of your blood work and if you have a cycle where you don't bounce back easily then I would stop the oral cycles unless you are willing to risk needing trt.
Thanks for all these useful information.
The cycle I am planning is for 8 weeks max.
You are right, I should have defined my goals more clearly. I am not looking to add 50% on my bench, will be happy with 10% :)
The higher importance goal is fat loss and even low dose Var had a nice effect for me (again my objectives are very average)

I will definitely watch more closely the test levels on that cycle and will definitely stop if I see any issue
Your testosterone level is very good for your age. Just know that if you keep repeating these oral only cycles the risk of not fully regaining natural testosterone production will go up each time. Age is a big factor for recovery. You may be a lucky one who will just bounce back every time. If you keep doing this, stay on top of your blood work and if you have a cycle where you don't bounce back easily then I would stop the oral cycles unless you are willing to risk needing trt.
One quick question. Do you mean that using test base will counter this bouncing effect?
One quick question. Do you mean that using test base will counter this bouncing effect?
No. Testosterone is highly suppressive. What I was trying to say is that Dbol is very suppressive as well so if you are going to use something that is very suppressive your first choice should be testosterone. Testosterone is very effective and has less health effects and side effects than a synthetic such as Dbol. I would suggest just Var or testosterone and Var.

Another thing to consider would be GH. Do you know your igf1 level? Older guys, myself included, often find even two IU nightly to be a huge difference. I get much better recoveryand many other benefits from it. If your goal is fat loss and recovery GH is a much better choice than Var. GH has no risk of suppression and helps fat loss more significantly than lower dose Var.