Noob looking for advice

Dianabol makes you feel good and anadrol makes you feel like crap
That's very subjective, different people have different results, it's even evident on this site in members comments.
True. You can put a survey out there. But my guess is 95 out of 100 would agree with this. Many people think dianabol has kind of an antidepressant effect. And anadrol killed my appetite and had me catching myself muttering obscenities shortly after taking it.
Muttering obscenities? Just muttering? Damn, you need a higher dose so you can scream them at the top of your lungs like a tourettes sufferer lol. Tren plus Abombs plus IDK, more tren? That'll get you there .

J/k in case it needed to be said lol
Dianabol makes you feel good and anadrol makes you feel like crap
That's very subjective, different people have different results, it's even evident on this site in members comments.
After 3 days of use of adrol I can say I don't tolerate it well: nausea, headache, loss of appetite. I will switch to dbol as soon as it arrives.
50 mg an hour before training every day, on top of 200 mg of test e and 250 mg sust per week. Does this sound reasonable?
Why are you running Test E and Sust? 50 mg is fine, but cut it down to 25 if you’re able to see if anything changes.
Just to echo Villain, probably better off doubling up the Sust instead of adding another variation of the same. Sorry to hear about your A50 reaction also, hopefully Dbol treats you better. It sure AF makes me hungry lol.
Hey guys, i have two questions: how often per week one should administer gluteal injections of sust and deca? I do 1ml sust 250 and 1ml of deca 300mg each once per week with few days in between, just to be sure i don't damage my butt. Is this too often? Should I alternate with delts? I was just thinking with 12-16 weeks of cycle this might damage the gluteal muscle.

What do I use to prevent gyno during cycle? Nolva or arimidex? What dosage? I see all kinds of things online. Not sure at this point myself.
I do 1ml sust 250 and 1ml of deca 300mg each once per week with few days in between, just to be sure i don't damage my butt. Is this too often? Should I alternate with delts? I was just thinking with 12-16 weeks of cycle this might damage the gluteal muscle.

People routinely inject more than that more often without damaging their ass muscles.