Noob looking for advice

Anyone know what the final straw was?
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I was planning on 250 mg test e per week and 50mg of anadrol. I thought anadrol and dbol are not that much different. Am I wrong?
Depends on the person, some people get lethargic and nausea from A50s so they stick to Dbol, some the opposite. You wanna grow and don't care about being cut can't go wrong with Dbol, Deca, and Sustanon, or test C or E. Keep the test at least 100mg more than Deca mg per week, say Deca 300mg with test 400 or a bit more. You'll grow like a weed. Stop the Dbol after 4 to 6 weeks, keep on the test and Deca then taper down after 12 or 14 weeks till week 16. Swap to HCG, so the whole 500 iu in a week, wait another week and start Nolvadex and Clomid.

Or, just do a diamond cycle with Sustanon for 12 or 16 weeks. Winny afterwards to keep what you earned. Either way is (IMO) better for a novice user than getting Tren or Superdrol involved. My 1st cycle was Sust only, put on 20 and kept 15 with no PCT cause I didn't know any better lol.
Depends on the person, some people get lethargic and nausea from A50s so they stick to Dbol, some the opposite.
I was about to get dbol from pharmacom as stan and tripleBSolutions are on a hiatus but one of the guys on this thread gave a negative review of pharmacom. So I basically decided to stick with the initial anadrol I ordered from TP few days ago (I guess will receive in 2-3 weeks, Sustanon too). Still searching the threads for other sources with good reviews from users to order dbol and deca.

I also bumped up my dose from 250 mg of test e per week to every 5 days. I managed to get only 1ml BD syringes, lol. My state apparently has strict control on syringes.
I was about to get dbol from pharmacom as stan and tripleBSolutions are on a hiatus but one of the guys on this thread gave a negative review of pharmacom. So I basically decided to stick with the initial anadrol I ordered from TP few days ago (I guess will receive in 2-3 weeks, Sustanon too). Still searching the threads for other sources with good reviews from users to order dbol and deca.

I also bumped up my dose from 250 mg of test e per week to every 5 days. I managed to get only 1ml BD syringes, lol. My state apparently has strict control on syringes.
Amazon is a great source for pins and bacteriostatic water. Additionally, I would start with one A50 per day, empty stomach pre workout is a good time. Depending how you react you can bump up to 2 per day for the middle couple of weeks then taper back down to the end.
New to the forum. Glad to be here and looking to learn and experiment. Never done anything previously.

I'm 42+ y/o guy and on week 3 of my TRT protocol:
Test C 200 mg/ml – 0.25 ml intramuscular 3x weekly.
HCG 500 iu subcutaneously 2x times weekly
Anastrozole 0.125 mg 3x weekly

Looking to add about 50mg 3x weekly of Tren E. The plan is to research here and figure this out. Not sure if I need the 3x weekly of the Anastrozole, so might cut that back to 2x weekly to hoard some of it.
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New to the forum. Glad to be here and looking to learn and experiment. Never done anything previously.

I'm 42+ y/o guy and on week 3 of my TRT protocol:
Test C 200 mg/ml – 0.25 ml intramuscular 3x weekly.
HCG 500 iu subcutaneously 2x times weekly
Anastrozole 0.125 mg 3x weekly

Looking to add about 50mg 3x weekly of Tren E. The plan is to research here and figure this out. Not sure if I need the 3x weekly of the Anastrozole, so might cut that back to 2x weekly to hoard some of it.
If you want cycle advice at all, start your own thread and hopefully guys can help you out specifically.
Or, just do a diamond cycle with Sustanon for 12 or 16 weeks
Thanks. What realistic timeframe would be needed to add ~40lbs muscle? Which gear would be good for it? I feel Deca and Test (or Sust) combo might not be sufficient in a longer run.
Thanks. What realistic timeframe would be needed to add ~40lbs muscle? Which gear would be good for it? I feel Deca and Test (or Sust) combo might not be sufficient in a longer run.
adding 40lbs of muscle is going to take a little while but might be possible with perfect diet and training and a shit ton of gear within a couple cycles. Have you ever bothered to gauge where you were at before you started anabolics with respect to your genetic potential? Wrist, neck and ankle circumference are the measurements the calculators use if memory serves correctly.

If you've already maxed things out before you jumped on anabolics progress will be a bit slower but will occur. Like most people I suspect you were nowhere near your genetic limits which means you will experience significant growth up to and past that limit.

5'10 185lbs is at least a good starting point. The key is to train well and eat a ton to fuel growth. AAS are just your ace in the hole

Muscular potential calculator
If you've already maxed things out before you jumped on anabolics progress will be a bit slower but will occur.
I don't think I am maxed on genetic potential, somewhere in-between I guess. I have been training for like 10 years. At this point I don't think I can do more without gear. I think 200 mg test, 300 mg deca per week, plus adrol 50 before workout every day should do the job. Maybe I should though switch from adrol to dbol. I will try both (not together though) and see where it goes. Given my frame I would need 30-40lbs of muscle to make it look good. Hope it's achievable within two years or a little more.
I don't think I am maxed on genetic potential, somewhere in-between I guess. I have been training for like 10 years. At this point I don't think I can do more without gear. I think 200 mg test, 300 mg deca per week, plus adrol 50 before workout every day should do the job. Maybe I should though switch from adrol to dbol. I will try both (not together though) and see where it goes. Given my frame I would need 30-40lbs of muscle to make it look good. Hope it's achievable within two years or a little more.
That 10 year corner block is a key item, what that says to me is that you're strong as fuck already but hit a plateau. That's the same way I started, and there's always a difference between me and other guys in the gym that jumped on gear with little history, like 6 months to a year. They get hurt easier, are pretty far from the strength that the layman would see by looking at them, plus the quality of muscle is different. I can't really explain the last item about quality, but anyone in our shoes knows what they are looking at. With the test 200 mg higher per week I believe that you'll get what your looking for in a first cycle. Additionally, you probably want to read about Deca and how to get off of it, there's a lot of good books out there on PDF to be had for free, but there's garbage ones too, GH15s bullshit pamphlet comes to mind. Look for books by Dan Duchaine and Richard Llewellyn I'd say, there's a pdf site with all of them for free, and in my opinion they are trustworthy opinions, along with Bill Roberts right here on this site. I read for years before gear, but fortunately I'm blessed genetically, my dad is a former champion of shows, not IFBB, but some other old timers here may remember when Ironman magazine was an 8.5x11" publication, he was in quite a few, made the cover a time or two as I recall. Anyway, Deca, Dbol, and Sust will make you gain a lot, 40lbs over a 5 or 6 month cycle is very attainable as long as you can stuff enough protein in yourself. And don't do Dbol or A50 that whole time either lol.
I was planning on 250 mg test e per week and 50mg of anadrol. I thought anadrol and dbol are not that much different. Am I wrong?
I haven't tried dianabol and I have tried anadrol. But I do know that chemically the two are quite different and work in different ways. We know a heck of a lot more about dianabol from research done too. There is a lot unknown about how anadrol works but we know it doesn't aromatize like dianabol does. You do get bloat, maybe from the progesterone receptor or maybe from metabolites.

And yet people have trouble deciding on the two because the results are quite similar. I believe anadrol to be more toxic of the two though. Dianabol makes you feel good and anadrol makes you feel like crap. But because they work differently they will stack with other compounds differently.
Dianabol makes you feel good and anadrol makes you feel like crap
That's very subjective, different people have different results, it's even evident on this site in members comments.