Noob looking for advice

Hey guys, i have two questions: how often per week one should administer gluteal injections of sust and deca? I do 1ml sust 250 and 1ml of deca 300mg each once per week with few days in between, just to be sure i don't damage my butt. Is this too often? Should I alternate with delts? I was just thinking with 12-16 weeks of cycle this might damage the gluteal muscle.

What do I use to prevent gyno during cycle? Nolva or arimidex? What dosage? I see all kinds of things online. Not sure at this point myself.
Ventroglute not gluteal
I make my own shit so I cant speak to the sources but in the underground section I would just choose the one that has lots of threads about order completion and quality
What are the risks of getting raws and brewing your own test? You ever had any bad experiences?
I also bumped up my dose from 250 mg of test e per week to every 5 days. I managed to get only 1ml BD syringes, lol. My state apparently has strict control on syringes.
You should pin more often bro. Maybe E3D or EOD. Less chance of you developing gyno and other side effects since there is less hormone fluctuations. But you definitely will need to get new injection spots if you're going too.

I got glutes, ventro, delts, lats and just added upper quads. Im pinning EOD.
I don’t see the point in taking both because Test E is a long ester and Sust also has a long ester in it. So you’re pinning two oils, and for what? Once the Test E is fully saturated, there’s no reason to need the short esters. This is of course, just my opinion. I’d just take more of one.
How long does it take to get fully saturated on Test C, I know E and C are pretty similar as far as half life but is it still the same to get saturated?
What are the risks of getting raws and brewing your own test? You ever had any bad experiences?
Same exact risks as getting prepped oils from that same source only YOU control the prep.

Sterilizing via filter isn't exactly rocket science.
How long does it take to get fully saturated on Test C, I know E and C are pretty similar as far as half life but is it still the same to get saturated?
Don’t quote me on it, but it believe full saturation is 4 weeks, which is why they say to take bloods at 6 weeks and yeah, it’s the same, whether E or C.

I’ll let you know that pretty much as soon as you shoot your test, it’s in your bloodstream. My buddy was a clown and asked his doctor for a script to get his test checked and didn’t even think about it and pinned a big ass dose (front load) and then went to have his blood drawn the next day. Needless to say, his doctor called him as soon as the results came in and wanted to know what he might possibly be taking lol.
Don’t quote me on it, but it believe full saturation is 4 weeks, which is why they say to take bloods at 6 weeks and yeah, it’s the same, whether E or C.

I’ll let you know that pretty much as soon as you shoot your test, it’s in your bloodstream. My buddy was a clown and asked his doctor for a script to get his test checked and didn’t even think about it and pinned a big ass dose (front load) and then went to have his blood drawn the next day. Needless to say, his doctor called him as soon as the results came in and wanted to know what he might possibly be taking lol.
I was just wondering because Im on my first cycle, 250mg test c a week with EOD injections, about to hit 4 weeks and haven't really noticed any differences in strength, just some water retention. My bloods came back at 1541ng so it's legit.
I was just wondering because Im on my first cycle, 250mg test c a week with EOD injections, about to hit 4 weeks and haven't really noticed any differences in strength, just some water retention. My bloods came back at 1541ng so it's legit.
Honestly bud, I don’t want to get into bro science, but I think it hits people differently. I went off of TRT for a good 3-4 months and within a week or so of starting it back up, everything changed - had more energy, strength increased, more stamina.

Your bloods don’t lie, so I’ll leave it to others to interject.
What are the risks of getting raws and brewing your own test? You ever had any bad experiences?

You should pin more often bro. Maybe E3D or EOD. Less chance of you developing gyno and other side effects since there is less hormone fluctuations. But you definitely will need to get new injection spots if you're going too.

I got glutes, ventro, delts, lats and just added upper quads. Im pinning EOD.

How long does it take to get fully saturated on Test C, I know E and C are pretty similar as far as half life but is it still the same to get saturated?
Nope! Its just a pain in the ass sometimes. Filtering is a bitch cause I still havent got past syringe filters. I suspect I have got some bad raws and some that were not what they said they were. I can make the shit pretty cheap and thats the main benefit, way cheaper than buying them. I also am sensitive to different solvents so i have control over that as well
I wouldn’t waste my money on Pharmacom but Stan’s stuff won’t steer you wrong.

Your diet and macros look good, but you can always increase those numbers to add some mass.

That’s my 2¢, take it or leave it.
It's all about that food big boys you gotta eat
Honestly bud, I don’t want to get into bro science, but I think it hits people differently. I went off of TRT for a good 3-4 months and within a week or so of starting it back up, everything changed - had more energy, strength increased, more stamina.

Your bloods don’t lie, so I’ll leave it to others to interject.
True, everyone is different but just 1 week sounds a bit more like placebo.

Why'd you hop off TRT?
True, everyone is different but just 1 week sounds a bit more like placebo.

Why'd you hop off TRT?
Sorry, totally ignored your first comment. It could be placebo, but I also know that once test is injected, it starts working immediately, but takes a few weeks for full saturation, unless you front load. And even then, I’m not sure of the science behind front loading and if it truly causes full saturation.
Hey guy, I managed to gain 15 lbs in test e alone. Having real trouble with appetite. Can someone dm me about where to get MK-677? I tried KOV, but he is a little unresponsive.
Hey guy, I managed to gain 15 lbs in test e alone. Having real trouble with appetite. Can someone dm me about where to get MK-677? I tried KOV, but he is a little unresponsive.
are you still on cycle or are you off now?
are you still on cycle or are you off now?
I was off the cycle for 2 months in summer, started again this Sep. Appetite sucks. Can't hit any carb target. Was hoping MK-677 can help. Not sure which ones listed here are real and which ones are fake.
I was off the cycle for 2 months in summer, started again this Sep. Appetite sucks. Can't hit any carb target. Was hoping MK-677 can help. Not sure which ones listed here are real and which ones are fake.
I would have advised to throw in a low dose of Deca or NPP for cycle 2. even 200mg. shit made me insatiable.
I have deca. Can give it a try, I did it for one week in the last cycle. Honestly can't remember it affecting my appetite.