Ok lets see your ladies!!!

This was the other night while she is 9 months pregnant. Can't even tell. She had our daughter yesterday. Still looks damn good too.


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This was the other night while she is 9 months pregnant. Can't even tell. She had our daughter yesterday. Still looks damn good too.
Congrats on the lil one mate. I havnt left the house since mine was born she will be a week tmoz. I cant stop staring at my princess
Congrats on the lil one mate. I havnt left the house since mine was born she will be a week tmoz. I cant stop staring at my princess
Thanks bro! Luckily I have a few vacation days left cause it's going to be an adjustment with a 2 year old boy and a new baby girl, but I wouldn't want it any other way. God is good my friend.
Thats TWO....! Fux'd Wit. Sick Stomach. Diahrea CHA CHA CHA...

Now thats a pretty-ass smile on the red pelt cuver der... I think my wife would like her too...:confused::D:D:)
Skull likes to rub it in that he has one of the best looking girls around.
She just took this pic a few days ago an I swear this girl changes hair colors quicker than anyone I have ever known lol. Ill go to bed at night an wake up the next morning an shell have 2 more colors added into it lol. Now she has pink roots that grows out in to purple an black smh. Whatever floats her boat I guess:rolleyes::D
@Skull she's cute as hell... but what the fuck is with those eyebrows? ?
Lol in that pic she is just playing around an making a funny face. Shes raising her eyebrow up. It doesn't look like that in real life lmfao. This is what they normally look like. She likes to keep them thin an streamline. Fuckin sexy ass hell if you ask me. Im sure alot of others will agree as well!!!lrg_1442374287366_7931814711_b47fba70.jpg
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Ohhh. Haha. It looked like her eyes were making a :( face lol
Only time she makes a sad face is when I tell her she cant get another tattoo lol. Jus plyn, she'll get them regardless of what I say. Sooner or later she will have no choice but to stop when she completely runs out of room haha.
Dang skull. Very nice. It'd be hard to leave the house everyday.
Thanks for the compliment bro. Lol out of everything that comes with weight lifting an such, it is definitely the hardest thing to do.....ESPECIALLY.....while on cycle lmfao!!!