Ok lets see your ladies!!!

Alright - let's see who's being honest about whether or not they'd hit that by meeting back here, around 2am after we've been drinking, and THEN answer the question "would you hit it". I think a little truth serum will bring out some different results! :eek::eek::eek:
Bickel, no amount of alcohol will change my answer. That is a big NEGATORY. I'd have to be roofied.
I'm lucky, to much alchool and my pecker dies 99% of the time. Sooooo Sober I would not hit that damn god whatever it is... and drunk, I would not be able to hit it :)

That sucks. I always put in my best sessions drinking.

It does you know... Sometime I feel bad about it ahah! Because it's nice to get a bit drunk with a woman and then have a nice good time together but It's a no no for me, as always been since I was very young.
It does you know... Sometime I feel bad about it ahah! Because it's nice to get a bit drunk with a woman and then have a nice good time together but It's a no no for me, as always been since I was very young.
Even wine? I'll drink a bottle or 2 of wine with my wife and absolutely destroy her after.
Even wine? I'll drink a bottle or 2 of wine with my wife and absolutely destroy her after.

it's not about the kind of alchool but how much I feel drunk.
I can drink 1 bottle and feel perfectly fine and so it's the same as I didn't drink at all
but as soon as I start feeling a bit drunk then it's a no no, I don't even try it anymore ahaha :)
Actually, if you look at her from a certain angle... Ummmm she aint that..... Uhhhhh.... Oh fuck it!!! I always try to be positive but fuck that cant do it! All the viagra, test and alcohol i could pop, pin and drink could help me hit that!!!!!
Gotta at least try like hell.
special request by @gr8whitetrukker. I am not saying who this is and please don't guess. I wish I could post her pretty face and beautiful smile at this time. There are a few guys on the board who know where to find it if they have a good memory