Ok lets see your ladies!!!

I like strong woman, can you put a video where she's benching

You like strong woman? Are you man, hear you roar? Are you fucking dumb in the head son?

Tell you what boy, I understand you haven't had a piece of ass in a long while. I understand what it's like to be jealous. Not only about a heavy bench, but hitting some ass.

Now I must ask a personal favor. Before you pollute the gene pool, before you hinder society as a whole. Your genetics are already weak as well all know. You must find a long piece of rope, tie it around your neck (google how to do it because you will fuck this up with your sub par genetics) and jump!

Society will be better off with out you. Besides, what have you done for society troll :)
Tell you what boy, I understand you haven't had a piece of ass in a long while.
I doubt he's had any at all. Big poppa bren exposed him and found him through ip address and said it was a 14 year old twink. Haha read his latest thread where it happens
I like big/strong females, I don't understand why would any1 take compliment as an insult, I was not joking when i told you, strong female benching turns me on more then anything
Damn it guys, this is a respectable thread, let's keep the trannys outta here, thanks.

What do you mean, that's disrespectful like me posting a pic of a black person and you saying lets keep the negros out of here. Trannys eat, shit, shower and shave, just like you and me. They are the best of two worlds. They say.

They simply don't belong in a "ladies" thread since they ain't and never will be a lady. And they turned in their man card so let them enjoy their own little world without foisting their shitty choices on the rest of us.

I now return you to our regularly scheduled topic: PUSSY. If you have a pic of someone without one attached post that shit on your secret board you don't talk about here out of your own shame.
Allright bud, you win. Lets settle on post-op trannies, they have fannies and all the rest, just like real ladies. Peace
What do you mean, that's disrespectful like me posting a pic of a black person and you saying lets keep the negros out of here. Trannys eat, shit, shower and shave, just like you and me. They are the best of two worlds. They say.

Did you really just compare african americans to tranny's??
Im wondering what would happen to you if you said that in the hood.
You politically correct pussies will try anything to legitimize your abnormal lifestyles.
Go to a gay forum, you will be right at home with likeminded ummmm... Whatever you call yourselves.
Did you really just compare african americans to tranny's??
Im wondering what would happen to you if you said that in the hood.
You politically correct pussies will try anything to legitimize your abnormal lifestyles.
Go to a gay forum, you will be right at home with likeminded ummmm... Whatever you call yourselves.
We have gay sympathizers here
Wheres Doc at?
We have gay sympathizers here
Wheres Doc at?
I know, and i have no problem with gay people as long as they dont throw it in my face. This thread is called , lets see your ladies and this guy throws up a tranny and tries to tell us its the same thing. Then goes on to compare them to african americans so he can call us racists ( pretty fucking pathetic) and thats where i got a problem.
And for the record, i think Doc is a very respectable human being and wouldnt be surprised if he defended this guy, and i got no problem with that.
Did you really just compare african americans to tranny's??

No I didn't. Since you are obviously thick as pigs it, let me spell out what I did: I said that ignorant prejudism comes in many flavors.

I hope that explains what I did. How about if I told you to go visit the negros in the hood if you want a banana, do you see now what I did vs not?

Please let me know if you want me to spell it out to you. I will do it really slowly especially for you.

They simply don't belong in a "ladies" thread since they ain't and never will be a lady. And they turned in their man card so let them enjoy their own little world without foisting their shitty choices on the rest of us.

I now return you to our regularly scheduled topic: PUSSY. If you have a pic of someone without one attached post that shit on your secret board you don't talk about here out of your own shame.
Well said gramps, and I see you really get around!
I just lurk here to see the LADIES. :cool:

I know I once said that I had a finger in my butt but the only dick I wanna see is the one I see when I drop my panties:oops:

Let's get this thread rolling again. No No sillies before y'all ask my chick is not getting posted in this thread. Maybe if this wouldn't of turned into a "show me your ladies nude" thread. I vote to see more of Trukk ole lady.