Open Letter to Millard

Well then I’ll be the first to say, it’s hard but from where I come from as a “big homie” youve got to hits for the team once in awhile. So @cochino , @BigBaldBeardGuy, @Navysquid. Thanks for cleaning up the underground and preventing some youngster from getting ripped of the turdbucket squad Naps.
I second this. I know I have thanked you guys a few times prior, but you really do help out a lot of people here, myself included. Meso is a large place, with a lot of lurkers, so I’m sure the amount of people you guys help is even greater then we think. Hopefully you guys continue to help and teach, because I can definitely use it. Glad to see that you are back @BigBaldBeardGuy and @cochino
Missed out on that extravaganza but doxxing is like the top cardinal sin even on non AAS boards now THAT is a threat that should have someone out the door with their head spinning. I'm sure sources wouldn't like people threatening to doxx them and their illegal ops either, two way street.

Welcome back.
Good to know I haven't broken any rules going after that fuck tard Crius lol. I guess I got room to up my game then ;)
For the record, that kind of logic holds up in court. I know from personal experience. Hypothetical if-then statements are circumstantial and do not constitute an actual threat. I'm not arguing this situation because I haven't read in to it.
Thanks sir, it actually holds up, I’ve been working with such logics for a while :)

Anyway, I wasn’t trying to advocate for @BigBaldBeardGuy , but trying to offer another point of view.


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