Ozempic (semaglutide) wtf?


Well-known Member
So I have finally decided to use it this strange pen, I injected 36 clicks which is 0.5mg (right?) and after couple hours I already feel like I hate eating?

Is it normal? Is it placebo x10 effect? I had this steak on my mind now I don't even want it?

What is food? Do we need to eat? Can I not eat and not die? Am I invincible?

But really though when is it supposed to work and do the effects wear off over time?

Do I need to inject it more frequently
than once a week?
You honestly have to take all these cases and research articles and studys on a case by case basis per individual, thats one reason i don't read them often, each individual has there own underlying issues that can change or alter any study that effects us all differently, @Cridi887 says that metformin and ozempic is too much for him, its possible he has good insulin sensitivity and other proper working hormones, someone like me that tips the scale to hypothyroidism and then high levels of rt3 often i fight insulin resistance more then others, this causes diabetic medication to not work the same as it does others. So dose metformin do all that, that the study says? It hughly depends on the individual. The number 1 best thing you can do is to check your surgar regularly, check vitals and body temperature, keeping your body in Its perfect homeostasis is your best tool to staying healthy and in balance.
I feel like metformin does help improve insulin sensitivity, and there are several mechanisms that show how metformin can do that.

However, I'll admit that I do a lot of things that help. I do intermittent fasting, often. I go through phases. I think intermittent fasting can help with insulin resistance. Have you tried that?

I've exercised, fasted, and used metformin while on Ozempic. I felt great the entire time. But I also had my time off where I didn't exercise or fast, and I think metformin is a nice addon that can help get more mileage out of Ozempic.
I feel like metformin does help improve insulin sensitivity, and there are several mechanisms that show how metformin can do that.

However, I'll admit that I do a lot of things that help. I do intermittent fasting, often. I go through phases. I think intermittent fasting can help with insulin resistance. Have you tried that?

I've exercised, fasted, and used metformin while on Ozempic. I felt great the entire time. But I also had my time off where I didn't exercise or fast, and I think metformin is a nice addon that can help get more mileage out of Ozempic.
I think that metformin is overall good at 500mg a day just for general health , If someone is going hypo with metformin and ozempic then play trial and error lower the dosage of one or the other etc. Im only half of the starting doasge of ozempic and i find its working just fine vs not using it. Thats combined with metformin.

For an increase in insulin sensitivity, i know alot of guys including myself that have had great success with Cinnamon cylon and ginger root supplements as well .
My theory on this is that gastric emptying and intestinal movement is slowed down, allowing fiber and complex carbs to ferment longer and create more gas.
Well I eat 300-500g oats per day and that sums up to 30-50g fibre, yet I feel there's a lot less gas than before I added semaglutide. I would actually think the more time it has to pass through the less gas there is.
Well boys.

Apparently I accidentally threw away my ozempic instead of HCG.

I had an empty vial of hcg and ozempic in a box in the fridge, figured I’d reconstitute more HCG next pin day and threw away the wrong vial on garbage day.

Started smoking pot again just for some relaxation and got high and decided to be “productive”.

No more smoking dope on pin days.

This one hurt only 2 injections in and made an expensive mistake. :(

Will resume and placed another order for 2 more :)

This shit works wonders I’m down 12 lbs so far.
Was considering to try peptide science after some more digging on them.

120 for 3 mg is a little better.
Dude Amino Asylum is 99$ with the 20% off coupon you can find on reddit. And it's 5mg. I was skeptical that it would be underdosed but I'll tell you what I took .5mg on day 1 then another .25 on day 2 and my appetite is completely crushed. I think I should have no problem cutting my calories in half without much effort.
I don't know what's so amazing, maybe it is for people that can't control their appetite and have no will power...

For me it's just too much, I struggle to eat over 2000 calories (clean). I'm gonna stop taking it.

Unless you're 8-10% REAL not internet, or a competitor, fitness model etc. then there is no point. Just adjust your damn diet and move more.

No reason to apologize bud, this place is a forum and a good forum because it’s not monitored to close. Im just saying, some ppl like yourself it’s awesome that you consider food fuel, some others like myself lol know it’s fuel but love the taste of a big ol bowl of fettuccine Alfredo ha !! All good brother
For me it's because I can't sleep when I'm super hungry. If I go less than 4k cals it starts to effect my sleep. Also just experiencing insane hunger on something like 3000 cals just straight up is not enjoyable. So if I can cut my calories in half with the same amount of effort as a 500 cal deficit and being able to sleep because I'm not hungry whatsoever then I consider this drug a fucking game changer.
I am on week 2 from AAs version of sema. You can't beat the price and I can tell you it's definitely legit.
Eyyy! you taking this shit with dnp bro? I sure am. I figure they will compliment eachother perfectly. Semaglutide to drastically reduce the cals in, and dnp to drastically increase the cals out. I figure this combo should be insane for fat loss and allow you to lose even more weight than just a higher dose of dnp would on it's own. Most people seem to just take one or the other and get impressive results. I'm on day 2 and I can only imagine what both will do!
Dude Amino Asylum is 99$ with the 20% off coupon you can find on reddit. And it's 5mg. I was skeptical that it would be underdosed but I'll tell you what I took .5mg on day 1 then another .25 on day 2 and my appetite is completely crushed. I think I should have no problem cutting my calories in half without much effort.
This indeed sounds underdosed if you had to start right away with 0.75mg to feel anything.
Dude Amino Asylum is 99$ with the 20% off coupon you can find on reddit. And it's 5mg. I was skeptical that it would be underdosed but I'll tell you what I took .5mg on day 1 then another .25 on day 2 and my appetite is completely crushed. I think I should have no problem cutting my calories in half without much effort.
I take .25 mg and can’t finish a meal. If you need to take .75 mg it’s garbage.

It is expensive across the board for a reason…
So I have finally decided to use it this strange pen, I injected 36 clicks which is 0.5mg (right?) and after couple hours I already feel like I hate eating?

Is it normal? Is it placebo x10 effect? I had this steak on my mind now I don't even want it?

What is food? Do we need to eat? Can I not eat and not die? Am I invincible?

But really though when is it supposed to work and do the effects wear off over time?

Do I need to inject it more frequently
than once a week?
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are you trying to be funny or mentally I'll? yo asked...

"what is food, do we need to eat, am I invincible"

clown. if you want to be15% and 225lbs why are you taking this?
This indeed sounds underdosed if you had to start right away with 0.75mg to feel anything.
I never said I didn't feel anything. I think a dose takes a couple days to peak but I did feel some suppression on my first day at .5. I just wanted a lot of suppression because I only want to cut for a couple weeks I don't want to go low and slow like most people do on this drug. So I just did .5 at first to make sure I wasn't gonna get too bad of sides as it was my first time taking in, then on day 2 I took a bit more after I knew I'd be fine. I could have just ridden out the .5 and gotten some decent suppression but I just wanted something stronger. Plus there's a few other people I've talked to that said the AA sema is just as good as the other sources, one guy said he thought it was better than QSC.
I take .25 mg and can’t finish a meal. If you need to take .75 mg it’s garbage.

It is expensive across the board for a reason…
I didn't "need" to take .75. Not sure where you guys are getting that from. I felt suppression on day 1 from .5 even though it usually takes a couple days to peak. Not everyone wants to start at a lower dosage. I've talked to several people that said AA is just as good as the other sources.

Also based on all the anecdotes I've read most people actually don't get that much suppression from the initial .25mg weeks. Loads of people saying they don't start to get decent suppression until they got to 1mg. And that's on the semaglutide subreddit where people are using the actual brand name Ozempic. So that's also why I decided to go up right off the bat. You're definitely in the minority of people who have a tough time eating on .25mg.
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I didn't "need" to take .75. Not sure where you guys are getting that from. I felt suppression on day 1 from .5 even though it usually takes a couple days to peak. Not everyone wants to start at a lower dosage. I've talked to several people that said AA is just as good as the other sources.
Is there any lab test for AA's semaglutide? If not I would stick to QSC's. Their semaglutide kit was tested as real 4mg per vial.
I didn't "need" to take .75. Not sure where you guys are getting that from. I felt suppression on day 1 from .5 even though it usually takes a couple days to peak. Not everyone wants to start at a lower dosage. I've talked to several people that said AA is just as good as the other sources.

Also based on all the anecdotes I've read most people actually don't get that much suppression from the initial .25mg weeks. Loads of people saying they don't start to get decent suppression until they got to 1mg. And that's on the semaglutide subreddit where people are using the actual brand name Ozempic. So that's also why I decided to go up right off the bat. You're definitely in the minority of people who have a tough time eating on .25mg.
Yeah it took a couple weeks for me to get any appetite suppression IIRC. I did notice my digestion changing after first injection though. The whole no need to wipe your ass thing blew me away early on. That guy is wrong about how it may affect you slightly differently.
My mother is using ozempic (pharmacy) in very low doses 0.125mg up to 0.15mg and it works wondefully she says. Although she can control her appetite better than most people I assume and she's working out her whole life. Almost 50 years old and fit. Bf right around 20%. She has been using it for 5 months and she doesn't even feel the need to increase. So yeah stuff is potent if from pharmacy.

As for myself, I can't even reach maintenance calories 3500 with it, so for me it's counterproductive. But i damn sure effetive. I myself only used it for couple months.