Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

how are you liking the single arm OHP?

i think one of the keys for my bench to go up is get my shoulders stronger. also improving shoulder mobility
I haven't tried single arm OHP's. But I notice when I add standing barbell OHP's into my program my bench is definitely much stronger.
Just had a fucking terrible squat session. Last triple day hit 460x3 @RPE 9 and today hit 435x2 @RPE 9.5 and I pinned 100mg of TNE. After bench the other day and now this fuck cutting weight, this recomp is now a bulk. I don't know what I was thinking wanting to drop weight. 220lbs here I come.
Just had a fucking terrible squat session. Last triple day hit 460x3 @RPE 9 and today hit 435x2 @RPE 9.5 and I pinned 100mg of TNE. After bench the other day and now this fuck cutting weight, this recomp is now a bulk. I don't know what I was thinking wanting to drop weight. 220lbs here I come.

You dont think it was just an off day or two? I have days like that, when i go to the gym and for some reason the weights just feel heavier. Sucks but i know its just one of those days. But the opposite happens as well , the weights feel light, i love those days.
Course im not a PL so the amount of weight im lifting is not the end all so i can up the intensity and still have a great WO.
I don't know what I was thinking. I blame Meso and being recently single for having thoughts of getting lean. Days like today make new remember what's important though and that's being strong as a fucking ox.

What's how tren dosage again?

You are probably going to be able to see a little recomp even if you hover around maintenance calorie intake with taking the tren and hGH.

Find a balance in those cal where you're happy with your performance still and hold at that for a while and I bet you'll notice a bit of recomp. Keep that protein nice and high.
You dont think it was just an off day or two? I have days like that, when i go to the gym and for some reason the weights just feel heavier. Sucks but i know its just one of those days. But the opposite happens as well , the weights feel light, i love those days.
Course im not a PL so the amount of weight im lifting is not the end all so i can up the intensity and still have a great WO.

No, I don't have days this far off without there being something bad wrong and I've done a deload recently. If the strength isn't there I just call the session right there rather than changing the weight or reps. I'm better off getting the rest.

What's how tren dosage again?

You are probably going to be able to see a little recomp even if you hover around maintenance calorie intake with taking the tren and hGH.

Find a balance in those cal where you're happy with your performance still and hold at that for a while and I bet you'll notice a bit of recomp. Keep that protein nice and high.

Currently 50mg tren ace ED. Gonna bump to 100mg in two weeks. Was planning on raising fat and protein.

Groceries for the most of the week. Thought I had the meat covered, but turns out the box of turkey burgers in the freezer was empty. Still got half a bag of lean beef patties and 19 sausage patties to get me by for now.
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Groceries for the most of the week. Thought I had the meat covered, but turns out the box of turkey burgers in the freezer was empty. Still got half a bag of lean beef patties and 19 sausage patties to get me by for now.
Hate cutting...hate cutting...hate cutting. I've lost a good bit of strength in the last couple months even with test bumped up :( on the up side shoulder is fucking awesome and Im down 20lbs but I feel flat and shitty:oops:...and hangry all the time:mad:....and whoever invented clenbutaral can eat a dick.o_O
Hate cutting...hate cutting...hate cutting. I've lost a good bit of strength in the last couple months even with test bumped up :( on the up side shoulder is fucking awesome and Im down 20lbs but I feel flat and shitty:oops:...and hangry all the time:mad:....and whoever invented clenbutaral can eat a dick.o_O

I'm done cutting for now, just gonna bulk with "clean" foods and see what happens. With all the gear and HGH I'm running I should be able to gain weight with minimal fat gain.
I'm done cutting for now, just gonna bulk with "clean" foods and see what happens. With all the gear and HGH I'm running I should be able to gain weight with minimal fat gain.
This is my approach right now. With all the gear I'm running now and eating considerably clean, I'm not concerned with fat gain. Protein intake is up and bumping calories up next week.
Sounds good there, and you should get good results.

Without question.

This is my approach right now. With all the gear I'm running now and eating considerably clean, I'm not concerned with fat gain. Protein intake is up and bumping calories up next week.

Yeah, I picked up a few things to add to my diet next week. Gotta sit down and calculate everything tomorrow. I'm thinking I'm just going to go about 5000/4000 on calories for training/off days. It'll be a slow bulk, so I may end up bumping it up pretty quick. Off the top of my head it'll be around 300/150/550 protein/fat/carbs on lifting days and a little less carbs and fat on cardio days. Give or take a little of course since I haven't gotten it figured up yet.