Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

You'll feel better afterwards. I have to go weekly for a month then it will be once a month. My body is out whack. Once body is in line, I know my lifts will go up even more.
Yea that might surely help especially putting even my shoulders back into alignment as well. Gonna visit my mom's chiro soon and maybe get a deal if I go at same time she does. Last time I went to the chiro I felt like I was put thru a grinder lol.

This should help my lifts go up too, and maybe even more comfortable for squat and deads again.
Yea that might surely help especially putting even my shoulders back into alignment as well. Gonna visit my mom's chiro soon and maybe get a deal if I go at same time she does. Last time I went to the chiro I felt like I was put thru a grinder lol.

This should help my lifts go up too, and maybe even more comfortable for squat and deads again.
It will help but it will take some time. You will feel better for sure. Incorporate mobility work into that and your golden. Now all I need to do is sign up for a yoga class.
It will help but it will take some time. You will feel better for sure. Incorporate mobility work into that and your golden. Now all I need to do is sign up for a yoga class.
Definitely will take time as I'd need to adjust to the changes made by the chiro.
Glad you'll be back to lifting soon. 24hr recovery sounds pretty sweet. I think I did something similar awhile back during a heavy bench session felt a popping/rending feeling under my sternum went away after couple days :confused:
Just got back from the chiropractor. It was a displaced rib. He said if it stays in place 24 hours it should be all good with no further work.

@Ironlyfe80 sounds like it was about like what happened to you.

Just gonna take it easy tonight.

I had that happen before, i tried to go to the gym anyway and when i got in my truck i got locked up, couldnt move and had to ask the wife to help me get out. Chiro fixed me up after a few sessions as i recall.
Now i go to a chiro regularly to prevent shit like this. He keeps my body workout n good. I call it a tuneup [emoji4]
BTW , great log perrin, i been busy and havent been keeping up, wish i had cause i missed some great stuff. Congrats on those big lifts brother, very impressive no doubt!!!!
BTW , great log perrin, i been busy and havent been keeping up, wish i had cause i missed some great stuff. Congrats on those big lifts brother, very impressive no doubt!!!!

Thanks and glad to have you back. I'm recently single and that's made it easier to put more effort into diet and going to bed super early and it's helping a lot.

Glad you'll be back to lifting soon. 24hr recovery sounds pretty sweet. I think I did something similar awhile back during a heavy bench session felt a popping/rending feeling under my sternum went away after couple days :confused:

I'm a little apprehensive about lifting later, but hopefully it goes without a hitch.

My wife cut my hair Sunday and was bitching about how hairy I'm getting lol

It's very noticeable for me, too. Worth it though.
My wife cut my hair Sunday and was bitching about how hairy I'm getting lol
I was trimming my beard the other day and my wife saw my back. I've noticed how much more hairy it has gotten. I said to her she's be slacking. She needs to shave my back. I can't reach it all. Or I'll just get it waxed.

Conventional deadlift 10x2 with 515 (very fast and smooth, I'm thinking 575ish for my next triple in two weeks)
Long paused bench 3x5 with 305
Romanian dumbell deadlift 130's for 3x8 (no grip issues)
I was trimming my beard the other day and my wife saw my back. I've noticed how much more hairy it has gotten. I said to her she's be slacking. She needs to shave my back. I can't reach it all. Or I'll just get it waxed.
LOL if you be nice I am sure she'll shave it for you :)
I was that this all-n-one store called Meyer this morning getting .59/dozen eggs and saw a Fire Stick. I've watched a few YT videos on how to install Kodi and the add ons. If I have too much lag at least can take the fucker back.
