Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Forgot to weigh

Comp bench 335 for 4x2 and 325 for 6x2
Front squat 295x4, 275x3 called it
One arm dumbbell overhead press 90 for 3x5

Just wasn't feeling it today. I think I had some kind of food poisoning. Woke up with crazy stomach cramps in the night and felt awful until almost lunch today. Like if I actually had sick days I would have stayed home today. Bench didn't feel great and then front squat was awful. Hopefully Saturday goes better.

Also been thinking about trying to see a chiropractor. My upper back is always tight and hurting. Maybe a combo of my new job and lifting. It's like right between my shoulder blades and pretty much hurts all the time and also on my right side kind of where it used to, although deadlift seems unaffected. I don't really know the procedure for going. I think my insurance covers it with a referral from a doctor, I just don't have a doctor. Also I have no days off, so my window to see one is pretty small.
I think I might have to go to the hospital this morning. I'm gonna go in to work and make sure I won't get fired for missing a day first. I think the front squats yesterday hurt me somehow. It got worse over the night and now I have a sharp pain right right near my spine in between my shoulder blades in the middle of my upper back. Hurts all the way around in the front of my chest to breathe in or out and barely moving sends a sharp pain up my back that takes my breath away. I'm kind of worried. I don't even think I'm capable of working today.
I think I might have to go to the hospital this morning. I'm gonna go in to work and make sure I won't get fired for missing a day first. I think the front squats yesterday hurt me somehow. It got worse over the night and now I have a sharp pain right right near my spine in between my shoulder blades in the middle of my upper back. Hurts all the way around in the front of my chest to breathe in or out and barely moving sends a sharp pain up my back that takes my breath away. I'm kind of worried. I don't even think I'm capable of working today.
Good luck bro, definitely go to the hospital or doctor bc that doesn't sound good. Hope you have a speedy recovery.
I think I might have to go to the hospital this morning. I'm gonna go in to work and make sure I won't get fired for missing a day first. I think the front squats yesterday hurt me somehow. It got worse over the night and now I have a sharp pain right right near my spine in between my shoulder blades in the middle of my upper back. Hurts all the way around in the front of my chest to breathe in or out and barely moving sends a sharp pain up my back that takes my breath away. I'm kind of worried. I don't even think I'm capable of working today.
Good luck man hope its all just minor shit.
I think I might have to go to the hospital this morning. I'm gonna go in to work and make sure I won't get fired for missing a day first. I think the front squats yesterday hurt me somehow. It got worse over the night and now I have a sharp pain right right near my spine in between my shoulder blades in the middle of my upper back. Hurts all the way around in the front of my chest to breathe in or out and barely moving sends a sharp pain up my back that takes my breath away. I'm kind of worried. I don't even think I'm capable of working today.

I had something similar happen when I was doing front squats last summer. I felt and heard a pop in my upper back. Had trouble taking deep breaths for a month or so, finally it healed(?). I think you'll be ok, but go get checked out. You use way more fucking weight than I've ever did/done.
I think I might have to go to the hospital this morning. I'm gonna go in to work and make sure I won't get fired for missing a day first. I think the front squats yesterday hurt me somehow. It got worse over the night and now I have a sharp pain right right near my spine in between my shoulder blades in the middle of my upper back. Hurts all the way around in the front of my chest to breathe in or out and barely moving sends a sharp pain up my back that takes my breath away. I'm kind of worried. I don't even think I'm capable of working today.
I used to get that sane pain in the same area. It was more pronounced when I went through Special Forces Assessment and Selection. The aluminum from of the ruck sack would bend under heavy loads or from it being dropped during airborne operations. The same thing would dig in my thoracic spine. Shit hurt even when I had no pack on. Felt like my spine was bruised for years.

All that long ass walking with heavy loads did a number on my back. I have degenerative discs and arthritis throughout my spine. I've become so accustomed to the discomfort and pain, that it's just another day.

When the chiropractor popped my SI joint back in she said it would hurt. I felt no pain. I've got a high threshold for pain.

Get better brother. If you can go see a chiropractor. The ER or Dr will just through pills at you and tell you to stop lifting. Fuck them. Well not all of them.
I had something similar happen when I was doing front squats last summer. I felt and heard a pop in my upper back. Had trouble taking deep breaths for a month or so, finally it healed(?). I think you'll be ok, but go get checked out. You use way more fucking weight than I've ever did.

I think I'm actually just going to try to deal with it and load up on ibuprofen and naproxyn and hope for the best. It's just too expensive and risky to go to the hospital. If it gets too bad to deal with at work I'll go. Headed to work now.
I used to get that sane pain in the same area. It was more pronounced when I went through Special Forces Assessment and Selection. The aluminum from of the ruck sack would bend under heavy loads or from it being dropped during airborne operations. The same thing would dig in my thoracic spine. Shit hurt even when I had no pack on. Felt like my spine was bruised for years.

All that long ass walking with heavy loads did a number on my back. I have degenerative discs and arthritis throughout my spine. I've become so accustomed to the discomfort and pain, that it's just another day.

When the chiropractor popped my SI joint back in she said it would hurt. I felt no pain. I've got a high threshold for pain.

Get better brother. If you can go see a chiropractor. The ER or Dr will just through pills at you and tell you to stop lifting. Fuck them. Well not all of them.

I think that's what I'm going to try to do. I'm just not sure if you need a referral and not having a doctor makes that a problem.
I think I'm actually just going to try to deal with it and load up on ibuprofen and naproxyn and hope for the best. It's just too expensive and risky to go to the hospital. If it gets too bad to deal with at work I'll go. Headed to work now.

You'll be fine bro. You're tough as nails. Fucking machine..
I had something similar like 2 months ago. It ended up being a dislocated rib. Went to the chiro, got 2 adjustments and was 100% in about a week.
Damn brother, sorry to hear that! I get a similar pain on heavy bench days, but it goes away after I slowly get up off the bench! Get it checked out, your too young to fuck up and have to deal with this forever! Good luck
Good luck man, really hope it's a fly by night thing and nothing long term.

PL's are getting beat up around here these days. Jeez Louise....