Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Good luck man, really hope it's a fly by night thing and nothing long term.

PL's are getting beat up around here these days. Jeez Louise....

I panicked this morning because of how bad the pain was. After taking ibuprofen and naproxyn it's manageable. I don't think it's too bad or I'd be unable to work.

should be around $100 give or take.

if you look on Groupon you can generally find some deals

I checked, the nearest places on there were 2+ hours from here. My part of the state doesn't have a lot going on.
I found out my insurance does cover a chiropractor with a referral and preauthorization. I also found out apparently I've been assigned a doctor. Not sure how long all this takes, I'm assuming weeks. Still gonna try to get one visit and pay cash if I can afford it.
I found out my insurance does cover a chiropractor with a referral and preauthorization. I also found out apparently I've been assigned a doctor. Not sure how long all this takes, I'm assuming weeks. Still gonna try to get one visit and pay cash if I can afford it.

even if its just for a quick adjustment, id do one session. i get two visits covered per year. ive still yet to go lol. ask the Dr. you've been assigned to if he knows of anyone close by. there has to be someone in the area
even if its just for a quick adjustment, id do one session. i get two visits covered per year. ive still yet to go lol. ask the Dr. you've been assigned to if he knows of anyone close by. there has to be someone in the area

I got an appointment Monday after work. Gonna run me about $65 without a referral.
I'm gonna have skip my squats and deadlift today. My inner me is saying do it anyway, but my upper back is still hurting pretty bad. I just took some OTC pain meds and if it reaches a manageable level I might go do cardio and whatever I can that doesn't hurt. Sucks, but I'm still worried about how bad it might be. Probably going to swap front squats for split squats for the time being starting next week.

Thats not bad.:eek: Wonder if its that cheap where I am.

Yeah, pretty affordable. Once I get a referral and insurance authorization it'll only be $20-25 a visit.

Chin ups 5x10
Hamstring curls 4x10 with 285 (some old man jumped in when I got up for a second and I forgot to get my fifth set after)
Bodyweight dips 30, 35, 35
Plate shrugs 30, 35, 35
Hammer curls with 20's 3x30
Adductors and abductors with bands 3x20

My back still hurts, but slightly less. It pops and cracks a lot when I move. Kinda worries me. Chiropractor tomorrow, so hopefully he'll fix me up. Also a friend of mine was squatting 185 and I did a few singles to see if it would hurt and it didn't. Of course it was almost no weight at all.

Here's where I'm sitting after one week of dieting. I'm doing roughly 4200 calories on training days and 3200 calories on off days. Roughly 40/30/30 protein/carbs/fats, give or take a few percent here and there. Might bump it to 4500 and 3500 because I'm afraid this is too much of a deficit. I'm not really trying to lose much weight as much as recomp a little. 210lbs is about where I want to be, just leaner.

Nah, I'm embracing the hairy look. Might have to start using Nair on my back and shoulders though, it's getting out of hand, lol.
i got hair on my upper back and the hair on my head's growing so fast I get a haircut every 3 weeks at $28 a pop and never had hair grow so fast on me before :eek:

Must been that test E cycle I been running that did it...
Just got back from the chiropractor. It was a displaced rib. He said if it stays in place 24 hours it should be all good with no further work.

@Ironlyfe80 sounds like it was about like what happened to you.

Just gonna take it easy tonight.
Sweet dude, my dad had that happen once. He was all freaked out lol. Glad it wasn't anything crazy serious!
Sweet dude, my dad had that happen once. He was all freaked out lol. Glad it wasn't anything crazy serious!

The doctor said it's painful enough it'll freak you out and it did. Only took a few minutes to get it back right. He said I'm good to deadlift tomorrow, just get good and warmed up and if there's any pain to stop.
Well at least that is all it was. After I had mine adjusted, I was back to benching 3 days later. I think that's how I hurt it in the first place.
Well at least that is all it was. After I had mine adjusted, I was back to benching 3 days later. I think that's how I hurt it in the first place.

I'm 90% sure I did it doing front squats. The doc said I should be good to deadlift tomorrow though.

I get displaced ribs playing linebacker and fullback all the time, that shit sucks like the first time every single time

I was considering going to the hospital at first. I panicked and posted about it on Friday morning. Glad I didn't.