Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total


Conventional deadlift 555x3 (conventional rep PR), 495x3, 495x3, 495x3
Three count paused bench 300lbs for 4x5
Dumbbell Romanian deadlift 80's x8, 100's x8, 120's x8, 120's x5 (grip failed)
It's that damn cardio you're doing!
Tells us its been months since hes seen any action....then says his hands are now too soft....I think their maybe a connection here somewhere.:confused:o_O

Baby soft from the cardio:rolleyes: couldnt be the jergens.
And yet still too hard and calloused to pretend it's a woman even for a second. :(
Bet you were using the ex's hand cream lmao! I hear you though I recently ripped a few calluses thus getting blood on the bar (bar was new...grrr) and losing the grip. The PR that got away :eek:
Bet you were using the ex's hand cream lmao! I hear you though I recently ripped a few calluses thus getting blood on the bar (bar was new...grrr) and losing the grip. The PR that got away :eek:

Yeah, I'm not worried about dropping a dumbbell. Still never failed a real deadlift because of grip.
Yeah, I'm not worried about dropping a dumbbell. Still never failed a real deadlift because of grip.
Yea new db's also give me grief..especially when doing one armed db rows with 80s.

For the hell of it I picked up the 110's and got 2 reps on flat bench. Haven't done that in a long time either.
Yea new db's also give me grief..especially when doing one armed db rows with 80s.

For the hell of it I picked up the 110's and got 2 reps on flat bench. Haven't done that in a long time either.
My arms are sore today from that 285 bb bench single I snagged yesterday and the 110lbs press. Managed to break the elbow band to get a new one.

10 minutes of stationary bicycle
20 minutes of intervals on the stair machine
30 minutes of various stretches

Just for fun because I'm actually tracking calories again.


It was around 3200 calories total.
Cardio... Counting calories....

*Wipes tear from eye*

I thought I knew you, Perrin...

It's only temporary and you know I can pull this off with no strength loss. I'm single now, even more important to look good this spring and summer.

It's the OCD that's kicking in, lol.

Nah, I live and breathe this lifestyle year round. I always have a good idea where my calories are at and need to be, tracking them or not. I'm just being a little more precise for maximum effect in a short amount of time.
Do you run a calorie deficit or run maintenance and put in extra work?

Starting this week I'm running a deficit (3200 calories) on my non lifting days and a little over maintenance (4200 calories) on my lifting days. I'm not really trying to cut so much as recomp right now. I might have to adjust a little, but this is where I'm starting.

I'm not really looking to get below 210lbs. I got a little more fat than I'd like after chasing those numbers I hit over the weekend. Gonna rectify that and then get back to cruising and eating at maintenance to continue gaining strength.
Good call. Cardio is never a bad idea. Heart health should be a concern for everyone, and I'm not convinced lifting will give you the same cardiovascular benefits as actually doing some cardio despite what people say.

It's a waste not to do it if there is GH in the equation too, since there are further benefits for fat loss depending on your protocol.

I do 20 minutes LISS upon waking everday outdoors. My cardio protocol is just get up, pin growth, and do the cardio (20 minutes of 110-120bpm outdoors). The benefits are noticeable especially since I remain in a fasted state for a couple hours after waking before eating just from all the bullshit I do in the morning.
Good call. Cardio is never a bad idea. Heart health should be a concern for everyone, and I'm not convinced lifting will give you the same cardiovascular benefits as actually doing some cardio despite what people say.

It's a waste not to do it if there is GH in the equation too, since there are further benefits for fat loss depending on your protocol.

I do 20 minutes LISS upon waking everday outdoors. My cardio protocol is just get up, pin growth, and do the cardio (20 minutes of 110-120bpm outdoors). The benefits are noticeable especially since I remain in a fasted state for a couple hours after waking before eating just from all the bullshit I do in the morning.

I was doing cardio regularly last year before my life went all crazy. Been meaning to get back to it and just hadn't done it yet. The heart health is the biggest factor for me, too. Gaining or losing weight is simple enough with diet alone.

My new job has me averaging 3-5 miles a day of steps according to my phone, too. Not sure what that counts for, but it's something.

I have a small shake at 2pm, get off work at 3:30pm, pin the growth by 3:45pm and then head to the gym either for lifting or cardio. Once I'm home I try not to eat until 6:30-7:00pm. I considered IV dosing PWO just to get it in my system quickly, but I never really finished studying up on it before Dat's closed down. SQ seems to work fine, I'd just prefer to pin a little earlier PWO, but that would mean storing a preloaded pin in a cooler in my car and pinning in a porta potty on my break at 2pm. Not that I couldn't pull it off, just don't want to go through all that with the risks involved.

I'm still trying to figure out what will be my cardio protocol. Might do the intervals one day a week and LISS on the others. Once the weather warms up I'll likely just ride my bike. For now getting to the gym for cardio gets me working on stretching and mobility as well while I'm there.
but that would mean storing a preloaded pin in a cooler in my car and pinning in a porta potty on my break at 2pm. Not that I couldn't pull it off, just don't want to go through all that with the risks involved.

Well, at least you would have to sense to reconstitute it before bringing it with you to work. Someone who totally isn't me had to bring his bac water with him because he didn't have time to reconstitute and pre-load in the morning.

I personally don't consider any cardio performed at work as being real cardio, and I only say this because despite the fact some years back I worked in busy restaurants behind the line where heart rate was elevated the whole time and you're moving fast the entire shift, it still did nothing to improve my cardiovascular condition when doing even some basic LISS. Not sure if this is due to SAID principle or some other bullshit, but I doubt it was beneficial for heart health.

I generally recommend LISS for 20 minutes upon waking (just wake up and go outside) aiming for around 120bpm. For frequency, just do it as much as you can. I do it everyday, the more the better really at that duration and intensity, it's not going to hurt.

The GH fast can be some real bullshit. The protocol that I've found to work the best is simply pinning it upon waking and waiting 2-3 hours before eating meal 1. You're already in a fasted state from the sleep prior and 2-3 hours should be sufficient for fat burn if you want the increased effect of pinning growth in a fasted state. Ideally cardio should be performed in this period, if not then post training is fine. 1-2 iu's is sufficient for this purpose, although 5-10 will provide other benefits for body composition, I don't attribute that affect to any better lipolysis or fat loss. I do this method even in a growing / off-season phase btw, still works great.