Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Without question.

Yeah, I picked up a few things to add to my diet next week. Gotta sit down and calculate everything tomorrow. I'm thinking I'm just going to go about 5000/4000 on calories for training/off days. It'll be a slow bulk, so I may end up bumping it up pretty quick. Off the top of my head it'll be around 300/150/550 protein/fat/carbs on lifting days and a little less carbs and fat on cardio days. Give or take a little of course since I haven't gotten it figured up yet.
I'm taking similiar approach. My last cycle was a cut, sucked ass didn't gain any strength, but body looked good. After the cycle is when I fell down to earth and refocused on my main goal. STRENGTH!!! Fuck cutting, good eating with all the gear and I'm running high doses. Slow bulk for me as well.
I'm taking similiar approach. My last cycle was a cut, sucked ass didn't gain any strength, but body looked good. After the cycle is when I fell down to earth and refocused on my main goal. STRENGTH!!! Fuck cutting, good eating with all the gear and I'm running high doses. Slow bulk for me as well.

Just gonna recomp on cruise from here out. Live and learn and hopefully this two weeks doesn't set me back much. On the bright side I'm leaner.
I don't know what I was thinking. I blame Meso and being recently single for having thoughts of getting lean. Days like today make new remember what's important though and that's being strong as a fucking ox.
Thats funny anytime I become single I end up doing a cut to, I think its so if the ex see us leaner and with someone else it might drive her nuts, man im evil lol

Chin ups 5x12
Hamstring curls 285 for 5x10

3 triple sets of 35 bodyweight dips, 35 plate shrugs and 35 dumbbell hammer curls with 15's

3x20 abductors and adductors with bands
I'm in the last phase of this clusterfuck of a blast I'm running. Started out unplanned and turned into going after a 550 squat and 405 bench, which I got. Then two weeks of cutting, which I'm now aborting. The goal now is just continue getting stronger and put on as much muscle as possible to be a strong 220lbs for my next blast and meet later this year. With the added size I'll be able to keep progressing on my upcoming cruise.

The gear for the next six weeks:
875mg/week of test cyp
700mg/week of tren ace
350mg/week of mast prop
2iu ED of HGH

The test cyp I'm just doing 250mg EOD for ease of pinning. Been at 600mg for a bit, so shouldn't take long to stabilize. Went ahead and bumped the tren to 100mg ED today. The mast I got to help with tren sides. They weren't bad last time, but I don't want them affecting my job. Still going to keep up when cardio. Also considering picking up some cardarine for the endurance benefits. Not sure if I will yet though.

Training I recently changed a few assistance lifts which I'll be changing most of back to what I used to hit the recent squat and bench goals. Toying with the idea of adding another rep scheme on my peak lift days.

Nutrition will be the following on training days:

And this on cardio days:


Fat might seem high, but this works for me and has me less bloated. I swear I'm leaner on higher fat anyway. Probably due to less water. These macros are subject to change as necessary. Planning a cheat meal on Friday and maybe Saturday, too.

Training will still be four days a week with cardio and stretching/mobility on the other days.

Anyway, I'm getting back to being organized with goals in mind. Been too all over the place lately. Got plans for a meet later in the year in the works. Looking for a 1650 total at 220lbs for that. Planning on working with the same coach I did for my last meet.
I'm in the last phase of this clusterfuck of a blast I'm running. Started out unplanned and turned into going after a 550 squat and 405 bench, which I got. Then two weeks of cutting, which I'm now aborting. The goal now is just continue getting stronger and put on as much muscle as possible to be a strong 220lbs for my next blast and meet later this year. With the added size I'll be able to keep progressing on my upcoming cruise.

The gear for the next six weeks:
875mg/week of test cyp
700mg/week of tren ace
350mg/week of mast prop
2iu ED of HGH

The test cyp I'm just doing 250mg EOD for ease of pinning. Been at 600mg for a bit, so shouldn't take long to stabilize. Went ahead and bumped the tren to 100mg ED today. The mast I got to help with tren sides. They weren't bad last time, but I don't want them affecting my job. Still going to keep up when cardio. Also considering picking up some cardarine for the endurance benefits. Not sure if I will yet though.

Training I recently changed a few assistance lifts which I'll be changing most of back to what I used to hit the recent squat and bench goals. Toying with the idea of adding another rep scheme on my peak lift days.

Nutrition will be the following on training days:

View attachment 65077
And this on cardio days:

View attachment 65078

Fat might seem high, but this works for me and has me less bloated. I swear I'm leaner on higher fat anyway. Probably due to less water. These macros are subject to change as necessary. Planning a cheat meal on Friday and maybe Saturday, too.

Training will still be four days a week with cardio and stretching/mobility on the other days.

Anyway, I'm getting back to being organized with goals in mind. Been too all over the place lately. Got plans for a meet later in the year in the works. Looking for a 1650 total at 220lbs for that. Planning on working with the same coach I did for my last meet.
Right there that's the Perrin I know organized and meticulous with everything. Greatness comes from all the little things adding up and you'll see that 1650 greatness for sure but gotta keep in the right head space about it brother. I've been going through a similar confusion with what I want but I just made a squat day easy after 13 hours of hiking so I realize what I'm meant for and that's picking heavy objects up once then putting them down and considering myself the victor of the world
Im not friends with any of my exs. I just can't do it. I told my wife if we ever split up I'd hate her and never talk to her again even if it was my fault for The break up lol. Just the way I am.
I've never been able to do it either. Not strong enough for it maybe...
Right there that's the Perrin I know organized and meticulous with everything. Greatness comes from all the little things adding up and you'll see that 1650 greatness for sure but gotta keep in the right head space about it brother. I've been going through a similar confusion with what I want but I just made a squat day easy after 13 hours of hiking so I realize what I'm meant for and that's picking heavy objects up once then putting them down and considering myself the victor of the world

So it's back to PL for you? That's fantastic. Yeah, I tend to be all over the place with what I want, too. When I'm focused I'm focused though.

Im not friends with any of my exs. I just can't do it. I told my wife if we ever split up I'd hate her and never talk to her again even if it was my fault for The break up lol. Just the way I am.

This is the only ex I'm like that with. With the others we usually never speak again. This last one I've dated four separate times over twelve years and we've always been friends and we always wind up back together. I figure that'll end up happening again in a couple years anyway.

20 minutes of stair machine intervals

An hour or so of stretching and mobility work

Hit a new record for steps today, sitting at just over 17000 right now. That's like 8-9 miles.
I'm in the last phase of this clusterfuck of a blast I'm running. Started out unplanned and turned into going after a 550 squat and 405 bench, which I got. Then two weeks of cutting, which I'm now aborting. The goal now is just continue getting stronger and put on as much muscle as possible to be a strong 220lbs for my next blast and meet later this year. With the added size I'll be able to keep progressing on my upcoming cruise.

The gear for the next six weeks:
875mg/week of test cyp
700mg/week of tren ace
350mg/week of mast prop
2iu ED of HGH

The test cyp I'm just doing 250mg EOD for ease of pinning. Been at 600mg for a bit, so shouldn't take long to stabilize. Went ahead and bumped the tren to 100mg ED today. The mast I got to help with tren sides. They weren't bad last time, but I don't want them affecting my job. Still going to keep up when cardio. Also considering picking up some cardarine for the endurance benefits. Not sure if I will yet though.

Training I recently changed a few assistance lifts which I'll be changing most of back to what I used to hit the recent squat and bench goals. Toying with the idea of adding another rep scheme on my peak lift days.

Nutrition will be the following on training days:

View attachment 65077
And this on cardio days:

View attachment 65078

Fat might seem high, but this works for me and has me less bloated. I swear I'm leaner on higher fat anyway. Probably due to less water. These macros are subject to change as necessary. Planning a cheat meal on Friday and maybe Saturday, too.

Training will still be four days a week with cardio and stretching/mobility on the other days.

Anyway, I'm getting back to being organized with goals in mind. Been too all over the place lately. Got plans for a meet later in the year in the works. Looking for a 1650 total at 220lbs for that. Planning on working with the same coach I did for my last meet.
What or program is this @Perrin Aybara? I've used iifym and supertracker. Supertracker is great but they don't have an app. It's only on pc. But it's great, calculates sodium, carbs, fat protein. How much dairy fruit, whole grains.

Conventional deadlift 515lbs for 4x5
Long paused Slingshot bench 365lbs for 5x3
Dumbell Romanian deadlift 135's for 2 sets of 8 and on the third set I dropped my left dumbell on the 5th rep and called it.

Conventional deadlift 515lbs for 4x5
Long paused Slingshot bench 365lbs for 5x3
Dumbell Romanian deadlift 135's for 2 sets of 8 and on the third set I dropped my left dumbell on the 5th rep and called it.

how did you like the DB romanians? i feel a deeper stretch with them. ill generally warm up for deads with these.