Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Hate cutting...hate cutting...hate cutting. I've lost a good bit of strength in the last couple months even with test bumped up :( on the up side shoulder is fucking awesome and Im down 20lbs but I feel flat and shitty:oops:...and hangry all the time:mad:....and whoever invented clenbutaral can eat a dick.o_O

Funny, i kinda like cutting , seems to keep me focused and gives me real purpose in the gym. Plus i like looking sexy [emoji38]
But im not a PL so there you go !!

20 minutes of stair machine intervals

An hour or so of stretching and mobility work

Hit a new record for steps today, sitting at just over 17000 right now. That's like 8-9 miles.

When you say steps, are you talking fitbit?
And thanks again for the advice, im deff feeling better [emoji4]
Funny, i kinda like cutting , seems to keep me focused and gives me real purpose in the gym. Plus i like looking sexy [emoji38]
But im not a PL so there you go !!
Im married ;) if I was single I'd cut till I had veins on my ass cheeks:D
The main thing I dislike is the strength loss during cutting o_O Not technically a powerlifter since I havent done a meet yet:( but I train that way. Wanting to do a meet this fall at 220lb.

20 minutes of stair machine intervals
About an hour of various stretches supersetted with talking to my brother and his roommate

Just ordered some papaya enzymes and glutamine for tren heartburn. Started feeling it earlier and last time it was bad. I suspect this tren is stronger, too. Tomorrow makes a week and I'm noticing a few things already.

20 minutes of stair machine intervals
About an hour of various stretches supersetted with talking to my brother and his roommate

Just ordered some papaya enzymes and glutamine for tren heartburn. Started feeling it earlier and last time it was bad. I suspect this tren is stronger, too. Tomorrow makes a week and I'm noticing a few things already.
I notice tren a in the first week also. I love it but I hate what it does to my breathing.
Well, I said I wasn't doing any superdrol for awhile, but I was loading my test, tren, mast and a little TNE and somehow a little sdrol ended up in the pin. Not sure how it happened, it was tucked away in the back of my safe after all. Oh well, going to do a heavy triple on bench.
I've gotten crazy weak this last month. I'm regretting the weight loss really bad right now. Just hit 335x3 at RPE 9.5 on bench. 40lbs down from my last triple day a month ago. Squat is also down like 50lbs. Doing a triple on deadlift Tuesday, hopefully haven't regressed badly on it, too.

I don't get it, doesn't seem like I'd lose so much while on cycle. I'm set back six months or more right now. Praying I can get back where I was quickly when the tren kicks in. Fuck, this is terrible.
I've gotten crazy weak this last month. I'm regretting the weight loss really bad right now. Just hit 335x3 at RPE 9.5 on bench. 40lbs down from my last triple day a month ago. Squat is also down like 50lbs. Doing a triple on deadlift Tuesday, hopefully haven't regressed badly on it, too.

I don't get it, doesn't seem like I'd lose so much while on cycle. I'm set back six months or more right now. Praying I can get back where I was quickly when the tren kicks in. Fuck, this is terrible.

Eat and rest... It'll come back.
I've gotten crazy weak this last month. I'm regretting the weight loss really bad right now. Just hit 335x3 at RPE 9.5 on bench. 40lbs down from my last triple day a month ago. Squat is also down like 50lbs. Doing a triple on deadlift Tuesday, hopefully haven't regressed badly on it, too.

I don't get it, doesn't seem like I'd lose so much while on cycle. I'm set back six months or more right now. Praying I can get back where I was quickly when the tren kicks in. Fuck, this is terrible.
That's the scariest part about going back to trt and losing fat after my meet next week. The strength I'll lose will play a serious mind fuck on me. Like Eman said, eat, rest, and keep liking it. You'll get there. Good luck my friend!
I've gotten crazy weak this last month. I'm regretting the weight loss really bad right now. Just hit 335x3 at RPE 9.5 on bench. 40lbs down from my last triple day a month ago. Squat is also down like 50lbs. Doing a triple on deadlift Tuesday, hopefully haven't regressed badly on it, too.

I don't get it, doesn't seem like I'd lose so much while on cycle. I'm set back six months or more right now. Praying I can get back where I was quickly when the tren kicks in. Fuck, this is terrible.
You might still be recovering from your mock meet. Those were some pretty hefty numbers.
I've gotten crazy weak this last month. I'm regretting the weight loss really bad right now. Just hit 335x3 at RPE 9.5 on bench. 40lbs down from my last triple day a month ago. Squat is also down like 50lbs. Doing a triple on deadlift Tuesday, hopefully haven't regressed badly on it, too.

I don't get it, doesn't seem like I'd lose so much while on cycle. I'm set back six months or more right now. Praying I can get back where I was quickly when the tren kicks in. Fuck, this is terrible.

Ok, now that would piss me off too. Im surprised you could have that kind of loss with a weight cut. I guess being ripped is NOT a plus in
Finished the session strong. I think I've just been going too hard lately. I'm averaging 25 miles a week in steps at work, been hauling around eight foot tall solid wood doors at work my myself, knocking out concrete walls with a sledgehammer, doing 20 minutes of HIIT on all my off days plus hitting the weights hard. Not been sleeping well at all this week, probably the tren. Maybe I'm just burned out a bit. Ended up getting a crazy headache at the end just now and thought I was going to black out. I think I spiked my BP pretty hard. Not going to touch the sdrol anymore this cycle. Wouldn't want to see what my BP was.

Eat and rest... It'll come back.

Haven't been sleeping well this week. Plus work has been brutal this week, too.

That's the scariest part about going back to trt and losing fat after my meet next week. The strength I'll lose will play a serious mind fuck on me. Like Eman said, eat, rest, and keep liking it. You'll get there. Good luck my friend!

I actually continued to keep gaining strength on 150mg/week of test cyp after my last blast.

You might still be recovering from your mock meet. Those were some pretty hefty numbers.

Yeah, it's a combo of things.
Like @Mr.B66 said stay consistent with cardio and or add some EQ.

So are you saying that adding EQ to a tren run helps with tren sides??
Have you tried this? I havent heard this so im really interested in hearing from someone that tried this.
When my friend and sometimes WO partner told me to do cardio while on tren, i thought he was crazy , but ill be damned if it didnt make a big difference. Felt so good that i almost stayed on for an extra month. But luckily i came to my senses and when my new batch showed up i fought the urge.
Finished the session strong. I think I've just been going too hard lately. I'm averaging 25 miles a week in steps at work, been hauling around eight foot tall solid wood doors at work my myself, knocking out concrete walls with a sledgehammer, doing 20 minutes of HIIT on all my off days plus hitting the weights hard. Not been sleeping well at all this week, probably the tren. Maybe I'm just burned out a bit. Ended up getting a crazy headache at the end just now and thought I was going to black out. I think I spiked my BP pretty hard. Not going to touch the sdrol anymore this cycle. Wouldn't want to see what my BP was.

Haven't been sleeping well this week. Plus work has been brutal this week, too.

I actually continued to keep gaining strength on 150mg/week of test cyp after my last blast.

Yeah, it's a combo of things.

Have you taken the new job into account when figuring maintenance calories?

Sounds like more calories are in order. A refeed day this weekend would probably do wonders.

All kidding aside, I'd consider dropping the HIIT on off days just until you're feeling a little "caught up".
Finished the session strong. I think I've just been going too hard lately. I'm averaging 25 miles a week in steps at work, been hauling around eight foot tall solid wood doors at work my myself, knocking out concrete walls with a sledgehammer, doing 20 minutes of HIIT on all my off days plus hitting the weights hard. Not been sleeping well at all this week, probably the tren. Maybe I'm just burned out a bit. Ended up getting a crazy headache at the end just now and thought I was going to black out. I think I spiked my BP pretty hard. Not going to touch the sdrol anymore this cycle. Wouldn't want to see what my BP was.

Haven't been sleeping well this week. Plus work has been brutal this week, too.

I actually continued to keep gaining strength on 150mg/week of test cyp after my last blast.

Yeah, it's a combo of things.

I think this is more than likely the case. The body can only go at 100% for so long before it takes a toll. A little rest and like @Eman said, a refeed should do you well.