Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

just too further compound on what has been said. rest and nuitrion.
maybe take a light deload for the next couple days and come back hard. that or cut out your 4th lifting day would be my suggestion. i would for sure tentatively cut out your 4th day
Waiting for some thing good youll be waiting a long time
Gotta be a savage these days. And its high time he started acting like it

completely agree with this ten fold. you want it... go after it and dont stop till you get it.

i really think though, once he gets into school and gets his CDL it will help him a ton. the stress of living on small wages, and life stress in general, also plays a role into lifting whether you think it does or not.
completely agree with this ten fold. you want it... go after it and dont stop till you get it.

i really think though, once he gets into school and gets his CDL it will help him a ton. the stress of living on small wages, and life stress in general, also plays a role into lifting whether you think it does or not.
I been there. Graduated from it. He needs his ass kicked not a helping hand. Tough love.
I like you but this small thinking is going to keep getting you small results. Theres tons of rich motherfuckers in my area that buy their rich fuckin kids expensive things and a life of luxury before they even know what real sacrifice is and real hard work is. Land em a nice cozy job in the real world all the while their stupid kid parties their way thru college and now has a degree that says " they know what their talking about". They have it all set up and did next to nothing to get it. Then theres Perryin...working for a poverty wage chasing his dream physique and strength goals. Making by on boiled chicken assholes and pb&j sammiches. Thats the salt of the earth mother fucker right there. Kinda dude i respect. The kind of dude that walks it like he talks it and has the motivation to lift heavy ass shit and put his body thru hell but cant for the life of him translate that shit to real world skills. Cmon man! Its inside you. Thats the FUCKIN ESSENCE of what we do! Lifting is designed to make us achieve. Its designed to make us push. What your doing is unsustainable. Get off your ass and make a change. These cock suckers dont deserve you. Better fix it now than fix it later when you cant or your boxed in a corner. Go for broke. Dont trust your govt and dear old obama to help you out of this mess. I know your better than that. Lets see it

You're actually spot on about the real world skills thing. Definitely something I'm lacking. I dropped out of school at 17 and moved out to pursue easy money and a party lifestyle. Pretty much did that until I went to prison in 2011. Never got an education, rarely worked or learned any job skills, never lived anything resembling a normal life and picked up a criminal record. Not that it's anyone's fault but my own, but this is what I'm working with. At 33 all this is still pretty new to me. I'm nothing if not resourceful though and I will dig myself out of this.

As far as the training I know I take it too far and too seriously. I have a big hole left that heroin used to fill and this lifestyle keeps those demons at bay.

My younger half brother has a life similar to what you described. He's actually humble and a good kid though, but his life is already laid out for him. His dad (my stepdad) is multimillionaire. My brother was given a nice house, he has a new Camaro and getting put through school. He'll eventually get handed the reins to the family business and no matter what he'll inherit millions someday. He realizes how lucky he is. I thought for a long time if I worked hard and proved myself maybe my stepdad would throw me a bone. Maybe a halfway decent position, but instead he laid me off my full time position and only lets me do dishes here and there. That was my goal until a couple months ago, I thought maybe I could be a manager or something. Now I see that's unlikely to ever happen, regardless of how hard I work for him. Another reason I'm trying to get moved into my trailer ASAP.

I've just got to get some stability back in my life. My ex fiancee leaving me for another woman last year and leaving me with nowhere to go except my mom and stepdad's really threw me for a loop. Getting into my own place is my top priority right now. I don't want to keep living here. Do you understand where I'm coming from with that? Way too old to be living here and I just can't stand feeling lesser than and like I owe them. I mean I appreciate they let me crash here for a few months, but I'm also kind of pissed how they did me with laying me off. They got all the friends and family set up with cushy positions and meanwhile I'm left out in the cold. It's whatever though, nobody owes me a damn thing and I get that. I just want out of here and away from all this shit. Once I'm in my place and comfortable school comes next. Believe me what I'm doing now isn't what I'm meant to be doing. You're going to see that. I know I'll still be here on Meso and I'm sure you will be, too. I'm actually highly intelligent, contrary to what my mess of life and lack of education would lead you to believe. It's been nothing but an uphill battle so far and I expect the future will be, too. I'm not the quitting type though. I really do appreciate what you said and what we've talked about through PM. In the months and years to follow you will read about my successes, trust me.
You're actually spot on about the real world skills thing. Definitely something I'm lacking. I dropped out of school at 17 and moved out to pursue easy money and a party lifestyle. Pretty much did that until I went to prison in 2011. Never got an education, rarely worked or learned any job skills, never lived anything resembling a normal life and picked up a criminal record. Not that it's anyone's fault but my own, but this is what I'm working with. At 33 all this is still pretty new to me. I'm nothing if not resourceful though and I will dig myself out of this.

As far as the training I know I take it too far and too seriously. I have a big hole left that heroin used to fill and this lifestyle keeps those demons at bay.

My younger half brother has a life similar to what you described. He's actually humble and a good kid though, but his life is already laid out for him. His dad (my stepdad) is multimillionaire. My brother was given a nice house, he has a new Camaro and getting put through school. He'll eventually get handed the reins to the family business and no matter what he'll inherit millions someday. He realizes how lucky he is. I thought for a long time if I worked hard and proved myself maybe my stepdad would throw me a bone. Maybe a halfway decent position, but instead he laid me off my full time position and only lets me do dishes here and there. That was my goal until a couple months ago, I thought maybe I could be a manager or something. Now I see that's unlikely to ever happen, regardless of how hard I work for him. Another reason I'm trying to get moved into my trailer ASAP.

I've just got to get some stability back in my life. My ex fiancee leaving me for another woman last year and leaving me with nowhere to go except my mom and stepdad's really threw me for a loop. Getting into my own place is my top priority right now. I don't want to keep living here. Do you understand where I'm coming from with that? Way too old to be living here and I just can't stand feeling lesser than and like I owe them. I mean I appreciate they let me crash here for a few months, but I'm also kind of pissed how they did me with laying me off. They got all the friends and family set up with cushy positions and meanwhile I'm left out in the cold. It's whatever though, nobody owes me a damn thing and I get that. I just want out of here and away from all this shit. Once I'm in my place and comfortable school comes next. Believe me what I'm doing now isn't what I'm meant to be doing. You're going to see that. I know I'll still be here on Meso and I'm sure you will be, too. I'm actually highly intelligent, contrary to what my mess of life and lack of education would lead you to believe. It's been nothing but an uphill battle so far and I expect the future will be, too. I'm not the quitting type though. I really do appreciate what you said and what we've talked about through PM. In the months and years to follow you will read about my successes, trust me.
Much respect for you to take your knocks and move on. You really have made strides in turning your life around with little help from anyone. It is a good trait to have of self reliance and it has served you well in the face of adversity. You made bad choices and you learned hard lessons and you just moved on to better things like training.

There are better fish in the sea and hopefully you will land a wise woman to be your rock in a storm.
Smartest dude i ever met never graduated HS
Second smartest dude i ever met only graduated HS, barely
Tons of retards with 4 yr degrees i meet everyday
Smartest dude i ever met never graduated HS
Second smartest dude i ever met only graduated HS, barely
Tons of retards with 4 yr degrees i meet everyday
My great uncle worked for ford as a transmission field engineer...never learned to read couldn't even right his name just the first letter then he scribbled the rest.o_O Smartest man I ever met.
Smartest dude i ever met never graduated HS
Second smartest dude i ever met only graduated HS, barely
Tons of retards with 4 yr degrees i meet everyday

You're not kidding. I'm around rich people quite a bit and the majority of them are only successful because their parents were rich, too. My brother's roommate is going to school to be a physical therapist and he says the level of ignorance in college is unbelievable.
You're not kidding. I'm around rich people quite a bit and the majority of them are only successful because their parents were rich, too. My brother's roommate is going to school to be a physical therapist and he says the level of ignorance in college is unbelievable.
You can say that again :rolleyes:
Just look who runs the majority of university campuses now days and it shouldnt be any great wonder why
Getting to the point where flying the american flag on campus is deemed "racist"

Yeah, that was exactly the stuff he was saying. He said the stuff they believe and that comes out of their mouths is mind boggling.
If your last pin was two weeks ago you shouldn't be losing any strength.
So far my strength has been pretty steady lately and that's a good thing as been eating like a fat boy lately as well as training regularly.

Already started stocking up on gear for my next cycle.

Comp squat 410 for 4x2 and 390 for 6x2 (strength just wasn't there, I seem to be consistently regressing on squat and bench)
Double paused deadlift 315 for 3x5
Front squat 225 for 4x5

Just so exhausted and beat up I had no choice but take it easy today. Strength just isn't there. I'm switching to all LISS cardio next week to see if I'm able to recover, next step will be eliminating my fourth gym day and if that doesn't work I'll drop cardio all together. If that doesn't work I'll find another job or start school early.

@gr8whitetrukker you're right, been thinking about what you said and they don't deserve me at this job. This other guy I work with called in three days this week and I'm having to do by myself what the two of us were doing the days he showed up. Plus he's "skilled" and makes 2-3x what I do. And also after just helping lay flooring for two weeks I've been doing that by myself, too. That's actually super easy as far as work, but again the guys that usually do it are union and make 2-3x what I make. They're taking advantage of me being as strong as two men and a quick learner. My stepdad did the same thing having me do electrical, plumbing and heating and air work rather than pay a professional. I've just been grateful to have a job at all, so I've just kept my mouth shut and done what I'm told with no complaints. Something has to change soon for sure. This is no way to live.
Just went to drain a pint of blood and got nauseous almost immediately and had to abort after only 1/8 of a pint. Broke out in a cold sweat and almost puked. Weird. Gonna try again later or tomorrow, I guess.
So i didn't gain a pound this week on 5000/4000 calories on training/off. This was measured and tracked, by the way. So I'm thinking 6000/4000 starting tomorrow or Monday. I want to keep my off day calories low. Never done that big a difference, but we'll see what happens.

About to pick up groceries for the week and do a refeed in the form of a whole pizza, @Eman. Then probably just lounge about and rest. Maybe watch a movie. Kinda feel like shit.
Just went to drain a pint of blood and got nauseous almost immediately and had to abort after only 1/8 of a pint. Broke out in a cold sweat and almost puked. Weird. Gonna try again later or tomorrow, I guess.
Ouch...something doesn't seem right. Maybe all the stress has gotten to you lately in not so good ways. So you also drinking plenty of water as Eman mentioned?

When was the last time you drained?