Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Probably not as much as I should lately.

I bought a case of emergen c a few months back at a wholesale place, that might be a good idea for you. Helps with the run down feeling.

Might want to hold off on donating... If you're not feeling well you don't want to be draining.
Eight weeks ago this weekend. I think my body is just beyond exhausted.
That seems to be the been working long hours at physically demanding jobs along with training plus the stress in your general life. Hopefully things will start looking up for you soon.

One idea, have you looked into getting the felony expunged as some states have laws where you follow a process to expunge your record. If you have not gotten into any trouble since that time and have no other criminal matters on your record you should be able to petition the state to expunge your record. Why not check your state's law on this and if you got a lawyer friend maybe look into this.

Here is a site you can check:

Comp squat 410 for 4x2 and 390 for 6x2 (strength just wasn't there, I seem to be consistently regressing on squat and bench)
Double paused deadlift 315 for 3x5
Front squat 225 for 4x5

Just so exhausted and beat up I had no choice but take it easy today. Strength just isn't there. I'm switching to all LISS cardio next week to see if I'm able to recover, next step will be eliminating my fourth gym day and if that doesn't work I'll drop cardio all together. If that doesn't work I'll find another job or start school early.

@gr8whitetrukker you're right, been thinking about what you said and they don't deserve me at this job. This other guy I work with called in three days this week and I'm having to do by myself what the two of us were doing the days he showed up. Plus he's "skilled" and makes 2-3x what I do. And also after just helping lay flooring for two weeks I've been doing that by myself, too. That's actually super easy as far as work, but again the guys that usually do it are union and make 2-3x what I make. They're taking advantage of me being as strong as two men and a quick learner. My stepdad did the same thing having me do electrical, plumbing and heating and air work rather than pay a professional. I've just been grateful to have a job at all, so I've just kept my mouth shut and done what I'm told with no complaints. Something has to change soon for sure. This is no way to live.
Hey bro. I've had my battles with finances and ups and downs. You have the right attitude. Don't know when it will happen for you. But you will go for the bottom to the top. I'm not an overly religious man. But I believe in God and have faith. And your struggles, hard work and good deeds will be rewarded.

Meditate, pray, make a vision board.

Vision boards are all the things you want and see herself doing in life. Put something new on it weekly. Place somewhere that you will see it often and reflect on it pray on it. Shit will happen.

Just remember like this game off strength building and AAS use, life is a marathon. It's all how you finish and the people that you helped in one way or another through kind words or just listening to their problems.

Only one way to go and that's up brother. Keep climbing.
I bought a case of emergen c a few months back at a wholesale place, that might be a good idea for you. Helps with the run down feeling.

Might want to hold off on donating... If you're not feeling well you don't want to be draining.

I'm already taking vitamin c with my iron every day. Is that the only thing in it is C?

Yeah, might try tomorrow or just wait until Wednesday since it's the day after heavy day.

That seems to be the been working long hours at physically demanding jobs along with training plus the stress in your general life. Hopefully things will start looking up for you soon.

One idea, have you looked into getting the felony expunged as some states have laws where you follow a process to expunge your record. If you have not gotten into any trouble since that time and have no other criminal matters on your record you should be able to petition the state to expunge your record. Why not check your state's law on this and if you got a lawyer friend maybe look into this.

Here is a site you can check:

Yes, already researched it extensively. I've still got a couple years before I'm eligible for it.
I'm already taking vitamin c with my iron every day. Is that the only thing in it is C?

Yeah, might try tomorrow or just wait until Wednesday since it's the day after heavy day.

Yes, already researched it extensively. I've still got a couple years before I'm eligible for it.
Figures that you have to have a certain amount of time pass before you can make that request so at least you now know at some point you can get that done. Getting that CDL for example can really help show you are making strides in bettering yourself and help make the case towards expungement.
Hey bro. I've had my battles with finances and ups and downs. You have the right attitude. Don't know when it will happen for you. But you will go for the bottom to the top. I'm not an overly religious man. But I believe in God and have faith. And your struggles, hard work and good deeds will be rewarded.

Meditate, pray, make a vision board.

Vision boards are all the things you want and see herself doing in life. Put something new on it weekly. Place somewhere that you will see it often and reflect on it pray on it. Shit will happen.

Just remember like this game off strength building and AAS use, life is a marathon. It's all how you finish and the people that you helped in one way or another through kind words or just listening to their problems.

Only one way to go and that's up brother. Keep climbing.

Thanks, brother. I'm definitely going to get there someday, somehow.
Thanks, brother. I'm definitely going to get there someday, somehow.
Anytime bro. You will. Struggle builds character. And once we get to where we want, we won't go back down, because of the character that was built through the struggle. And we know how it sucked not to have much.
Anytime bro. You will. Struggle builds character. And once we get to where we want, we won't go back down, because of the character that was built through the struggle. And we know how it sucked not to have much.

For sure. Definitely the kinds of experiences that provide better perspective on life.
Fuck. Sorry. I thought about posting it there and just put it here since I'd been talking about it.

Here, this is what I had for breakfast, it'll make you feel better.

View attachment 65557

Plain oatmeal with granola, Ezekiel toast, sausage and a banana.
Nah its all good;) But I am ready to crank the calories up soon:D Id do nasty nasty things for that pizza or some barbque nachos:oops:
I'm cranking mine up next week, too. I'm not looking forward to it though. I find bulking exhausting. :(
I can take in 6500 comfortably 8k if it doesnt have to be super clean:D maybe I'll do a blast of doom this coming winter test,deca,tren gram of each :p with 10k cals a day. If you have your CDLs by then you could perhaps lose a trailer full of groceries out my way;)
I can take in 6500 comfortably 8k if it doesnt have to be super clean:D maybe I'll do a blast of doom this coming winter test,deca,tren gram of each :p with 10k cals a day. If you have your CDLs by then you could perhaps lose a trailer full of groceries out my way;)

I can take in 5000-5500 calories fairly comfortably. 6k or more makes me hate life.