Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total


Chin ups 5x13

Hamstring curls 5x10 with 285

3 circuits of 40 reps each of bodyweight dips, plate shrugs and hammer curls with 15lb dumbbells. The pump from this is out of this world. Also, I'm certain I could do 50+ dips now.

Adductors and abductors with bands 3 sets of 20 reps on each side.

@Devil3 I guess it was decided this information was useless, but I'm a man of my word. BP before draining a pint of blood was 131/78 and BP after was 133/77. Really didn't make any difference. I'm on 875mg test cyp, 700mg tren ace and 350mg mast prop a week and 2iu ED of HGH at the moment FYI.

That's interesting! Thank you very much for following up, I've always wanted to know and you've crushed that itch!

Can do a set of 50 dips? Damn

I can hit 45ish with a straight back. 50 is BEAST @Perrin Aybara

Couple sets of 20 with a 45 hanging between my legs gives me an insane pump
That's interesting! Thank you very much for following up, I've always wanted to know and you've crushed that itch!

I can hit 45ish with a straight back. 50 is BEAST @Perrin Aybara

Couple sets of 20 with a 45 hanging between my legs gives me an insane pump

Always glad to help where I can.

I've moved away from weighted dips due to elbow issues and sometimes shoulder pain. Just decided to see how far I could take bodyweight dips. Did 3x40 today.
Always glad to help where I can.

I've moved away from weighted dips due to elbow issues and sometimes shoulder pain. Just decided to see how far I could take bodyweight dips. Did 3x40 today.

I do variations with my dips

My last couple of sets ( usually get 4 sets in each time ) I sometimes do negatives. Decend very slowly until I'm down all the way or just before so there is constant tension, than place My foot on the foot rest to push myself back up and do it all over.

Love dips lol
That, is some serious serious bad luck! That must have hurt?! Did it happen going up or down?? How much weight were you pushin lol

Eccentric, about 3/4 of the way down to the bottom position.

Snapped like a pencil. Training partner heard it and looked over.

Weight was 120lbs @ 215lb bw for a 5 rep set I believe (memory might be off).

It was a weight I could hit on a shitty day, wasn't a PR.

Bad luck and my bone structure is not at all meant for that movement. I get it if you're some big ass farm boy but I have a small bone structure. Even the surgeons in the operating room commented on how tiny my bones were, one said it was like fitting a piece of a jig-saw puzzle.

Happened about 1 year ago. Only out for 5 weeks. Thank god for surgery. I would classify it as a minor set back because I surpassed both strength and size after that happened in very short order.

No complaining, just keep it moving forward.

Oh, and btw, the pain was some next level shit. Sometimes when I'm in training and there's a set that is really busting my balls, I imagine both arms breaking at the same time because of how visceral the memory still is. I can play the sound over in my head just thinking about it. You know, for that extra aggression to finish some of the more challenging sets. It works. Darkness always allows you to push yourself in training.
Eccentric, about 3/4 of the way down to the bottom position.

Snapped like a pencil. Training partner heard it and looked over.

Weight was 120lbs @ 215lb bw for a 5 rep set I believe (memory might be off).

It was a weight I could hit on a shitty day, wasn't a PR.

Bad luck and my bone structure is not at all meant for that movement. I get it if you're some big ass farm boy but I have a small bone structure. Even the surgeons in the operating room commented on how tiny my bones were, one said it was like fitting a piece of a jig-saw puzzle.

Happened about 1 year ago. Only out for 5 weeks. Thank god for surgery. I would classify it as a minor set back because I surpassed both strength and size after that happened in very short order.

No complaining, just keep it moving forward.

Oh, and btw, the pain was some next level shit. Sometimes when I'm in training and there's a set that is really busting my balls, I imagine both arms breaking at the same time because of how visceral the memory still is. I can play the sound over in my head just thinking about it. You know, for that extra aggression to finish some of the more challenging sets. It works. Darkness always allows you to push yourself in training.
I dont think ur bones are tiny....oh wait
Fuck. It doesn't take a surgeon to figure out that x-ray.

Had to rotate it a few times, but I figur
Eccentric, about 3/4 of the way down to the bottom position.

Snapped like a pencil. Training partner heard it and looked over.

Weight was 120lbs @ 215lb bw for a 5 rep set I believe (memory might be off).

It was a weight I could hit on a shitty day, wasn't a PR.

Bad luck and my bone structure is not at all meant for that movement. I get it if you're some big ass farm boy but I have a small bone structure. Even the surgeons in the operating room commented on how tiny my bones were, one said it was like fitting a piece of a jig-saw puzzle.

Happened about 1 year ago. Only out for 5 weeks. Thank god for surgery. I would classify it as a minor set back because I surpassed both strength and size after that happened in very short order.

No complaining, just keep it moving forward.

Oh, and btw, the pain was some next level shit. Sometimes when I'm in training and there's a set that is really busting my balls, I imagine both arms breaking at the same time because of how visceral the memory still is. I can play the sound over in my head just thinking about it. You know, for that extra aggression to finish some of the more challenging sets. It works. Darkness always allows you to push yourself in training.

That's knarly dude. Glad you can still lift well. Can't imagine the pain! Let alone the wait to the hospital etc lol respect man
Eccentric, about 3/4 of the way down to the bottom position.

Snapped like a pencil. Training partner heard it and looked over.

Weight was 120lbs @ 215lb bw for a 5 rep set I believe (memory might be off).

It was a weight I could hit on a shitty day, wasn't a PR.

Bad luck and my bone structure is not at all meant for that movement. I get it if you're some big ass farm boy but I have a small bone structure. Even the surgeons in the operating room commented on how tiny my bones were, one said it was like fitting a piece of a jig-saw puzzle.

Happened about 1 year ago. Only out for 5 weeks. Thank god for surgery. I would classify it as a minor set back because I surpassed both strength and size after that happened in very short order.

No complaining, just keep it moving forward.

Oh, and btw, the pain was some next level shit. Sometimes when I'm in training and there's a set that is really busting my balls, I imagine both arms breaking at the same time because of how visceral the memory still is. I can play the sound over in my head just thinking about it. You know, for that extra aggression to finish some of the more challenging sets. It works. Darkness always allows you to push yourself in training.
Damn that's some crazy shit.

Chin ups 5x13

Hamstring curls 5x10 with 285

3 circuits of 40 reps each of bodyweight dips, plate shrugs and hammer curls with 15lb dumbbells. The pump from this is out of this world. Also, I'm certain I could do 50+ dips now.

Adductors and abductors with bands 3 sets of 20 reps on each side.

@Devil3 I guess it was decided this information was useless, but I'm a man of my word. BP before draining a pint of blood was 131/78 and BP after was 133/77. Really didn't make any difference. I'm on 875mg test cyp, 700mg tren ace and 350mg mast prop a week and 2iu ED of HGH at the moment FYI.

Personally i wouldnt be even slightly worried with that BP. your on cycle and with that comes elevated BP , not for everyone but not at all uncommon.
Personally i wouldnt be even slightly worried with that BP. your on cycle and with that comes elevated BP , not for everyone but not at all uncommon.

Yeah, it's not too bad considering the gear I'm on. I'd just told @Devil3 I'd check it before and after draining a pint of blood because he was curious if it made any immediate difference. When I'm cruising my BP is perfect.
Eccentric, about 3/4 of the way down to the bottom position.

Snapped like a pencil. Training partner heard it and looked over.

Weight was 120lbs @ 215lb bw for a 5 rep set I believe (memory might be off).

It was a weight I could hit on a shitty day, wasn't a PR.

Bad luck and my bone structure is not at all meant for that movement. I get it if you're some big ass farm boy but I have a small bone structure. Even the surgeons in the operating room commented on how tiny my bones were, one said it was like fitting a piece of a jig-saw puzzle.

Happened about 1 year ago. Only out for 5 weeks. Thank god for surgery. I would classify it as a minor set back because I surpassed both strength and size after that happened in very short order.

No complaining, just keep it moving forward.

Oh, and btw, the pain was some next level shit. Sometimes when I'm in training and there's a set that is really busting my balls, I imagine both arms breaking at the same time because of how visceral the memory still is. I can play the sound over in my head just thinking about it. You know, for that extra aggression to finish some of the more challenging sets. It works. Darkness always allows you to push yourself in training.

this made me think of this Video at roughly 6:00 in. i recommend watching the whole video though. i used to listen to it while i was warming up to lift for a while. one of my favorite people in this industry.