Perrin Aybara's Journey to an Elite Powerlifting Total

Have you taken the new job into account when figuring maintenance calories?

Sounds like more calories are in order. A refeed day this weekend would probably do wonders.

All kidding aside, I'd consider dropping the HIIT on off days just until you're feeling a little "caught up".

I initially went up to 211, but I'm back to 210 on my current calories I upped this week. Was thinking I'd bump training days to 5500 next week to see if I'd start gaining again on that. Gonna switch to LISS, too.

I feel fucking terrible right now. Seriously thought I was going down for the count at the gym. Was sitting on the bench talking to my friend and it was like he was getting further and further away and his voice was fading. Not exaggerating at all. Scary shit.
feel fucking terrible right now. Seriously thought I was going down for the count at the gym. Was sitting on the bench talking to my friend and it was like he was getting further and further away and his voice was fading. Not exaggerating at all. Scary shit.
from the BP spike? Damn dude
So are you saying that adding EQ to a tren run helps with tren sides??
Have you tried this? I havent heard this so im really interested in hearing from someone that tried this.
When my friend and sometimes WO partner told me to do cardio while on tren, i thought he was crazy , but ill be damned if it didnt make a big difference. Felt so good that i almost stayed on for an extra month. But luckily i came to my senses and when my new batch showed up i fought the urge.
EQ won't help tren sides. But it might help keep your cardio from falling off the charts. Lol. Some claim Mast and Proviron help with tren sides. I don't know how true that is. I use proviron to get my free test numbers high. I don't get much sides from tren. All I get is some minor night sweats.

Guess I'm lucky in that respect. But I get all the gains from tren lol.
I feel fucking terrible right now. Seriously thought I was going down for the count at the gym. Was sitting on the bench talking to my friend and it was like he was getting further and further away and his voice was fading. Not exaggerating at all. Scary shit.

How much TNE did you pin?

Those high calorie days next week will help you, no doubt.

Get some good sleep tonight... That job you're working is probably hitting you harder than you think too, that's my bet. Just the amount of walking you're doing tells me you're probably burning calories like crazy... I dunno, when I feel strength slipping I eat a bunch, hasn't failed me yet.
How much TNE did you pin?

Those high calorie days next week will help you, no doubt.

Get some good sleep tonight... That job you're working is probably hitting you harder than you think too, that's my bet. Just the amount of walking you're doing tells me you're probably burning calories like crazy... I dunno, when I feel strength slipping I eat a bunch, hasn't failed me yet.
That's a good plan and so far it is working for me even during the time before pct. My strength has been holding very well in the 2 weeks since my last pin and very close to 315 on bench now.
from the BP spike? Damn dude

It's just speculation on my part, but it fits. Sudden pressure headache and almost blacking out. Another member told me he pinned 200mg of TNE and was getting tunnel vision and headaches.

Almost turned into a panic attack when realized I was about to faint. I notice my BP is a lot higher when I'm not getting enough sleep.

How much TNE did you pin?

Those high calorie days next week will help you, no doubt.

Get some good sleep tonight... That job you're working is probably hitting you harder than you think too, that's my bet. Just the amount of walking you're doing tells me you're probably burning calories like crazy... I dunno, when I feel strength slipping I eat a bunch, hasn't failed me yet.

Just 50mg of TNE and 12.5mg of superdrol. Probably wasn't even that as much as the lack of sleep and overextending myself physically for weeks on end.

I switching my HGH back to before bed to see if that helps with staying asleep. I fall right to sleep every night immediately, but I start waking up at about 2:30am and I'm restless and wake every few minutes from then until 5:30am when I get up. I'm also going to keep melatonin by my bed and take it the first time I wake up and hopefully it helps keep me asleep.
Having done the type of work your doing now....Id say your burning way more calories at work than your accounting for, just wait till July;)
Having done the type of work your doing now....Id say your burning way more calories at work than your accounting for, just wait till July;)

I'm planning on going to CDL school this summer. Not sure I'm willing to do this type of work for near minimum wage in the Midwestern summer. They'd have to bump me to like $11/hour for that.

Competition bench 335x3, 305x3, 305x3, 305x3, 305x3
Box squats 485x3 (PR), 435x3, 435x3, 435x3
One arm dumbbell overhead press 95x7 (PR), 95x5, 95x5, 95x5
I was a cable guy in central Florida for a while. The worst was the insulation. That stuff is miserable when it gets in your skin.
I ran duct work for a bit while working for a contractor :( fuck going under houses almost had to fight a possum o_O
BP was 139/77 just now, pulse 88. This was after a huge dinner and a half dozen "cuff error" messages where I had to take it off and adjust it. I guess it's not too bad. Been taking 5mg of Lisinopril ED this week, gonna bump it to 10mg ED. Also taking 10mg of Cialis ED. My resting pulse always seems way too high, 70's is as low as it ever gets.
I'm planning on going to CDL school this summer. Not sure I'm willing to do this type of work for near minimum wage in the Midwestern summer. They'd have to bump me to like $11/hour for that.

Im shocked at those wages ,Must be cheap livin where you are.
I think walmart starts at 16-18$ an hr here , but cost of living here is pretty damn high. Still seems it would be pretty tough to get ahead on 11$ an hr.
Im shocked at those wages ,Must be cheap livin where you are.
I think walmart starts at 16-18$ an hr here , but cost of living here is pretty damn high. Still seems it would be pretty tough to get ahead on 11$ an hr.

I make $9/hour right now. I live a pretty simple life though. I have enough extra for gear and that's about it. I own my car and my place outright (If I could ever get enough good weather to finish it and move in) and that puts me ahead of the game compared to other poor people. $18/hour would be life changing income for me. Can't even imagine what that would be like to make that much money.
I make $9/hour right now. I live a pretty simple life though. I have enough extra for gear and that's about it. I own my car and my place outright (If I could ever get enough good weather to finish it and move in) and that puts me ahead of the game compared to other poor people. $18/hour would be life changing income for me. Can't even imagine what that would be like to make that much money.
I like simple too. Less stress and easier that way. Good luck on the CDL if you go thru with it. I thought about it but I don't want to do long distance driving.
Finished the session strong. I think I've just been going too hard lately. I'm averaging 25 miles a week in steps at work, been hauling around eight foot tall solid wood doors at work my myself, knocking out concrete walls with a sledgehammer, doing 20 minutes of HIIT on all my off days plus hitting the weights hard. Not been sleeping well at all this week, probably the tren. Maybe I'm just burned out a bit. Ended up getting a crazy headache at the end just now and thought I was going to black out. I think I spiked my BP pretty hard. Not going to touch the sdrol anymore this cycle. Wouldn't want to see what my BP was.

Just got caught up and I definitely think it was a case of you going too hard lately. I would suggest backing off a little on the deads. 4x5 at 515 not all that long after testing your maxes along with all of the physical labor is going to take a toll on your CNS.

Numbers are very strong. Back off a bit and I'm confident your strength will rebound quickly. I wouldn't worry about backing off benching unless your shoulders or elbows start to bother you as I know from a lot of experience the body can and will adapt to lots of heavy benching.
I make $9/hour right now. I live a pretty simple life though. I have enough extra for gear and that's about it. I own my car and my place outright (If I could ever get enough good weather to finish it and move in) and that puts me ahead of the game compared to other poor people. $18/hour would be life changing income for me. Can't even imagine what that would be like to make that much money.
I like you but this small thinking is going to keep getting you small results. Theres tons of rich motherfuckers in my area that buy their rich fuckin kids expensive things and a life of luxury before they even know what real sacrifice is and real hard work is. Land em a nice cozy job in the real world all the while their stupid kid parties their way thru college and now has a degree that says " they know what their talking about". They have it all set up and did next to nothing to get it. Then theres Perryin...working for a poverty wage chasing his dream physique and strength goals. Making by on boiled chicken assholes and pb&j sammiches. Thats the salt of the earth mother fucker right there. Kinda dude i respect. The kind of dude that walks it like he talks it and has the motivation to lift heavy ass shit and put his body thru hell but cant for the life of him translate that shit to real world skills. Cmon man! Its inside you. Thats the FUCKIN ESSENCE of what we do! Lifting is designed to make us achieve. Its designed to make us push. What your doing is unsustainable. Get off your ass and make a change. These cock suckers dont deserve you. Better fix it now than fix it later when you cant or your boxed in a corner. Go for broke. Dont trust your govt and dear old obama to help you out of this mess. I know your better than that. Lets see it
I like you but this small thinking is going to keep getting you small results. Theres tons of rich motherfuckers in my area that buy their rich fuckin kids expensive things and a life of luxury before they even know what real sacrifice is and real hard work is. Land em a nice cozy job in the real world all the while their stupid kid parties their way thru college and now has a degree that says " they know what their talking about". They have it all set up and did next to nothing to get it. Then theres Perryin...working for a poverty wage chasing his dream physique and strength goals. Making by on boiled chicken assholes and pb&j sammiches. Thats the salt of the earth mother fucker right there. Kinda dude i respect. The kind of dude that walks it like he talks it and has the motivation to lift heavy ass shit and put his body thru hell but cant for the life of him translate that shit to real world skills. Cmon man! Its inside you. Thats the FUCKIN ESSENCE of what we do! Lifting is designed to make us achieve. Its designed to make us push. What your doing is unsustainable. Get off your ass and make a change. These cock suckers dont deserve you. Better fix it now than fix it later when you cant or your boxed in a corner. Go for broke. Dont trust your govt and dear old obama to help you out of this mess. I know your better than that. Lets see it

I agree with 95% of what you are saying here Trukk. But the one thing I will say is I've noticed in life when I guy busts his ass and doesn't complain someone usually takes notice and will give him a chance to advance.

I have a feeling that is what is going to happen with Perrin. Can't say exactly when or where but i think it will happen and our friend will take advantage of the opportunity he is given.
I agree with 95% of what you are saying here Trukk. But the one thing I will say is I've noticed in life when I guy busts his ass and doesn't complain someone usually takes notice and will give him a chance to advance.

I have a feeling that is what is going to happen with Perrin. Can't say exactly when or where but i think it will happen and our friend will take advantage of the opportunity he is given.
Waiting for some thing good youll be waiting a long time
Gotta be a savage these days. And its high time he started acting like it