Perrin Aybara
The bench single at 365lbs moved a little better and was about RPE 8, but still way harder than it should be. Sets felt hard too. Don't know what's going on with bench, but I'm super weak on it lately. Maybe just the lack of sleep and being on a blast before compensated for it. Maybe not enough flat bench volume and too much pressing intensity.
Just gotta get through this week and I'll have time to sleep again. The brain fog from it is getting terrible. Today I lost my wallet before going to the gym and had put it in my gym bag without realizing it. A couple days ago I locked my garage with the only keys to the garage inside and had to break the door down. Last week bought a car wash with filling up my gas and left the receipt with the car wash code at the pump. Have left out tons of lunch meat and Fairlife milk to go bad lately too.