Pharmacom - Basicstero selectively scamming?


New Member
So I had bought Anavar from Pharmacom -Frank a while ago and didn't pay attention to the details. After reading few people testing their Anavar and finding out it's fake. I decided to take a better look at my anavar boxes, and here's what I found.

Both boxes are from Pharmacom, but they have a different sticker. Also the expiration date is printed with the box and shows that they're from the same batch... so it's not like they decided to print on different boxes. If you pay attention you will see differences in the stamp, the 'Original product" - watermark stamp on the top right corner and on the front box pink vs orange Oxandrone. These findings show that there's two different Anavars being sent out by Pharmacom-Frank for internal differentation between fake and possibly real.

Second Pic

Third pic
So I had bought Anavar from Pharmacom -Frank a while ago and didn't pay attention to the details. After reading few people testing their Anavar and finding out it's fake. I decided to take a better look at my anavar boxes, and here's what I found.

Both boxes are from Pharmacom, but they have a different sticker. Also the expiration date is printed with the box and shows that they're from the same batch... so it's not like they decided to print on different boxes. If you pay attention you will see differences in the stamp, the 'Original product" - watermark stamp on the top right corner and on the front box pink vs orange Oxandrone. These findings show that there's two different Anavars being sent out by Pharmacom-Frank for internal differentation between fake and possibly real.
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Second Pic
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Third pic
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Very interesting post @Smooli. I wonder why they would send you one of each though. Seems like this kind of thing would be easily noticeable (as it was for you). Were they from separate orders? Did you Labmax either of them? Would be interesting to see one from each box Labmaxed.
I'm not sure how one can come to conclude selective scamming from packaging differences. Have you even ran the product?
After being involved with a printing company in the past, it doesn't surprise me that there can be two differing colors on the boxes. Uneven ink levels and different ink manufacturers between the printing runs for boxes can easily account for this. As for the stickers, they just look like they have come off of the adhesive rolls in different locations in regards to the printing process of the respective rolls they were removed from.

My opinion means nothing but there doesn't appear to be a smoking gun hiding in these boxes.

If you think it's fake, labmax it or get them tested. Anything else is not reasonable grounds for calling a product fake. Labmax is even highly open for scrutiny.

And as requested earlier in the thread, supply links to these fake anavar test results if you're going to mention them.
After being involved with a printing company in the past, it doesn't surprise me that there can be two differing colors on the boxes. Uneven ink levels and different ink manufacturers between the printing runs for boxes can easily account for this. As for the stickers, they just look like they have come off of the adhesive rolls in different locations in regards to the printing process of the respective rolls they were removed from.

My opinion means nothing but there doesn't appear to be a smoking gun hiding in these boxes.

If you think it's fake, labmax it or get them tested. Anything else is not reasonable grounds for calling a product fake. Labmax is even highly open for scrutiny.

And as requested earlier in the thread, supply links to these fake anavar test results if you're going to mention them.

I had a question mark in my title because I wanted to convey my uncertainty. I'm not sure myself. I might have been more biased toward them selectively scamming in my thread though, I admit.

The holographic sticker are actually different... I wasn't referring to their location. One of the holographic sticker is the Pharmacomp Logo, the 2nd is a tree. The watermark sticker that reads 'original product' is different as well (may be difficult to distinguish from the picture". The engraved pharmacom logo on the upper right corner is much more defined (on the with the actual pharmacom halographic sticker.)

Again, I'm not 100% sure if the other product is completely fake. I am raising questions regarding the different boxes. One being well designed and the 2nd poorly designed, yet both coming from the same batch date. To me, and perhaps some others, this may be alarming.
Very interesting post @Smooli. I wonder why they would send you one of each though. Seems like this kind of thing would be easily noticeable (as it was for you). Were they from separate orders? Did you Labmax either of them? Would be interesting to see one from each box Labmaxed.

I made two orders. They had a promotion where you get credit back after purchasing. So I made the 2nd order using the credit I had earned from my 1st order. Sadly and to be honest, I did not notice the difference when they arrived.
I made two orders. They had a promotion where you get credit back after purchasing. So I made the 2nd order using the credit I had earned from my 1st order. Sadly and to be honest, I did not notice the difference when they arrived.
Ty for clarifying. Makes more sense. How many months apart?
I had a question mark in my title because I wanted to convey my uncertainty. I'm not sure myself. I might have been more biased toward them selectively scamming in my thread though, I admit.

The holographic sticker are actually different... I wasn't referring to their location. One of the holographic sticker is the Pharmacomp Logo, the 2nd is a tree. The watermark sticker that reads 'original product' is different as well (may be difficult to distinguish from the picture". The engraved pharmacom logo on the upper right corner is much more defined (on the with the actual pharmacom halographic sticker.)

Again, I'm not 100% sure if the other product is completely fake. I am raising questions regarding the different boxes. One being well designed and the 2nd poorly designed, yet both coming from the same batch date. To me, and perhaps some others, this may be alarming.
Upon looking back, I see that the two boxes switched places between the second and third picture. Something which I had not noticed before. Honestly, only one sticker can be made out between the two pictures.

I just went and pulled out my boxes of anavar from basicstero and they don't even have any holographic stickers on them. I still see this as minor packaging differences and see no red flags from this.

Of course my opinion carries no weight. Everyone should still evaluate and form their own conclusions. ✌
Upon looking back, I see that the two boxes switched places between the second and third picture. Something which I had not noticed before. Honestly, only one sticker can be made out between the two pictures.

I just went and pulled out my boxes of anavar from basicstero and they don't even have any holographic stickers on them. I still see this as minor packaging differences and see no red flags from this.

Of course my opinion carries no weight. Everyone should still evaluate and form their own conclusions. ✌

I switched the boxes from one picture to another so you can see the affect of camera-flash on the holograms coming from different angles.

Ty for clarifying. Makes more sense. How many months apart?

Not too long, but again, the specific expiration date should provide batch date. Unless they are slapping the same expiration date, month, and year on things manufactured many days apart, which is poor practice.
I switched the boxes from one picture to another so you can see the affect of camera-flash on the holograms coming from different angles.

Not too long, but again, the specific expiration date should provide batch date. Unless they are slapping the same expiration date, month, and year on things manufactured many days apart, which is poor practice.
I could see them running out of their old packaging and transitioning to new packaging in the same batch. You wouldn't just throw out old packaging. You'd use it up until gone and transition. At least, that is what a good business would do.
I bought both these boxes of Rice Krispies at the same supermarket.
After reading that the Krispies were testing fake, I decided to take a closer look at the packaging and I realized the boxes were different. One says Snap, Crackle, Pop and the other one doesn't.
I think Kellogs is sending out fake Krispies when they go on sale and is only sending out the real Krispies when there not on sale. Lol...


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I bought both these boxes of Rice Krispies at the same supermarket.
After reading that the Krispies were testing fake, I decided to take a closer look at the packaging and I realized the boxes were different. One says Snap, Crackle, Pop and the other one doesn't.
I think Kellogs is sending out fake Krispies when they go on sale and is only sending out the real Krispies when there not on sale. Lol...
Last week, Amazon's drone dropped off fake condoms at my house!