MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

Thank you for sharing this info. I wqas not aware of this. that is unfortunate because it may cause a lot of confusion. I will keep this is mind when I trouble-shoot. Much appreciated, thanks
No worries. It was definitely a weird situation where the technically they were both correct. It sucks that WU would show funds received to the person sending but then cancel the transaction so the receiver couldn't pick it up. I can see how both parties were upset. Fortunately the sender was able to clarify what happened but only after an email when calling customer service didn't help. All the more reason to use crypto.
No you are never fucked :)
I think either you hit delete on accident when trying to view it OR it went too many days without the payment confirmed and expired. Either way, you have your order number and emails, and if it is found that your payment is confirmed (I am sure there is some WU record that can show this), I am confident @Pharmacom Labs will be able to take care of you.

IF you already have email convo going directly with the source, simply reach out to them and explian your concern regarding not seeing your order on your dashboard (give them the order number).
OR, simply use the "Contact Us" form on the source's site to send them a new message with your order number and concern.
Do not worry, it will get sorted out.

EDIT to add: I just remembered this and it may could also be why you do not see your order (from the Basicstero US Warehouse NEWS section today):

"2021-03-19 18:29:38
Dear customers,

within this weekend we are going to do warehouse revision. For this in order to calculate all our stock correctly we have to remove all pending not shipped orders from our site. Once revision is over in about 2-3 days we will restore pending orders.

best regards,"

Source of info (link in "code" box below):
Ah okay. I'm super relieved, I thought I was beat...Thanks a lot...I'll have to stay up to date on the new section from now on.

is a unique water-based drug manufactured by Pharmacom Labs. Pure trenbolone, not containing an ester, with an activity of only 3-4 hours, ideal as a powerful pre-workout.

Each milliliter of PHARMATREN 50 contains 50 milligrams of Trenbolone base.

Differences PHARMATREN 50:
+ Reduces the percentage of body fat and increases muscle relief.
+ Quickly increases strength.
+ There is no aromatization.
+ Acts stronger than the well-known pre-workout complexes.
+ Visibly builds muscle mass.
+ Increases secretion of insulin-like growth factor.

PHARMATREN 50 is a multifunctional and very effective drug, the strongest pre-workout stimulator that increases aggression and strength, for extreme loads, at an attractively low price.


is a unique water-based drug manufactured by Pharmacom Labs. Pure trenbolone, not containing an ester, with an activity of only 3-4 hours, ideal as a powerful pre-workout.

Each milliliter of PHARMATREN 50 contains 50 milligrams of Trenbolone base.

Differences PHARMATREN 50:
+ Reduces the percentage of body fat and increases muscle relief.
+ Quickly increases strength.
+ There is no aromatization.
+ Acts stronger than the well-known pre-workout complexes.
+ Visibly builds muscle mass.
+ Increases secretion of insulin-like growth factor.

PHARMATREN 50 is a multifunctional and very effective drug, the strongest pre-workout stimulator that increases aggression and strength, for extreme loads, at an attractively low price.

Any idea when the 200mg primo will be in stock for US domestic?
Is this a good source I'm seeing good and bad reviews & I'm confused at this point :(

I'm new using pharma grade test enanthane from doctor, should i stick to my doctor prescribed or pharmacom is legit as a back up in case if my doctor test gets delay in transit.
Is this a good source I'm seeing good and bad reviews & I'm confused at this point :(

I'm new using pharma grade test enanthane from doctor, should i stick to my doctor prescribed or pharmacom is legit as a back up in case if my doctor test gets delay in transit.

There is no perfect source. Every source has ups and downs. Do your research and make an informed decision.
Is this a good source I'm seeing good and bad reviews & I'm confused at this point :(

I'm new using pharma grade test enanthane from doctor, should i stick to my doctor prescribed or pharmacom is legit as a back up in case if my doctor test gets delay in transit.

Here are many analysis results on the source's site:

But I understand some may prefer results submitted from others, so you can also find anonymously submitted testing on the AL site:

As @MisterSuperGod already mentioned, no source is perfect or without risks (not even stuff you get from your doctor/prescription is infallible; after all, look at all the FDA recalls etc. and law suits on Big-Pharma over the years), so just do a lot of research and make your most fully informed choice possible -- there will always be some risks (like everything else in life).

Basicstero and Pharmacom have an excellent reputation that was earned from many years of thousands of satisfied customers and many good analysis results.
Please see the innovations section of the website (linked below) to learn more about the products:

Pharmacom Labs is a very popular brand in the world and as such many counterfeits do exist (s0 be careful and make sure you are purchasing genuine products) -- the fact others make copies is further evidence of how established the good reputation is of genuine Pharmacom products being some of the best products across the world.

If you order from Basicstero, then you can be confident you have genuine Pharmacom products because Basicstero is the only direct-from-manufacturer Pharmacom storefront.

Please, make sure to read all FAQ and terms on Basicstero's site so you are fully informed; also stay up-to-date by checking the NEWS section on the source's site for any changes to terms of important announcements.

Just to confirm Basicstero's correct website and URL for anyone that may read this, here are my personal referral links to the genuine Basicstero site (if you use these links to register, I may get some credit for my effort -- if you prefer not to, no problem and I am still here happy to help you):

• Basicstero World-Wide INTL:

• Basicstero USA Domestic:

Most of all time you time (I spent years learning and researching before I settled on the small number of few sources I use and trust).
We are all always learning and everyone still has room to learn more so do not even feel any pressure to rush etc.

Ok, I just stopped by to check online for minute; I need to get off the computer and take care of stuff (and spend time with family as I promised I would do on weekends).
I hope some of this may help you :) best wishes.
Usually, in most cases, my experience is that it only stays on that steps for a short time such as a few days to one week.

However, it may vary greatly with no consistency or predictablity in system; i have seen some only be there for less than one day but others take multiple weeks (such as the exmaple of my own pack I showed previously that stayed for a month in customs then updated and moved without any issues -- pic below).

That was a personal example of one of my own that i saved a screenshot but I have seen others examples that took even longer (I think someone recently mentioned successfully receiving one that was held for multiple months) and still made it without any sign of being opened or any problems -- so you still have a good chance it arrives.

Until you receive a letter from customs/homeland-security (proff it was seized) there is always a chance it is simply delayed and will still arrive.

With that said, in general it seems that the ones that take over a week or two in customs usually have a higher seizure rate. I feel that if it sits for over another week, while it may still move later, there is a realistic chance it has been seized.
In addition, some points of entry are worse than others. From what I have seen, NY and Miami seem to be lower seizure rate, while Chicago seems to be the worst, for instance; take the point of entry into consideration if trying to predict the likleyhood of whether or not it was sezied.

I am waiting on a couple new packs myself and they seem to be delayed a bit (not delayed from the source, I mean the postal system has them); hopefully we all get update and they move soon.

Remember, Basicstero will give a one free re-ship with proof of seizure so while the delay is inconvenient, the source eats the cost for another try and at least you may not be out the value if the re-ship is a success.
My order from W2 has had no movement since 02.28.21 coming to the states.
Has anyone received any orders recently from w2 ?
Unfortunately, I received seizure letters for my orders from W2 placed back in early Feb. I will say they've been good about communication and have begun the process of reship. I'll update status once the reship is confirmed.
@RThoads Hey brother do you know when US Domestic orders will be sent?My WU payment was picked up almost 4 days ago, no confirmation or tracking number or anything.
Sometimes it doesn’t update. I’ve had an order say pending but found a pack on the informed delivery app that was already in transit.
Sometimes it doesn’t update. I’ve had an order say pending but found a pack on the informed delivery app that was already in transit.
Thanks for the feedback, unfortunately for me there is nothing to even update. My order disappeared from basicstero because they're doing some sort of "warehouse revision". I was told my order would be restored today but it wasn't. Regardless, basicstero says "For the USA Domestic section: we provide tracking number within 48 hours as a rule". Nervous as fuck that my order is lost.
My order from W2 has had no movement since 02.28.21 coming to the states.
The question and reply you saw (quote below) was regarding a specific step of being in US customs. Not overall time. The other guy was asking about the typical time a pack sits in customs.
Usually, in most cases, my experience is that it only stays on that steps for a short time such as a few days to one week.

However, it may vary greatly with no consistency or predictablity in system; i have seen some only be there for less than one day but others take multiple weeks (such as the exmaple of my own pack I showed previously that stayed for a month in customs then updated and moved without any issues -- pic below).

That was a personal example of one of my own that i saved a screenshot but I have seen others examples that took even longer (I think someone recently mentioned successfully receiving one that was held for multiple months) and still made it without any sign of being opened or any problems -- so you still have a good chance it arrives.

Until you receive a letter from customs/homeland-security (proff it was seized) there is always a chance it is simply delayed and will still arrive.

With that said, in general it seems that the ones that take over a week or two in customs usually have a higher seizure rate. I feel that if it sits for over another week, while it may still move later, there is a realistic chance it has been seized.
In addition, some points of entry are worse than others. From what I have seen, NY and Miami seem to be lower seizure rate, while Chicago seems to be the worst, for instance; take the point of entry into consideration if trying to predict the likleyhood of whether or not it was sezied.

I am waiting on a couple new packs myself and they seem to be delayed a bit (not delayed from the source, I mean the postal system has them); hopefully we all get update and they move soon.

Remember, Basicstero will give a one free re-ship with proof of seizure so while the delay is inconvenient, the source eats the cost for another try and at least you may not be out the value if the re-ship is a success.
Is there anything on your tracking that shows it is in the possession of customs or even in the USA?

IF yours is just in route and travaling (has not entered customs inspection) it sounds like it is still normal time-frame for international travel even before cv-19 delays and does not mean there is an issue.
Unless you see that your pack is in customs (literally says customs on tracking) OR at least has entered the USA (it will say ICS "US city xyz etc"), most likley it is simply still travling to the USA and not seized.

I have never had issues in the past. This time seems out of the ordinary. We shall see, approaching a month.
A month would be the min shortest time-frame I have ever seen a W2 pack land. A month or less from W2 is almost unheard of (I think I have seen maybe 2 or 3 take less than 4 weeks, but extremely rare).
So I wouldn't worry yet or think there are any issues. 4 to 6 weeks was normal before CV-19 when all ran very smooth; things seem to take longer around the world now.
Most likely, it has not even been accepted into an USA ISC yet.
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