MESO-Rx Sponsor Pharmacom Labs officials and our store

My payment was blocked by WU and all I wanted to know was the next step in order to get it paid. No email response from pharmacom, so I kind of got fucked and missed out on the 50% off. Sucks.

I would Probably order again, but I'm going with BTC next time.

Glad to hear some packs are arriving and SOME members issues are getting handled.
My payment was blocked by WU and all I wanted to know was the next step in order to get it paid. No email response from pharmacom, so I kind of got fucked and missed out on the 50% off. Sucks.

I would Probably order again, but I'm going with BTC next time.

Glad to hear some packs are arriving and SOME members issues are getting handled.

I tried emailing pharmacom the other day and 2 days later i get this message and this was for the info at int.basicstero. com

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification



Delivery to the following recipient has been delayed:

Message will be retried for 1 more day(s)
I've never used WU before, then again this is my first transaction. It was a pain in the ass for me to figure out bitcoin, but I'm glad I did and highly recommend it. It's definitely worth taking the time and headaches, if any.:)
I've never used WU before, then again this is my first transaction. It was a pain in the ass for me to figure out bitcoin, but I'm glad I did and highly recommend it. It's definitely worth taking the time and headaches, if any.:)

I tried messing around with btc but circle took 5 days to get btc i bought and btc wallet takes 6 days. Do you prebuy the btc before you mske your order or is there a way to buy btc and get them sooner?
How do I know? You've made statements on Meso in the past referencing American law, and you use American vernacular in your written communications.

Also, you reuse your username on sites like Meso and Eroids:

calli4644 - Google Search

Here you are ordering from GorillaGear a US Domestic source.

calli4644 - Google Search

Here you are admitting to ordering and using oxandrolone, which is FEDERALLY scheduled as a Class III controlled substance:

PharmacomStore – Pharmacom Labs Official Distributor - Darius | Page 125 | MESO-Rx Forum

You wouldn't be the first brain dead person to think that law enforcement doesn't care about anabolic steroids. Of course they do. Operation Cyber Juice should have been eye-opening for anyone who thinks this game isn't dangerous.

Do you know how law enforcement catch-up to steroid sources? By intercepting raws/goods coming into the USA and then monitoring, or by busting a domestic user and tracing their purchase back to a supplier.

Now, more than ever, law enforcement does use the Internet, social media, and other information sources to piece together information about criminal activity online. The harmless information that someone posts about T/A along with shipping details can help law enforcement locate a source, track their raws, or confirm information they already have.

No, law enforcement doesn't have the ability to get everyone's IP or determine our location. Because some of us are careful in what we disclose or give purposefully misleading information to prevent our identify from being compromised.

I, for one, don't post anywhere using non-secure means. That signifies I either mask or clone my IP, use a VPN in a country that doesn't keep logs or comply with LE, or TOR while running TAILS.

You can say what you want, but you are talking out of your ass. I never said anything about you purchasing T3. I am referring to when you discussed your purchase of oxandrolone.

Not all of us are as intellectually challenged as you are, Mr. Keith Masterson.
Dude. Did you just post this guy's real name?
Of course not, but you did read my post right? I assume you did because you would have seen that I ordered before the bum rushing sale, even before Chinese New Years cutoff. All i'm looking for is a way to track my order. Simple.
Tracking number is emailed to you when dispatched and also available in your account page.
I tried emailing pharmacom the other day and 2 days later i get this message and this was for the info at int.basicstero. com

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification



Delivery to the following recipient has been delayed:

Message will be retried for 1 more day(s)

No idea what that means bro. My email looked a bit different.
I tried messing around with btc but circle took 5 days to get btc i bought and btc wallet takes 6 days. Do you prebuy the btc before you mske your order or is there a way to buy btc and get them sooner?

If you link your debit card to Circle, you should automatically get $300 worth of btc. That's what worked for me.
If you link your debit card to Circle, you should automatically get $300 worth of btc. That's what worked for me.
Its not "automatic" but it is instant and yes you can transact up to 300 per week. You can also request a limit increase with 3k the max they offer. It's best to start now so you can get your limit raised instead of trying it for the first time 5 mins after you've ordered.
Circle also allows you to keep your funds in usd to avoid btc fluctuations until you're ready to send.
Its not "automatic" but it is instant and yes you can transact up to 300 per week. You can also request a limit increase with 3k the max they offer. It's best to start now so you can get your limit raised instead of trying it for the first time 5 mins after you've ordered.
Circle also allows you to keep your funds in usd to avoid btc fluctuations until you're ready to send.

Yes, instant. That's what I meant. Lol
I tried messing around with btc but circle took 5 days to get btc i bought and btc wallet takes 6 days. Do you prebuy the btc before you mske your order or is there a way to buy btc and get them sooner?

I was in the same boat and I had made a big order so the way i figured around it was to have 2 wallets. CoinBase and Circle. Link up what you can to each Instant buy, once you do, send coins to your other wallet and now you have as much as your able to have at once to send. First time around I was able to get $600 now raised to 3k
I was in the same boat and I had made a big order so the way i figured around it was to have 2 wallets. CoinBase and Circle. Link up what you can to each Instant buy, once you do, send coins to your other wallet and now you have as much as your able to have at once to send. First time around I was able to get $600 now raised to 3k
Just curious, how much are the fees to buy 300.00 in bitcoins.