In one day, we have 3 mesorx's members having suspicion that his gear is actually bunk. This proves that even lab tests aren't as reliable as you think. Pharmaqo's products tested almost perfect only the 2.5 mg var was off. With that being said, good luck with getting quality gear online not mentioning god knows what we are injecting into our body. Walking up to a random jacked dude in the gym and asking him would be my new go to. At this point, lets just pray that whatever we injected into our bod would eventually be metabolized. Humans are strange creatures ... knowing the risk and consequences involved, we still push our limits sending hundreds and thousands of dollars to a stranger laughing his ass off behind his screen just to satisfy our desire. I guess MRPQ is a step ahead than most of us. Pretty dam smart to even make sure that 1 of his product (he chose the least in demand var 2.5mg)tested slightly off the dosage recommendation to make it seem more reliable and trustworthy.