Poor Gains on Cycle and What to Do


New Member

I started my cycle a month and a half ago - Test E 250, Deca 250 (Nandrolone Decanoate), and Dianabol. A little more than a week into the cycle, I was at the doctor's office for an unrelated matter, and my blood pressure was at an unhealthy level and my heart rate was the highest that I've ever seen. I assumed that it was the Dianabol, so I cut it off. I had some left-over Winny from another cycle, so I finished out the oral portion of the cycle with that and have continued with Test and Deca.

The overall results of the cycle are poor compared to other cycles. This is probably my 4th cycle. My musculature is not as tight and firm and I weigh less. To make matters worse, I think that I've begun losing additional hair on the top of my head. The lack of gains is intimately related to my appetite, which has been totally lacking. That I don't understand - I'm never really hungry and am
forcing myself to eat.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated about how to end this cycle on a positive note and how I should plan for future ones without having this repeated.

Thanks in advance for your help.
The lack of gains is intimately related to my appetite, which has been totally lacking. That I don't understand - I'm never really hungry and am
forcing myself to eat.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated about how to end this cycle on a positive note and how I should plan for future ones without having this repeated.
I think you know what's wrong
You have a poorly laid out diet and you are suffering from it
The lack of gains is intimately related to my appetite, which has been totally lacking. That I don't understand - I'm never really hungry and am
forcing myself to eat.

Kind of sounds like you may have answered your own question in a way. Whenever anyone posts a thread like this, asking why they've seen gains stop, the root cause almost always comes back to one thing - diet.
What should you do if you're not hungry though? On other cycles, I've been downright voracious. I eat everything in sight. Lol.
Keep in mind that every cycle is limited to how much gain you can achieve without adding tons of fat. That's why you should aim for gains in the long term rather than every cycle or you will be disappointed. Patience, planning and persistence.
You are on a cycle. Everything will be off. Bp, heart rate and liver enzymes will be fucked up. Don't go to the doctor complaining of symptoms that suggest you are using illicit drugs unless you are having an MI or a stroke.
I have recently started taking a blended meal to work. So much easier to get it down. Normally I would take 3 prepped meals to see me through an 8 hour shift. Most times I would miss the 2 or 3 meal because I just couldn't bear the thought of eating it in the 15 mins I get. Blend a meal for the win. Always goes down smooth :)
you will make your most gains on your first cycle , by your fourth cycle your gains will be much less that's the way it is your not going to gain 25 pds like on your first cycle if it workred that way we would all weigh 400 pds at 8 percent bodyfat.
you will make your most gains on your first cycle , by your fourth cycle your gains will be much less that's the way it is your not going to gain 25 pds like on your first cycle if it workred that way we would all weigh 400 pds at 8 percent bodyfat.
What kind fo liquid meals are you making? I have the same problems but have never tried doing that, the most ive made is green superfood with protein and bananas
400 @8% sounds gnarly as fuck haha
you will make your most gains on your first cycle , by your fourth cycle your gains will be much less that's the way it is your not going to gain 25 pds like on your first cycle if it workred that way we would all weigh 400 pds at 8 percent bodyfat.