Possible to build muscle on 1000 calories / day? I think so.

Dont forget though bro, GH and androgens cause intramuscular water retention and glycogenesis. Basically they make your muscles swell up with water and glycogen inside them. This can result in fairly rapid “muscle gains” even if you were eating way below maintenance calories. But much of that muscle gain will disappear after stopping use as its just temporary.

This intramuscular water retention can give the impression your making muscle gains in a steep deficit, and while you probably are as your body will get calories from its fat reserves, dont buy into the hype of the intramuscular water retention. The onLy true gauge of your muscle growth progress will come after you get off the cycle and see what you can actually retain, as your probably going to lose a lot of the fullness post-cycle.

It seems like this should be common knowledge, but the noobs need to hear it again and again.
I gotta admit, I'm curious. I had to do it the old fashion way walking up hill both ways in the snow barefoot listening to habib's workout tips on cassette tape
I didn't notice rapid weight loss on semaglutide. Not like what other people claim. It's like when you start a diet. "Oh I lost x y z in the first week."

I noticed a lb a week weight loss and I still notice muscle gain on my cruise dose.(I finished my first cycle right after that)
I know everyone is flooding you with advice but for real... The fastest healthiest thing you could do is get a new ozempic pen and just start eating and lifting weights. I've tried everything and there's nothing faster for losing weight than semaglutide. I mean I would just say eat healthy and lift for the next year but I can tell you're in a hurry to drop some weight that's the only reason I'm recommending the ozempic.
will definitely look into it ! never heard of this before.
Go To Introduction for more detail [cites] Lean mass sparing in resistance-trained athletes during caloric restriction: the role of resistance training volume - European Journal of Applied Physiology

[OA] Roth C, Schoenfeld BJ, Behringer M. Lean mass sparing in resistance-trained athletes during caloric restriction: the role of resistance training volume. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2022 May;122(5):1129-1151. doi: 10.1007/s00421-022-04896-5. Epub 2022 Feb 11. PMID: 35146569. Lean mass sparing in resistance-trained athletes during caloric restriction: the role of resistance training volume - European Journal of Applied Physiology

Many sports employ caloric restriction (CR) to reduce athletes' body mass. During these phases, resistance training (RT) volume is often reduced to accommodate recovery demands. Since RT volume is a well-known anabolic stimulus, this review investigates whether a higher training volume helps to spare lean mass during CR.

A total of 15 studies met inclusion criteria. The extracted data allowed calculation of total tonnage lifted (repetitions × sets × intensity load) or weekly sets per muscle group for only 4 of the 15 studies, with RT volume being highly dependent on the examined muscle group as well as weekly training frequency per muscle group.

Studies involving high RT volume programs (≥ 10 weekly sets per muscle group) revealed low-to-no (mostly female) lean mass loss. Additionally, studies increasing RT volume during CR over time appeared to demonstrate no-to-low lean mass loss when compared to studies reducing RT volume.

Since data regarding RT variables applied were incomplete in most of the included studies, evidence is insufficient to conclude that a higher RT volume is better suited to spare lean mass during CR, although data seem to favor higher volumes in female athletes during CR.

Moreover, the data appear to suggest that increasing RT volume during CR over time might be more effective in ameliorating CR-induced atrophy in both male and female resistance-trained athletes when compared to studies reducing RT volume.

The effects of CR on lean mass sparing seem to be mediated by training experience, pre-diet volume, and energy deficit, with, on average, women tending to spare more lean mass than men. Potential explanatory mechanisms for enhanced lean mass sparing include a preserved endocrine milieu as well as heightened anabolic signaling.
Your return to MESO made my day! It's good to see you back posting relevant, on-topic evidence-based information :cool::D
I would drop the T3 as well
I’ve always been pretty meh on T3 in general. It doesn’t burn a ton of calories, tries to eat muscle as much as fat, isn’t cheap, and shoots hunger through the roof. I feel like it’s place is in bringing low T3 back up to regular numbers as a replacement dose, not as a tool in increasing calorie deficit. I also think it’s completely unnecessary in OP’s case and he really could be getting identical weight loss results with TRT a lot cheaper and with less detriment to his health.
I’ve always been pretty meh on T3 in general. It doesn’t burn a ton of calories, tries to eat muscle as much as fat, isn’t cheap, and shoots hunger through the roof. I feel like it’s place is in bringing low T3 back up to regular numbers as a replacement dose, not as a tool in increasing calorie deficit. I also think it’s completely unnecessary in OP’s case and he really could be getting identical weight loss results with TRT a lot cheaper and with less detriment to his health.

I had read a study that claimed all weight loss from using T3 was actually the result of muscle catabolism rather than fat loss.

Albeit participants in that study were not running AAS with the T3.
You can lose about 15 lb in 30 days on ozempic and Clen. Nothing else is really needed. Hell you could probably even ditch the clenbuterol but it does speed things up a bit.
you really are a fan of that ozempic..is it really that good as you say? shit is expensive

Since you are being safer I'll give you a legit response.
It's safe as fuck. I hated the constipation it gave me. I didn't even like drinking on it or consuming high fats. I didn't get the same satisfaction from fatty foods(weird).

Look at peptide sciences. Or one of the sources here.

I went from pharma semaglutide to peptide science. Didn't notice a difference from either.

The 3mg vial can be a 2 month run.
0.25mg x 4
Then 0.5mg x 4

Alot of the recent studies have been very promising for the general public. It's a game changer for diabetes and weight loss.

I think it pairs well with hgh because it increases natural insulin secretion for BG control