Possible to build muscle on 1000 calories / day? I think so.

lol brb i’ll be more politically correct next time I make a slur. everyone knows what I mean when I said indian gear. i’m not talking about the aztecs. and frankly i don’t give a damn what the cultural difference is to middle east ppl. they’re the same class IMO.
Holy hell you're retarded. Indians and Arabs are the same? What in the effing f?!

that said i think some of your allegiances are misguided and misplaced . that is all .. the same people you are butthurt about me commenting on would cut your throat and spit on your corpse and put it on bestgore.
Allegiances? My allegiance is to myself and my family.
Hey guys so from what i’ve read online it should be scientifically impossible for me to build muscle on 1000 cal per day.

Well I started this recomp cycle about 2 weeks ago, utilizing -

150mg test U (base trt) every 14 days
110mg test Prop EOD
HGH 4iu split into 2 doses (morn/afternoon)
Humulin R 8iu mon/tues/wed (sometimes less)

Here is my 2 week progress eating only 1000k cal per day or even a little less. I’ve lost fat and also built muscle insanely fast as you can see in my traps and chest/shoulders.

any input ? I just am not hungry at all since my stomach shrank when I started the cycle and almost gag when I eat anything besides protein shakes. I only eat like 1x per day usually post workout, always train fasted .
It depends on what the 1k Cal consist of marconutrient wise. You can build muscle if you consume adequate daily protein, enough to maintain protein synthesis, plus more to build muscle. Your body cant synthesize amino acids from stored fat or glucose. You can liberate stored bodyfat and glycogen for fuel, but not to build muscle. You need the building blocks. Following a 1,000 Calorie/day diet will work differently for everyone based on individual circumstances. If you consume enough protein you can build muscle, even while in a calorie deficit.

Your low calorie diet is aiding in fat loss, which makes your existing muscle appear more defined and prominent. Your metabolism will eventually adjust and make further fat loss harder, and muscle gain more difficult. Depending on your macros its hard to say whats going on. A zig zag approach of dieting is better to prevent your body from adjusting to lower calories. So consuming a deficit for 4-5 days, and then a surplus for 2-3 days.

Gear wise, Id recommend micro dosing a single ester testosterone EOD and your dosage seems really high for your circumstances. 250 mg/week is alot of testosterone (based on bloodwork), 500 mg may be excessive and a waste. 2-4 IU of HGH daily split into 2 administrations (fasted in am, and prebedtime) is a good dosage and the same dosage of insulin with your GH shots should counter potential insulin resistance. I would keep Insulin dosage low to prevent having to feed your insulin requirements with glucose.

You can lose fat quickly under the ideal circumstances, building muscle takes more time and effort. Nothing significant happens overnight or in two weeks. Consistency is key and it looks like you're doin great so far, so Id keep it going!
Your fasting is ridiculous and catabolic. You want to know why guys who have big muscles are ripped? It's because they have muscle. Don't even worry about your love handles or your gut. Build your frame first. Get strong. As you build muscle, you will start to see greater fat loss.
Yes, the more muscle tissue you have, the easier it is to further build muscle, and burn fat via metabolism.
lol brb i’ll be more politically correct next time I make a slur. everyone knows what I mean when I said indian gear. i’m not talking about the aztecs. and frankly i don’t give a damn what the cultural difference is to middle east ppl. they’re the same class IMO.

i’ll I will say about it is white americans are literally the only people to defend other cultures and races before their own and own people . you will NEVER see africans or asians in their home country bending over backwards like y’all do. just saying. they look out for each other and stick together , something is white people have been out of touch with for an entire generation now

that said i think some of your allegiances are misguided and misplaced . that is all .. the same people you are butthurt about me commenting on would cut your throat and spit on your corpse and put it on bestgore.
You genuinely have some white power notions going on with you don't you? No one's attacking you, we are calling you weird for using slurs, because it's weird.

In another of your comments you said Arabs and Indians are "in the same class" in your eyes. Do you actually think you are a class above anyone? You're obese and can't take advice lmfao. You are the epitome of western comfort. Fat happy and stupid.
You genuinely have some white power notions going on with you don't you? No one's attacking you, we are calling you weird for using slurs, because it's weird.
One of his handles in a forum made an allusion to 1488, he might legit have some notions of white supremacy so I'm not surprised, still, at this point dude is a living meme and this just add to the reasons to not take him seriously.
lol brb i’ll be more politically correct next time I make a slur. everyone knows what I mean when I said indian gear. i’m not talking about the aztecs. and frankly i don’t give a damn what the cultural difference is to middle east ppl. they’re the same class IMO.

i’ll I will say about it is white americans are literally the only people to defend other cultures and races before their own and own people . you will NEVER see africans or asians in their home country bending over backwards like y’all do. just saying. they look out for each other and stick together , something is white people have been out of touch with for an entire generation now

that said i think some of your allegiances are misguided and misplaced . that is all .. the same people you are butthurt about me commenting on would cut your throat and spit on your corpse and put it on bestgore.
I’m white, living in Asia, you’re 100% wrong.

Racist fucking lard arse.
To me the worst part isn't that he's racist or said a slur, it's that he thinks Indians and Arabs are the same. That's some next level retardation going on there.
I'm not really surprised to be honest. Idk why anyone would be. This guy isn't th brightest crayon in the box.
Just be careful of vitamin/nutrient deficiencies at that those calories, other than that you'll be fine if you're getting your protein and water. When you notice a deficiency it'll be almost too late, you'll feel like shit for a few weeks until it's fixed. I recommend Orange Triad for a good complete multi. Ran it for a whole year eating absolutely nothing but ramen packets and chicken breast so I swear by it! Had many vitamin deficiencies before then but none since.

At those low calories you would nuke your test if you were lean and natural but you're neither so should be fine there. Keep it up, looking forward to some good progress pics in a few months.
To me the worst part isn't that he's racist or said a slur, it's that he thinks Indians and Arabs are the same. That's some next level retardation going on there.
Some ppl honestly don’t know the difference. I feel bad for ppl that have this type of ignorance. Unfortunately I can relate to this in my past when it came to red dots and towel heads, till I found out that they weren’t the same at all…….

One was a push-start and one was a pull-start.
no racist here and would appreciate if everyone stopped talking about racism so the thread doesn’t get locked. I realize you’ll troll tho so oh well it may be locked anyway
Just be careful of vitamin/nutrient deficiencies at that those calories, other than that you'll be fine if you're getting your protein and water. When you notice a deficiency it'll be almost too late, you'll feel like shit for a few weeks until it's fixed. I recommend Orange Triad for a good complete multi. Ran it for a whole year eating absolutely nothing but ramen packets and chicken breast so I swear by it! Had many vitamin deficiencies before then but none since.

At those low calories you would nuke your test if you were lean and natural but you're neither so should be fine there. Keep it up, looking forward to some good progress pics in a few months.
Don't worry, he's not actually on 1000 calories
started melanotan 2 yesterday , can’t wait for tan gains . don’t like how it makes your stomach feel off for some hours after injection but it’s no big deal.

reduced my hgh to 1.4iu 2x per day for general health purposes, not blasting it like before.

I do want to get the ozempic and see what’s up with that but gotta wait till after all my bills and rent are caught up after this vacation . incoming weight check in to see how much of a fat fuck i was on vacation but most likely hovering around the same weight as I left
I do worry that you just got out of jail, and you're most definately on some kind of intensively monitored probation. Now you're injecting everything from testosterone to gh/hgh to insulin to melanotan and possibly ozempic soon. These aren't hard drugs but you're definately not averse to polypharmacy PED use.

Is there a drug problem you should be addressing here? PED use can trigger/exacerbate that. And how long before you land back in jail? Have you been sticking to your diet and taking care of yourself?
update getting crispier and flakier by the day, should I be a kfc or popeyes biscuit? theres also churchs biscuits that are infused with hooney. dont ask me how I know