Possible to build muscle on 1000 calories / day? I think so.

okay so we are gonna add tren ace 100mg every 3 days along with superdrol 10mg a day and goal is to bulk to 250lbs and to keep the same bodyfat the entire time . is this possible! it’s only like 25 lbs .
haven’t bought anything yet but i remember using this stack for a short time before my pee started turning dark and bp was high which made me end up dropping the drol. but i was strong as hell and also felt like shit most of the day.
okay so we are gonna add tren ace 100mg every 3 days along with superdrol 10mg a day and goal is to bulk to 250lbs and to keep the same bodyfat the entire time . is this possible! it’s only like 25 lbs .
haven’t bought anything yet but i remember using this stack for a short time before my pee started turning dark and bp was high which made me end up dropping the drol. but i was strong as hell and also felt like shit most of the day.
Serious question ... how old are you ?
okay so we are gonna add tren ace 100mg every 3 days along with superdrol 10mg a day and goal is to bulk to 250lbs and to keep the same bodyfat the entire time . is this possible! it’s only like 25 lbs .
haven’t bought anything yet but i remember using this stack for a short time before my pee started turning dark and bp was high which made me end up dropping the drol. but i was strong as hell and also felt like shit most of the day.
I feel like you're just trying to kill yourself in the slowest least effective means possible at this point.
okay so we are gonna add tren ace 100mg every 3 days along with superdrol 10mg a day and goal is to bulk to 250lbs and to keep the same bodyfat the entire time . is this possible! it’s only like 25 lbs .
haven’t bought anything yet but i remember using this stack for a short time before my pee started turning dark and bp was high which made me end up dropping the drol. but i was strong as hell and also felt like shit most of the day.
You shouldn’t be going anywhere near either of those compounds as your BF levels, think of the strain on your organs.

Forget this ridiculous idea of bulking whilst already 25-30% BF, get healthier, get leaner and then and only then consider stuff like tren and drol.

There’s a reason your pee went dark and BP exploded.
okay so we are gonna add tren ace 100mg every 3 days along with superdrol 10mg a day and goal is to bulk to 250lbs and to keep the same bodyfat the entire time . is this possible! it’s only like 25 lbs .
No. Not likely. Tren can help you transform some of that fat into muscle though.

So, assuming you're 25% bodyfat you have about 55 lbs of fat on you. That's way too much. You probably want to hold about half that much fat, and over 6 weeks you've lost 5-10lbs. And that's not bad but you haven't stuck to your diet and as an ex-con (probably with a drug problem) on probation you're injecting everything from testosterone to slin and gh. And the 2 things that could actually help you, clen and T3, you gave up on.

So if I were you and I was going to use those compounds, it would be with the goal of a recomp, and I'd adjust my diet accordingly. Why would a fat person want to put on more weight?
i’m not quitting on this cut fuck that… what if I implement the clen/t3 again and just low dose tren 150mg once a week with 180 test a week…I feel like this is the way.

you guys are right bulking rn would be foolish as I already breathe heavily sometimes doing normal tasks. but I think this revised program would be good
a lot of my munchies problem is also i smoke a lotttt of weed . I can do keto if i’m sober but if I smoke I get so hungry. not trying to make excuses but that’s what happens. I did start slipping last week but i’m gonna fix this and get back on track
i’m not quitting on this cut fuck that… what if I implement the clen/t3 again and just low dose tren 150mg once a week with 180 test a week…I feel like this is the way.

you guys are right bulking rn would be foolish as I already breathe heavily sometimes doing normal tasks. but I think this revised program would be good
250 tren per week with 40 mcg clen and 50 mcg T3 would get you cut up over a few months for sure but not if you're getting the munchies and grabbing for that bag of chips and skipping your workouts. And there are some deeper issues here that will inevitably lead to probation violations and a few more trips to jail.
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i’m not quitting on this cut fuck that… what if I implement the clen/t3 again and just low dose tren 150mg once a week with 180 test a week…I feel like this is the way.

you guys are right bulking rn would be foolish as I already breathe heavily sometimes doing normal tasks. but I think this revised program would be good
I really enjoyed low dose tren, but at a much lower BF.

once a week is dumb though, if you are going to use it (you shouldn’t) twice a week MINIMUM with tren E, otherwise your hormones will be all over the shop.
I already know how to do that it’s my discipline that slips sometimes and i eat snackies.
As someone who still have issues with this, unless you force yourself to not do it until you create the habit of not snacking or lowering your snacking by a lot, nothing will work.
It's not easy nor it's fast, but it's worth not only because it helps you have more control over your impulses but because it will help you achieve your goal.
Try to spend a day without snacking, then you go to 2 days, 3 days, 4 days and keep going until you lose the habit and if weed makes you hungry, consider stop smoking weed or lowering the amount you smoke, maybe smoke before your planned meals or something like that.
a lot of my munchies problem is also i smoke a lotttt of weed . I can do keto if i’m sober but if I smoke I get so hungry. not trying to make excuses but that’s what happens. I did start slipping last week but i’m gonna fix this and get back on track

No. Your munchie problem is a discipline problem. You don't want to change your life. You are content to be just an average jerkoff. But you know that this fitness life takes a little bit of craziness...you have to be a little different than the average jerk off. You know this already.

How disciplined can you get? Don't you want to prove to yourself that you can get disciplined? Don't you want to look back at yourself 10 years from now and be amazed at how you pushed yourself?

It's all up to you.
No. Your munchie problem is a discipline problem. You don't want to change your life. You are content to be just an average jerkoff. But you know that this fitness life takes a little bit of craziness...you have to be a little different than the average jerk off. You know this already.

How disciplined can you get? Don't you want to prove to yourself that you can get disciplined? Don't you want to look back at yourself 10 years from now and be amazed at how you pushed yourself?

It's all up to you.
It's such a wild juxtaposition in your posts. Sometimes it's great advice, sometimes it's about trannies. Duality of man. Respect