Prami for mood?

More or less interchangeable, however prami can fuck your stomach up.

Yeah I read that. I think if I use about .25mg or maybe even less starting out I'll be ok but if not then I know a guy who will take it off my hands. Just need something for this lethargic bs I'm feeling. Probly the EOD pins that's got me up and down.
ur thyroid levels could be low from tren too. im on 100mcg t4 30mcg t3 for the lethargy i get on 5iu gh ed and 600mg tren e
ur thyroid levels could be low from tren too. im on 100mcg t4 30mcg t3 for the lethargy i get on 5iu gh ed and 600mg tren e

My girl is on synthroid. Ever since she had our son her thyroid has been outta whack. i don't wanna steal her meds though. Lol but I'll look into that. Something's gotta give or I'm just gonna have to change this cycle up. Can't be walking around Pissed one day and droopy the next.
Like alpha said, start at .1mg and slowly up the dose from there. I used it on my 1st tren cycle, never noticed much except nausea if I took too much. Several tren cycles later I realized I'm fine without it.

Good luck though, I'm sure you'll be running it since I see you just ordered! Let us know how it goes.
Like alpha said, start at .1mg and slowly up the dose from there. I used it on my 1st tren cycle, never noticed much except nausea if I took too much. Several tren cycles later I realized I'm fine without it.

Good luck though, I'm sure you'll be running it since I see you just ordered! Let us know how it goes.

Will do! I have BW coming back in next couple days too so that will help me to know a little more.
Would this help with mood swings while running tren? My go to source is currently out of caber.

I really don't understand why people still believe D-2 agonists are needed or beneficial when cycling 19-Nor AAS.

The notion these drugs alter the effects of increased Prolactin bc of 19Nor use is "bro science" pure and simple.

Why is that? Bc 19Nors DO NOT INCREASE PROLACTIN LEVELS, period.

I really don't understand why people still believe D-2 agonists are needed or beneficial when cycling 19-Nor AAS.

The notion these drugs alter the effects of increased Prolactin bc of 19Nor use is "bro science" pure and simple.

Why is that? Bc 19Nors DO NOT INCREASE PROLACTIN LEVELS, period.


I think it's because most of the studies we have to go by are done on animals not humans. I personally think everyone's body reacts differently to a certain compound. One guy may lactate the next guy may just get a headache.

My problem is more than likely from the thyroid suppression. I didn't even think about that until alpha said something.

I've read studies that both supported it, and completely debunked the theory of tren raising prolactin levels.

I just want to feel better and that was the question. For all I know it's the test prop doing it to me. Or the fact that I'm running it EOD instead of ED. I should have been more clear of what im on rather than just blaming the tren.

If you have human studies I'd be interested to read them dr Jim. Thanks for the input.

Oh and btw it could be that I'm running voodoos prop lol. Maybe I'm just running tren and don't even know it. I had BW drawn last Friday but still no results back yet. I think those will give me a much better idea of what I need to do. I am also following up with my doc to get a
Full lab done. I always hit the damn reply button on accident before I'm done! Sorry about that
My girl is on synthroid. Ever since she had our son her thyroid has been outta whack. i don't wanna steal her meds though. Lol but I'll look into that. Something's gotta give or I'm just gonna have to change this cycle up. Can't be walking around Pissed one day and droopy the next.
tren effecting thyroid levels? How have I never read anything about that?

Tren will effect your mood. That's part of the price you pay. If you can't handle the mood swings, don't run tren. It's pretty simple.
tren effecting thyroid levels? How have I never read anything about that?

Tren will effect your mood. That's part of the price you pay. If you can't handle the mood swings, don't run tren. It's pretty simple.

I've run tren before and never had mood swings like this. I would equate this more with being on PCT and not on cycle as far as my mood goes. I don't wanna go to the gym but when I get there my workouts are awesome so definitely have some good tren. More vascular than I've been in a long time and dropping weight but not strength. But when I leave the gym it's back to being in a full on depression once my pump wears off.

Gotta get those bloods back to be sure. It could have absolutely nothing to do with the gear. I can't really know til I see my doc. But I was just trying to find something to bandaid it til I can get in to see him.
I've run tren before and never had mood swings like this. I would equate this more with being on PCT and not on cycle as far as my mood goes. I don't wanna go to the gym but when I get there my workouts are awesome so definitely have some good tren. More vascular than I've been in a long time and dropping weight but not strength. But when I leave the gym it's back to being in a full on depression once my pump wears off.

Gotta get those bloods back to be sure. It could have absolutely nothing to do with the gear. I can't really know til I see my doc. But I was just trying to find something to bandaid it til I can get in to see him.
I have had EXACTLY this, literally, exact. Your test is bunk, 100%! I was running bunk test with high tren. Once I threw good prop in, within a week, I was back.
I have had EXACTLY this, literally, exact. Your test is bunk, 100%! I was running bunk test with high tren. Once I threw good prop in, within a week, I was back.

I think u may be right. Only problem is I have no other prop on hand only test e and cyp so I may be in trouble lol
If you have studies that support 19 Nors RAISE serum prolactin levels I'd love to see them (if that is what your suggesting)

This notion that "everyone is different" is a copout often used to support unsubstantiated uses, side effects, or benefits of meds designed for a specific purpose.

Or some silly extrapolation used by UGL to justify why their AAS suck and others do not. We are not talking about ones phenotype such as hair or eye color but how the HUMAN genotype determines the outcome of SPECIFIC metabolic processes.

The fact is we ALL use the SAME pathways to metabolize drugs and the variance bt individuals for APPROVED drugs is small.

And although "differences" do exist in patients they are usually manifested as diverging SIDE EFFECTS compared to the norm.
(I'm not negating the difference in enzymatic expression noted bt patients, such as aromatase)

Now let's apply rationale thought to what your asking.

Here you are using a drug (or two) of UNKNOWN quality, content and concentration and they are obviously causing an undesirable adverse effect.

So you could add another drug such as Prami (believing the etiology is the result of YOU being different) which would likely only complicate matters OR you could discontinue that which is problematic your Tren and TT.

Of course if you inform the UGL of your problem, with their untested AAS, they well duplicate your belief we "are all different", as the copout I mentioned, and try to sell you another one of their unproven drugs.

So yep they are right many mates probably do "respond" differently to their drugs but that variance is the result of poor quality control rather than some yet to be discovered genetic alterations bt mates.

In fact many of us have an even more unpredictable response to placebos :)
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If you have studies that support 19 Nors RAISE serum prolactin levels I'd love to see them (if that is what your suggesting)

This notion that "everyone is different" is a copout often used to support unsubstantiated uses, side effects, or benefits of meds designed for a specific purpose.

Or some silly extrapolation used by UGL to justify why their AAS suck and others do not. We are not talking about ones phenotype such as hair or eye color but how the HUMAN genotype determines the outcome of SPECIFIC metabolic processes.

The fact is we ALL use the SAME pathways to metabolize drugs and the variance bt individuals for APPROVED drugs is small.

And although "differences" do exist in patients they are usually manifested as diverging SIDE EFFECTS compared to the norm.
(I'm not negating the difference in enzymatic expression noted bt patients, such as aromatase)

Now let's apply rationale thought to what your asking.

Here you are using a drug (or two) of UNKNOWN quality, content and concentration and they are obviously causing an undesirable adverse effect.

So you could add another drug such as Prami (believing the etiology is the result of YOU being different) which would likely only complicate matters OR you could discontinue that which is problematic your Tren and TT.

Of course if you inform the UGL of your problem, with their untested AAS, they well duplicate your belief we "are all different", as the copout I mentioned, and try to sell you another one of their unproven drugs.

So yep they are right many mates probably do "respond" differently to their drugs but that variance is the result of poor quality control rather than some yet to be discovered genetic alterations.

In fact many of us have an even more unpredictable response to placebos :)
Also, Jim, it's so important to emphasize your statement about unknown quality! It's also an UNKNOWN drug. Who knows if it's tren a 100mg/ml in that oil, or a mixture of (or lack thereof) various other chemicals?

However, I must give my anecdotal experience here, as it's uncannily similar to his. After bloodwork was done, in my situation, it was clear I was running genuine tren and bunk testosterone. The undesirable effects were diminished when the bunk testosterone was replaced with legit test P.

Also, mental responses such as these are so hard to generalize. Some people are more likely to have depressive states such as this, which can be further agitated by added trenbolone, even more so by not having legitimate testosterone to counteract the shutdown he's experiencing.