Prami for mood?

If you have studies that support 19 Nors RAISE serum prolactin levels I'd love to see them (if that is what your suggesting)

This notion that "everyone is different" is a copout often used to support unsubstantiated uses, side effects, or benefits of meds designed for a specific purpose.

Or some silly extrapolation used by UGL to justify why their AAS suck and others do not. We are not talking about ones phenotype such as hair or eye color but how the HUMAN genotype determines the outcome of SPECIFIC metabolic processes.

The fact is we ALL use the SAME pathways to metabolize drugs and the variance bt individuals for APPROVED drugs is small.

And although "differences" do exist in patients they are usually manifested as diverging SIDE EFFECTS compared to the norm.
(I'm not negating the difference in enzymatic expression noted bt patients, such as aromatase)

Now let's apply rationale thought to what your asking.

Here you are using a drug (or two) of UNKNOWN quality, content and concentration and they are obviously causing an undesirable adverse effect.

So you could add another drug such as Prami (believing the etiology is the result of YOU being different) which would likely only complicate matters OR you could discontinue that which is problematic your Tren and TT.

Of course if you inform the UGL of your problem, with their untested AAS, they well duplicate your belief we "are all different", as the copout I mentioned, and try to sell you another one of their unproven drugs.

So yep they are right, many of us have an unpredictable response to placebos :)

There will be no more ordering of anything from him I can guarantee u that. And replacements would be an insult so that's not happening either. Unless I wanted to pawn off shit gear to some unsuspecting acquaintance. And that's not my style.

I'm not gonna get into an argument about something I obviously know much less about than you. I agree that adding another drug could only make things worse.
I'll save the prami in case I ever get RLS I guess.

Hasn't this been a hot topic for a long time though? I mean it may very well be bro science but why do some guys report actually lactating on tren? This is not the case for me (mine is just mood) which could very well indicate that I have been on junk prop.

But it's still a very prominent belief that tren increases progesterone sides. All u need is Google to see that. Backing it up with full proof science is another story.
Also, Jim, it's so important to emphasize your statement about unknown quality! It's also an UNKNOWN drug. Who knows if it's tren a 100mg/ml in that oil, or a mixture of (or lack thereof) various other chemicals?

However, I must give my anecdotal experience here, as it's uncannily similar to his. After bloodwork was done, in my situation, it was clear I was running genuine tren and bunk testosterone. The undesirable effects were diminished when the bunk testosterone was replaced with legit test P.

Also, mental responses such as these are so hard to generalize. Some people are more likely to have depressive states such as this, which can be further agitated by added trenbolone, even more so by not having legitimate testosterone to counteract the shutdown he's experiencing.

Yes I am strictly talkin about how I feel. No itchy nips no lactating no gyno symptoms just an overall feeling of FML. Maybe I should just get a new girlfriend? Lol
Needless to say I am very anxious to see what my bloods look like. That for me will tell me everything I need to know, or nothing at all which means I get to wait til my doc appt.
I have had EXACTLY this, literally, exact. Your test is bunk, 100%! I was running bunk test with high tren. Once I threw good prop in, within a week, I was back.

I just started back on 250mg of test e I know for a fact is good. I don't really see any downside to that decision right now. I should have bloods early next week to see just how bunk that prop is. Even if it's not completely bunk I don't see a downside to adding some test e right now since I planned to cruise after this anyways.
If you have studies that support 19 Nors RAISE serum prolactin levels I'd love to see them (if that is what your suggesting)

This notion that "everyone is different" is a copout often used to support unsubstantiated uses, side effects, or benefits of meds designed for a specific purpose.

Or some silly extrapolation used by UGL to justify why their AAS suck and others do not. We are not talking about ones phenotype such as hair or eye color but how the HUMAN genotype determines the outcome of SPECIFIC metabolic processes.

The fact is we ALL use the SAME pathways to metabolize drugs and the variance bt individuals for APPROVED drugs is small.

And although "differences" do exist in patients they are usually manifested as diverging SIDE EFFECTS compared to the norm.
(I'm not negating the difference in enzymatic expression noted bt patients, such as aromatase)

Now let's apply rationale thought to what your asking.

Here you are using a drug (or two) of UNKNOWN quality, content and concentration and they are obviously causing an undesirable adverse effect.

So you could add another drug such as Prami to complicate matters OR you could discontinue that which is problematic your Tren and TT.

Of course if you inform the UGL of your problem, with their untested AAS, they well duplicate your belief we "are all different", as the copout I mentioned, and try to sell you another one of their unproven drugs.

So yep they are right, many of us have an unpredictable response to placebos :)
There will be no more ordering of anything from him I can guarantee u that. And replacements would be an insult so that's not happening either. Unless I wanted to pawn off shit gear to some unsuspecting acquaintance. And that's not my style.

I'm not gonna get into an argument about something I obviously know much less about than you. I agree that adding another drug could only make things worse.
I'll save the prami in case I ever get RLS I guess.

Hasn't this been a hot topic for a long time though? I mean it may very well be bro science but why do some guys report actually lactating on tren? This is not the case for me (mine is just mood) which could very well indicate that I have been on junk prop.

But it's still a very prominent belief that tren increases progesterone sides. All u need is Google to see that. Backing it up with full proof science is another story.

Well if you thoroughly investigate these lactating Lagomorphs you will almost always discover they have attributed their problem to what they have read, and ignore the fact they are also cycling some aromatizable AAS or using another PED that increases E-2 like HCG.

While it's true some serous nipple discharge may occur bc of an elevated Prolactin level, bonafided Gynecomastia does NOT occur absent the influence of E-2.

Now that's based on KNOWN evidence and I believe it's important for Meso members to know what is evidence based, rather than that which must be accepted bc of misinterpreted science such as "we all different"!

Finally I believe it's telling, those whom are often responsible for applying such "we are all different" nonsense to PEDs is those whom have the most to gain or lose, the UGLs that are selling them!
If you have studies that support 19 Nors RAISE serum prolactin levels I'd love to see them (if that is what your suggesting)

This notion that "everyone is different" is a copout often used to support unsubstantiated uses, side effects, or benefits of meds designed for a specific purpose.

Or some silly extrapolation used by UGL to justify why their AAS suck and others do not. We are not talking about ones phenotype such as hair or eye color but how the HUMAN genotype determines the outcome of SPECIFIC metabolic processes.

The fact is we ALL use the SAME pathways to metabolize drugs and the variance bt individuals for APPROVED drugs is small.

And although "differences" do exist in patients they are usually manifested as diverging SIDE EFFECTS compared to the norm.
(I'm not negating the difference in enzymatic expression noted bt patients, such as aromatase)

Now let's apply rationale thought to what your asking.

Here you are using a drug (or two) of UNKNOWN quality, content and concentration and they are obviously causing an undesirable adverse effect.

So you could add another drug such as Prami to complicate matters OR you could discontinue that which is problematic your Tren and TT.

Of course if you inform the UGL of your problem, with their untested AAS, they well duplicate your belief we "are all different", as the copout I mentioned, and try to sell you another one of their unproven drugs.

So yep they are right, many of us have an unpredictable response to placebos :)

Well if you thoroughly investigate these lactating Lagomorphs you will almost always discover they have attributed their problem to what they have read, and ignore the fact they are also cycling some aromatizable AAS or using another PED that increases E-2 like HCG.

While it's true some serous nipple discharge may occur bc of an elevated Prolactin level, bonafided Gynecomastia does NOT occur absent the influence of E-2.

Now that's based on KNOWN evidence and I believe it's important for Meso members to know what is evidence based, rather than that which must be accepted bc of misinterpreted science such as "we all different"!

Finally I believe it's telling, those whom are often responsible for applying such "we are all different" nonsense to PEDs is those whom have the most to gain or lose, the UGLs that are selling them!

I wasn't trying to be a dick man. Are there any studies in humans that show that there is no corelation between tren and prolactin?
To be clear I'm not being a sarcastic ass, I'm just curious?
All Ive seen is the study in Sheep.
There is an article from bill Roberts on here that says that it can't be for sure that the tren is not the cause in one case.
Basically saying that we may all be the same as to how our body's process the drug, but don't all handle externally introduced hormones the same way.

I'm not defending ugl's or saying that I have the answers but science isn't science unless it's questioned right?
I've run tren before and never had mood swings like this. I would equate this more with being on PCT and not on cycle as far as my mood goes. I don't wanna go to the gym but when I get there my workouts are awesome so definitely have some good tren. More vascular than I've been in a long time and dropping weight but not strength. But when I leave the gym it's back to being in a full on depression once my pump wears off.

Gotta get those bloods back to be sure. It could have absolutely nothing to do with the gear. I can't really know til I see my doc. But I was just trying to find something to bandaid it til I can get in to see him.
Most people have mood swings on tren. Let us know how the Prami works for you.
I am curious as well. However, I don't want to fuck with my dopamine if possible, and caber is expensive. Honestly, tren isn't for everyone. It's best to just be able to admit whether or not tren works for you.
I am curious as well. However, I don't want to fuck with my dopamine if possible, and caber is expensive. Honestly, tren isn't for everyone. It's best to just be able to admit whether or not tren works for you.

I ran prami on my first tren cycles...needless to say didn't do a damn thing. What does those in controlling your e2 in the first place.
Want to know how I handle the mood swings from tren?

I don't.

Nah, I actually am "high" most time being on tren. If i ever feel agitated or anything, I go take a hit. I smoke a bowl every night as well to off set the insomnia.

Yes my method may seem strange, but i'd rather smoke a herb than drop a research chemical or take some fucked up pharama drug ANY day.
I ran prami on my first tren cycles...needless to say didn't do a damn thing. What does those in controlling your e2 in the first place.
Want to know how I handle the mood swings from tren?

I don't.

Nah, I actually am "high" most time being on tren. If i ever feel agitated or anything, I go take a hit. I smoke a bowl every night as well to off set the insomnia.

Yes my method may seem strange, but i'd rather smoke a herb than drop a research chemical or take some fucked up pharama drug ANY day.

Agree 100%! I smoke every night but daytime is not an option for me. I think I definitely acted too quickly on the prami order but it didn't break the bank so live and learn on that one I guess.

Most likely it is going to be an issue with my prop but I will know soon enough
I ran prami on my first tren cycles...needless to say didn't do a damn thing. What does those in controlling your e2 in the first place.
Want to know how I handle the mood swings from tren?

I don't.

Nah, I actually am "high" most time being on tren. If i ever feel agitated or anything, I go take a hit. I smoke a bowl every night as well to off set the insomnia.

Yes my method may seem strange, but i'd rather smoke a herb than drop a research chemical or take some fucked up pharama drug ANY day.
Really? Bummer for me, weed on tren gives me anxiety and elevated heart rate. It's uncomfortable.
Really? Bummer for me, weed on tren gives me anxiety and elevated heart rate. It's uncomfortable.

Same for me bro! But the VA has me prescribed to klonopin for sleep and anxiety. So I take that then smoke and I'm good. But if I didn't have k's I'd probly be rushed to the hospital with the most sever panic attack ever from the first puff!

However if u can find some actual good bud from someone who knows how to grow they have strains that will decrease anxiety. Once u start smoking daily u can tell a huge difference between strains. It's weird.
But I lost my hookup from Cali cuz I moved so I'm conserving my good bud and hopefully I can find another guy like that before I resort to buying shit bud off the street.
But I lost my hookup from Cali cuz I moved so I'm conserving my good bud and hopefully I can find another guy like that before I resort to buying shit bud off the street.
In AZ we have dispensaries that actually sell some pretty good stuff. However, the edibles are a terrible idea to mix with tren.
In AZ we have dispensaries that actually sell some pretty good stuff. However, the edibles are a terrible idea to mix with tren.

Oh I don't touch the edibles! No sir! Lol

I do use a vaporizer which seems to not hurt my chest cuz that was one thing that had me fucked up was the tren making me gasp for breat sometimes then smoking on top of that. Bad idea!
In AZ we have dispensaries that actually sell some pretty good stuff. However, the edibles are a terrible idea to mix with tren.

Oh and btw I was able to get a bottle of prop from my buddy and I'm much better now! I think u had that shit pegged man. Thanks! The prami is still unopened.
Oh and btw I was able to get a bottle of prop from my buddy and I'm much better now! I think u had that shit pegged man. Thanks! The prami is still unopened.
Good. Make sure you're watching your est.

I knew that's what it was. I was there man.
Good. Make sure you're watching your est.

I knew that's what it was. I was there man.

Yeah I am still waiting on my BW they say 7 biz days which tomorrow will be the 7th biz day so I will be able to find out more where I'm at on that. I have aromasin and Adex on hand so I can fix it if it's high.
Yeah I am still waiting on my BW they say 7 biz days which tomorrow will be the 7th biz day so I will be able to find out more where I'm at on that. I have aromasin and Adex on hand so I can fix it if it's high.
How much test are you running?
How much test are you running?

For the BW I was just running 75-85mg ED of just prop but the day I got the blood drawn I came home and started the tren.
Now I'm running the tren 50mg ED and prop 100mg ED. I started test e last Friday at 250mg ew to make up for when this prop runs out.
For the BW I was just running 75-85mg ED of just prop but the day I got the blood drawn I came home and started the tren.
Now I'm running the tren 50mg ED and prop 100mg ED. I started test e last Friday at 250mg ew to make up for when this prop runs out.
At prop that high, I'd run adex at least .5mg EOD to be safe. Prop will kick in, thus aromatize, quickly.