Prami for mood?

At prop that high, I'd run adex at least .5mg EOD to be safe. Prop will kick in, thus aromatize, quickly.

I actually started exactly that today. Feeling a little bloated but then again me and my old lady went to casino this weekend and had some crown and cokes. Definitely regretting that!
I got some prami from my doctor a few years back when I had some elevated prolactin, started at .5mg every night and shortly after was running with 1mg every night, sans problems. Took some research prami last night at .5mg and had no issues so I took another .5mg based upon my previous experiences with the drug when it was prescribed... Fucking terrible idea. Got up in the middle of the night after not sleeping well at all to take a leak and ended up stumbling, nearly falling over just walking to the toilet, finished taking a leak and stumbled back into my bed, almost falling into my door frame like a severely intoxicated person and hit my bed like a ton of bricks... All the while thinking that I may not live through the night. I honestly felt poisoned.
Would this help with mood swings while running tren? My go to source is currently out of caber.

Dopamine agonists are certainly not something I would recommend as therapy for the emotional effects of any AAS. Why, bc when adverse effects from essentially any med occurs, the recommendation is almost always to LOWER the dose of the offending agent.

Adding another drug more often than not only complicates matters, esp when used as an "off label" indication
Dopamine agonists are certainly not something I would recommend as therapy for the emotional effects of any AAS. Why, bc when adverse effects from essentially any med occurs, the recommendation is almost always to LOWER the dose of the offending agent.

Adding another drug more often than not only complicates matters, esp when used as an "off label" indication
This right here^^^!!!
