Figured I would start a thread as to not clog others.
I am not running mast. Running about 700mgTest E p/w (brewed at 305mg) EQ at 750 p/w (brewed at 330) both PPLraws. Deca 450mg p/w (not PPL or homebrew) and added ZPHC dbol 40 mg pre workout (I haven't beenconsistent with non workout day dosage).....
So I haven't been feeling too great. I knew something was off and I thought it might have been my brew process considering I am a novice. But it seems the brew was pretty dang good. So idk wtf. Bloods pulled 40 hours post pin.

I am not running mast. Running about 700mgTest E p/w (brewed at 305mg) EQ at 750 p/w (brewed at 330) both PPLraws. Deca 450mg p/w (not PPL or homebrew) and added ZPHC dbol 40 mg pre workout (I haven't beenconsistent with non workout day dosage).....
So I haven't been feeling too great. I knew something was off and I thought it might have been my brew process considering I am a novice. But it seems the brew was pretty dang good. So idk wtf. Bloods pulled 40 hours post pin.