Primobolan - underrated for muscle gain?


New Member

I‘m still learning about PEDs but during my research I‘ve often seen Primo being called a weak and mild steroid that only has a place in a cutting phase.

However, I‘ve recently found an interesting study on the r/steroids wiki:
Primo is basically as potent as Testosterone and only slightly worse than Nandrolone according to this chart.

I‘m here to ask about anecdotal experiences with a Test + Primo cycle, especially during a (lean) bulking phase. How does it compare to traditional bulking compounds?
I stopped reading the moment you linked an article from reddit

Underrated? No. It's very overrated and you'll be underwhelmed by the results especially considering the price. I've had better experience with DHB and less pip too. And DHB is trash.
Yeah, Reddit doesn’t seem to be the best source of information about PEDs, that’s why I asked here. I had thought that study was something new.

Thanks for the answer though.
Ah yes, can't wait to get some levator ani muscle training in as a rat.

This is not a study anyone should turn to, similarly, don't base a compound's efficacy on it's anabolic/androgenic ratio.

Primo is not a strong steroid at all, and if you tolerate others well I would not touch it. But I can see why some people like it; it really does feel like you're on nothing and some people just cannot tolerate anything else. Not to mention, the dose that can be used is limited by its effect on estrogen in most people.

Personally, I would rather just use stronger steroids and take oral AIs when needed instead of injecting mostly worthless and expensive oil.
Ah yes, can't wait to get some levator ani muscle training in as a rat.

This is not a study anyone should turn to, similarly, don't base a compound's efficacy on it's anabolic/androgenic ratio.

Primo is not a strong steroid at all, and if you tolerate others well I would not touch it. But I can see why some people like it; it really does feel like you're on nothing and some people just cannot tolerate anything else. Not to mention, the dose that can be used is limited by its effect on estrogen in most people.

Personally, I would rather just use stronger steroids and take oral AIs when needed instead of injecting mostly worthless and expensive oil.
Feels like you're on nothing? Primo gives a huge pump and fullness. Favorite drug to use just have to use a high enough dose, but even at 200mg it has pronounced effects.
Feels like you're on nothing? Primo gives a huge pump and fullness. Favorite drug to use just have to use a high enough dose, but even at 200mg it has pronounced effects.
I should have clarified neurologically. The rest of my argument against primo remains the same however if your primary goal is tissue accrual.
However, I‘ve recently found an interesting study on the r/steroids wiki:
Primo is basically as potent as Testosterone and only slightly worse than Nandrolone according to this chart.

You can't make this conclusion based on the cited study because the Hershberger assay is worthless for this purpose:

I got more compliments in the gym on my cycle of 240mg/week test cyp and 250mg/week of primo than I did on my comparable doses/cycles of test and NPP. I'm on TRT and like to use minimum dosages rather than the tiktok idiots that blast 500+ without trying lower doses.

It leaned me out, crashed my estrogen, extremely vascular, and its not that expensive. How poor are you if you cant afford 60 euro/vial? You're in the wrong game if that is expensive since blood work is twice that ($125) and should be done before, during, and after cycles.
Primo is overrated in my opinion. It doesnt do anything EQ wont do and its often faked and expensive as well as you need to shoot more oil to achieve a dose since its only 100mg/ml. I added it to my biggest cycle ive ever ran just because I wanted to see what would happen and I added it at 500mg a week and just noticed I looked harder and dryer but I wouldnt say its going to pack on mass. I think it has its place in a cut or a bulk if stacked with a good amount of test. but on its own id say its pretty weak and most would be disapointed. It has this huge rep of being this great drug but I think most would agree that have ran it it doesnt live up to the hype. Not to say its bad but I think its overrated and it can cause hair loss like a bitch. So again eq is better. Just my opinon.
This is one of the main reasons I’m curious bout tryin it out, seems like it would be a good compound to mix in with other stuff that is a bit heavier n more estrogenic/aromatising

Bro science, but Primo was made with the idea that you take it so you can take more of the other stuff. I love that approach. If you are not short on cash, it's worth it. Doesn't need to be 700+. I do 500 T/Deca + 500 Primo now and it's amazing. It feels like 500 T without the sides of T.
I noticed slow and consistent gains in strength in size off of 500+ a week.

With primo, what you’re paying for is the lack of sides as it’s pretty much the only AAS that you can run at and see gains without vastly affecting your blood markers and quality of life. Do I think it’s overrated? Absolutely not. For that reason, it’s a very valuable drug. You can literally run it at 200mg with your TRT tor life and enjoy elevated anabolism, density, and roundness and no one, including your doctor would be able to tell unless your estrogen is super sensitive to the compound. You can also run it instead of an AI which removes the potential negative side effects of that entire class of drugs.

But…. Mg for Mg; as far as muscle growth is concerned, primo is beat out by pretty much every other AAS aside from masteron and var and has pretty terrible pip. As a matter of fact; I was pretty much crippled this morning from my 400mg injection last night and had to perform an extremely painful 30min yoga sesh before hitting legs today lol
Bro science, but Primo was made with the idea that you take it so you can take more of the other stuff. I love that approach. If you are not short on cash, it's worth it. Doesn't need to be 700+. I do 500 T/Deca + 500 Primo now and it's amazing. It feels like 500 T without the sides of T.
Wdym bro science? I thought its no estrogen side effects were pretty well known, ain’t that why so many people stack it with other compounds? That’s what most people in this thread are saying too but I’m sure it’s not actually pseudo AI I meant more that you can add it to something like test n dbol n it will help out with the extra e2, but correct me if I’m wrong as I’m curious bout this compound n wanna learn as much as possible
Wdym bro science? I thought its no estrogen side effects were pretty well known, ain’t that why so many people stack it with other compounds? That’s what most people in this thread are saying too but I’m sure it’s not actually pseudo AI I meant more that you can add it to something like test n dbol n it will help out with the extra e2, but correct me if I’m wrong as I’m curious bout this compound n wanna learn as much as possible

It lowers my E2 dramatically, so I can easily take 500-700 of T/Deca and add 300-500 Primo and not need any AI. That's why I love it. Without Primo and an added AI, I still get more "puffy". So for me, Primo works as a better AI.
With primo, what you’re paying for is the lack of sides as it’s pretty much the only AAS that you can run at and see gains without vastly affecting your blood markers and quality of life. Do I think it’s overrated? Absolutely not. For that reason, it’s a very valuable drug. You can literally run it at 200mg with your TRT tor life

Big cope. It still weakens your arteries, adds plaque and enlarges the heart. Wouldn't take it permanently. The German guy recently died of an aneurysm also only took 2xx T + 250/w Primo "sport's TRT".
Big cope. It still weakens your arteries, adds plaque and enlarges the heart. Wouldn't take it permanently. The German guy recently died of an aneurysm also only took 2xx T + 250/w Primo "sport's TRT".
Let’s be honest…. If you’re a healthy individual, you can’t honestly think you’re gonna die from adding primo into your trt do you? I’ve been blasting and cruising for literally 20 years, just had my heart xray, ecg, ultrasound, and ekg performed and guess what… all 100% normal with zero growth. The fact of the matter is, it’s all genetically dependent. Same for the 95 year old piece of trailer trash who lives off of bologne and mayonnaise and has smoked a pack of cigarettes for 70 years but is still kicking.

As far as the Aneurysm, that also happens to completely healthy, random people who have never touched iron and gear in their life. Unless it was genetic, That aneurysm was more than likely caused by the immense pressure from the heavy lifting we perform on a daily basis, not even accounting for the massive constipated shits we take from eating 3lbs of meat daily