Primobolan - underrated for muscle gain?

As you stated above for you.
It’s not the general rule for most people.

However this topic is really intrigued me I wish someone would do an experiment doing two blast same totals different compounds , let’s say 1g deca vs 1g masteron along with some test same-ish diet training and then compare the results.

Personally I can run 19nors and test sky high and still function and gain I seem to function okay on 19nors even if testosterone is removed.
However give me the wrong ratio DHT to test
Or much of a DHT compound and my prostate irritates and I’m crippled with low e2 symptoms. Also keep in mind I’m someone who aromatizes on an increased rate.
As you stated above for you.
It’s not the general rule for most people.

However this topic is really intrigued me I wish someone would do an experiment doing two blast same totals different compounds , let’s say 1g deca vs 1g masteron along with some test same-ish diet training and then compare the results.

Personally I can run 19nors and test sky high and still function and gain I seem to function okay on 19nors even if testosterone is removed.
However give me the wrong ratio DHT to test
Or much of a DHT compound and my prostate irritates and I’m crippled with low e2 symptoms. Also keep in mind I’m someone who aromatizes on an increased rate.
i would bet you wouldnt have any prostate issues if prolacting and e2 are in "range".
I don't mean to say that what you're doing is the wrong way.
It's interesting how differently athletes react to different cycle designs.

thanks for sharing.
i would bet you wouldnt have any prostate issues if prolacting and e2 are in "range".
I don't mean to say that what you're doing is the wrong way.
It's interesting how differently athletes react to different cycle designs.

thanks for sharing.
Oh that’s with e2 in check.
If I run a DHT and my e2 elevates even a little I can feel it in my prostate.

But I’m talking about anything over 400mg mast seems to hit it even with e2 in check.
I respond very sensitive to the compound 200mg injection can have me peeing for weeks.
But I also respond great to low dosages of masteron 150-200mg is all I need to get the sex drive boost , drying effect and all the goodies. Anything above that and masteron becomes a very rough compound.
Oh that’s with e2 in check.
If I run a DHT and my e2 elevates even a little I can feel it in my prostate.

But I’m talking about anything over 400mg mast seems to hit it even with e2 in check.
I respond very sensitive to the compound 200mg injection can have me peeing for weeks.
But I also respond great to low dosages of masteron 150-200mg is all I need to get the sex drive boost , drying effect and all the goodies. Anything above that and masteron becomes a very rough compound.
How it is if you use Primo?
we have a very thorough study on hospitalized people which showed that nandrolone builds 4x more muscle than primo

And since nandrolone has numerous benefits related to increasing strength, and the people in this study didnt exercise, we can assume that for an athlete, nandrolone gives even more muscle.

Primobolan is metabolized in muscles by the 3alpha HSD enzyme, the same enzyme that makes DHT very weakly anabolic in humans.

@PeterBond described it here

I agree but it is two different looks.
I feel as though the “look” is pointless for me. As a bodybuilder, if I ran 500mg test, 500mg primo or 500mg test and 500mg npp, ate in a surplus gaining 1lb/week for 26 weeks, then came down to trt for 6-8 weeks, I should be the exact same weight in both instances, but after which cycle (after the compounds have cleared), will I be more muscular?

I think this is the way people should be measuring progress on specific compounds rather than which one they’re bigger on when they run it, let the food dictate the rate of weight gain then come off everything, eating at maintenance calories, then assess body composition
Most people run high test with primo so how can they actually tell how much it’s actually doing for them

For me:

500 T = puffy face, little bloat
500 T + 500 P = full muscles 24/7, hardened, jawline defined.

I wouldn't take 500 T without Primo anymore. In fact, I won't do any cycle without Primo in the future. Even 250 T + 250 P feels so much better than just 250 T.

It's all anecdotal as it's my personal experience, but with the added Primo I feel a real positive agression change, better mood and confidence boost as in comparison to running 500 T alone, and I tried Tren (700/w useless for me), Masteron (yeah, but why not Primo then), Anavar (still getting bloat together with T).

Primo comes with absolute no side effects (for me) and reduces/hides all side effects of 500 T (for me).
For me:

500 T = puffy face, little bloat
500 T + 500 P = full muscles 24/7, hardened, jawline defined.

I wouldn't take 500 T without Primo anymore. In fact, I won't do any cycle without Primo in the future. Even 250 T + 250 P feels so much better than just 250 T.

It's all anecdotal as it's my personal experience, but with the added Primo I feel a real positive agression change, better mood and confidence boost as in comparison to running 500 T alone, and I tried Tren (700/w useless for me), Masteron (yeah, but why not Primo then), Anavar (still getting bloat together with T).

Primo comes with absolute no side effects (for me) and reduces/hides all side effects of 500 T (for me).
Is that 500 test with an ai or without? Did you test your estrogen on both with primo and without? I’ve heard 1:1 can crash e2 on some people. I’m actually getting ready to run test and primo for the first time I prefer to stay lean as possible and prone to bloating so that’s good news
Primo is definitely my number 1 compound for growing. I respond much better to it than nandrolone or anything else. Hit my all time highest weight on it and always feel amazing on it. Only down side is the pip
U checked lipids?

I thought about what I didn't write correctly: It hides all visible/perceptible side effects for me. Lipid profile worse with Primo, by around 15-20% after 3 months in. Yes, I am doing a cycle and advocate against long term use as seen already in the thread about some guy telling that 200mg/w P for life is safe (while he is on 400).