Primobolan - underrated for muscle gain?

Is that 500 test with an ai or without? Did you test your estrogen on both with primo and without? I’ve heard 1:1 can crash e2 on some people. I’m actually getting ready to run test and primo for the first time I prefer to stay lean as possible and prone to bloating so that’s good news

No AI. I tried 700 Primo / 300 T for first couple of weeks and I didnt even need a blood check and knew already whats going on, I had really bad anxiety. Had to emergency inject 5000 iu HCG. So, 1:1 works for me, even a bit more Primo, but 2:1 P/T or above is critical.
I thought about what I didn't write correctly: It hides all visible/perceptible side effects for me. Lipid profile worse with Primo, by around 15-20% after 3 months in. Yes, I am doing a cycle and advocate against long term use as seen already in the thread about some guy telling that 200mg/w P for life is safe (while he is on 400).
my lipids were worse on primo too. could be because of the hdl reduction from low e2.
Let’s be honest…. If you’re a healthy individual, you can’t honestly think you’re gonna die from adding primo into your trt do you? I’ve been blasting and cruising for literally 20 years, just had my heart xray, ecg, ultrasound, and ekg performed and guess what… all 100% normal with zero growth. The fact of the matter is, it’s all genetically dependent. Same for the 95 year old piece of trailer trash who lives off of bologne and mayonnaise and has smoked a pack of cigarettes for 70 years but is still kicking.

As far as the Aneurysm, that also happens to completely healthy, random people who have never touched iron and gear in their life. Unless it was genetic, That aneurysm was more than likely caused by the immense pressure from the heavy lifting we perform on a daily basis, not even accounting for the massive constipated shits we take from eating 3lbs of meat daily
Well said mate
Please elaborate
Was recently at a diabetes conference and HDL function was strongly questioned. Not absolute HDL levels.

But if they tank (due to AAS) and recover, do they recover similar functionality? There are zero studies on this. Pharma companies are researching it.
Was recently at a diabetes conference and HDL function was strongly questioned. Not absolute HDL levels.

But if they tank (due to AAS) and recover, do they recover similar functionality? There are zero studies on this. Pharma companies are researching it.


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I‘m still learning about PEDs but during my research I‘ve often seen Primo being called a weak and mild steroid that only has a place in a cutting phase.

However, I‘ve recently found an interesting study on the r/steroids wiki:
Primo is basically as potent as Testosterone and only slightly worse than Nandrolone according to this chart.

I‘m here to ask about anecdotal experiences with a Test + Primo cycle, especially during a (lean) bulking phase. How does it compare to traditional bulking compounds?

Nothing beats:
A lot of test
A lot of HGH
Some EQ
Some Npp
Few iu of insulin pre and postwo.

Primo is just overrated. Test is best.
This is a very interesting thread with so much bro science thrown around by guys who clearly have no idea what they’re talking about so I won’t even begin to try to address it all.

I will say this.

Primo is hands down my absolute favorite compound for growing in the off-season. I’ve put a shit ton of size on using primo, more so than any other compound.

Most people opt for the “stronger heavier hitting” steroids, as people in this thread have labeled them, to make up for their lack of work ethic with diet and training.

Primo is an absolutely amazing compound and it’s basically the only compound I use in my off-season cycle for growth.

Test / primo / hgh / sometimes a low dose nand just for joint support.

If I could pick one AAS to use for the rest of eternity (besides test) it would hands down be primo.

There are some really really stupid responses in this thread, many of which make absolutely 0 sense, and I would truly like to see what some of these guys look like in real life, who are giving out some pretty shitty advice on compound selection and the reason behind it talking about all the progress they’ve made.

I also agree with the person above, I’m a fan of Victor blacks teaching regardless of him being a gigantic fucking egotistical asshole.
Primo is an absolutely amazing compound and it’s basically the only compound I use in my off-season cycle for growth.

Test / primo / hgh / sometimes a low dose nand just for joint support.

I also only use test/primo/gh for growing and have loved my results. That being said, most top coaches are still prescribing test + eq/nandrolone as a primary driver. What do you think their reasoning is behind this?

My coach personally thinks he’s seen more growth out of mast than his past use of eq and deca but so many coaches swear by these “heavy hitters” moreso than dht derivatives which I find intriguing.
Is there much of a difference between primo and masteron in terms of anabolic and ai effects?
lots of people have differing “ai-like” effects especially between the two. You’d have to try both to know what, if any, aromatization effects you get.
I also only use test/primo/gh for growing and have loved my results. That being said, most top coaches are still prescribing test + eq/nandrolone as a primary driver. What do you think their reasoning is behind this?

My coach personally thinks he’s seen more growth out of mast than his past use of eq and deca but so many coaches swear by these “heavy hitters” moreso than dht derivatives which I find intriguing.
Because a lot of coaches don’t know shit about ped usage / harm reduction and they regurgitate what their coach prescribed them, and it’s a vicious cycle.

It’s all the same nonsensical shit.

For instance a lot of IFBB pros in my area are coached by cutz, they’re all just your average genetic freaks who can do anything (get away with a lot of stupid shit) and make great progress. They all give their clients the same stupid cycle cutz gives them. (Test and eq to start for a timeframe that makes no sense and then swap for or add in nandrolone, etc etc)

Then if you ask them to explain their reasoning behind it and their rationale, they say “well it worked for me”

Meanwhile they don’t know Jack shit about nutrition peds or training

This is all too common, unfortunately.
This is a very interesting thread with so much bro science thrown around by guys who clearly have no idea what they’re talking about so I won’t even begin to try to address it all.

I will say this.

Primo is hands down my absolute favorite compound for growing in the off-season. I’ve put a shit ton of size on using primo, more so than any other compound.

Most people opt for the “stronger heavier hitting” steroids, as people in this thread have labeled them, to make up for their lack of work ethic with diet and training.

Primo is an absolutely amazing compound and it’s basically the only compound I use in my off-season cycle for growth.

Test / primo / hgh / sometimes a low dose nand just for joint support.

If I could pick one AAS to use for the rest of eternity (besides test) it would hands down be primo.

There are some really really stupid responses in this thread, many of which make absolutely 0 sense, and I would truly like to see what some of these guys look like in real life, who are giving out some pretty shitty advice on compound selection and the reason behind it talking about all the progress they’ve made.

I also agree with the person above, I’m a fan of Victor blacks teaching regardless of him being a gigantic fucking egotistical asshole.
What ratio of test to primo did you find works the best for you?
What ratio of test to primo did you find works the best for you?
Well I have tried all different kinds of shit and almost all of them have kept my estrogen lower than I would like. 1:1 keeps my estrogen too low so this off-season I am going to try something like 1.25:1 test: primo

I made amazing results on 700 primo with 500 test but my e2 was way lower than I would have liked and I don’t typically take my test dosage very high.

So this off-season I will have to run the test a bit higher than I have in the past to support the primo.

Primo really impacts my e2 very heavily
Well I have tried all different kinds of shit and almost all of them have kept my estrogen lower than I would like. 1:1 keeps my estrogen too low so this off-season I am going to try something like 1.25:1 test: primo

I made amazing results on 700 primo with 500 test but my e2 was way lower than I would have liked and I don’t typically take my test dosage very high.

So this off-season I will have to run the test a bit higher than I have in the past to support the primo.

Primo really impacts my e2 very heavily
Is the Impact on your e2 based on your feelings or you did some labs?
My feeling while being on Primo is that my e2 os kinda low but bloodwork shows something different. Maybe Primo just block the ER?! Idk. Primo is definetly very harsh on my mood/aggression and Bad libido.
Is the Impact on your e2 based on your feelings or you did some labs?
My feeling while being on Primo is that my e2 os kinda low but bloodwork shows something different. Maybe Primo just block the ER?! Idk. Primo is definetly very harsh on my mood/aggression and Bad libido.
No sir, I do blood work more frequently than anyone I know. I’m 100% a data guy so I like to have numbers to look at and to reference back to.

I have pulled labs on primo probably upwards of a dozen times.

I do not base anything off of “feeling” only data.