Primobolan - underrated for muscle gain?

If you're shelling out for primo, hopefully it's not just for AI.

Primo would be the least convenient and most expensive AI.

There are people who view anastrozole as a toxic compound and prefer to go another route. These people seem to gravitate towards primo for this purpose. They probably believe that it has more muscle building properties than I have personally experienced whether I'm right or wrong. In reality, it's not that expensive to use a few hundred mgs of primo if you have any sort of means.
I keep seeing people say primo is expensive..... NO ITS NOT. If you're doing proper blood work, diet, and training supps, primo would be very minimal of your budget.

If primo breaks your bank, you are in the wrong game.
I've come to the conclusion that the only reason to use primo is as an AI. It's basically like taking proviron IMO. I actually think it hinders gains in a testosterone cycle bc it reduces estrogens so much. You'd actually probably get bigger (not just bloat but muscle) taking 500mg of test alone w/o an AI vs 500mg test/500mg primo. It's is not even on the same planet as Nandrolone which is the best building steroid injectable there is IMO by an enormous margin. Enormous. No amount of primo could even equal 200mg deca or even 20mg of Dianabol IMO. One thing that it does do is it seems to fix blood work problems caused by high doses of testosterone alone bc perhaps it completes with receptors. I don't know why but my hematocrit is higher on 200mg of test only than it was on 500mg of test + 250mg primo. Cholesterol was worse.

I’m someone who uses primo and supplements e2 to bring it back up to where it was. It’s definitely not just an ai
If anything I would try increasing primo and less test, but then we might be getting into something controversial
but.. you just said you added e2. As in, you’re not using enough test to convert to estrogen so add something that doesn’t have any anabolism. That makes no sense.
but.. you just said you added e2. As in, you’re not using enough test to convert to estrogen so add something that doesn’t have any anabolism. That makes no sense.
I mean…. I think it would be cool to be able to run a gram of primo without having to run a gram+ of test.

With that being said I don’t think I would run estrogen to make that happen, but it’s a nice thought nonetheless, lmao.
I agree 100% The food is expensive, not the drugs lol

I agree too with the exception of buying legit rimobolan or GH, the rest is not expensive.

My monthly herbs/supplements cost probably more than some others entire steroid cycle :D

Indeed man, i've spent a fortune on last 3-4 months for supps haha! I swear they cost more than doing a average cycle. Some guys though they ain't supp anything, maybe a fish oil and that's it.. With gear you draw a line, with supps if you're a health management nerd and wanna take precautions as much as you can it's a fucking rabbit hole lol
Why? Cause of this thread?
Yes. I seem to have been the victim of the "primo" is great meme.

I bought a kit of it and it's just not practical for the amount of oil I'm injecting, the price, and the results I'll see.

Plus I have to run a lot of test along side it (again more oil) to keep my e2 from going too.low
Yes. I seem to have been the victim of the "primo" is great meme.

I bought a kit of it and it's just not practical for the amount of oil I'm injecting, the price, and the results I'll see.

Plus I have to run a lot of test along side it (again more oil) to keep my e2 from going too.low
Use primo for harm reduction but you blast more test to make up for the lack of e2 lol.

Been there bro... been there...
Use primo for harm reduction but you blast more test to make up for the lack of e2 lol.

Been there bro... been there...
It sucks when you buy gear then don't like it or use it lol. I made this stupid mistake with dhb and a some injectable orals.

It would be cool if this forum had a "trading post" sub forum but it appears that is not allowed here. I don't know of any other forums it's allowed