Primobolan - underrated for muscle gain?

I think that's fair and what it comes down to. To me, Primo isn't pricey. If it is for you, it probably makes more sense to choose other compounds.
Yeah man I agree with this 100%, to me it isn’t pricey especially for what you get out of it.

You can get a bottle of primo e 200 for like 80 fuckin bucks its not a big deal
Primo is my go to these days 900 test 600 primo , no stress of using ai and make good steady quality gains and strength by the end of it all. Least headache and side cycle I ever run now a days .
Guys, just do tren. Everything is weak, tren is where its at. Affordable, you don’t need much to get results, it crushes appetite thus no need for more food.

Plus, great for sex drive, lots of guys bang trannies because of tren, no need for cialis.

Lots of side effects and e2 is not one of them so good to go lol!
Guys, just do tren. Everything is weak, tren is where its at. Affordable, you don’t need much to get results, it crushes appetite thus no need for more food.

Plus, great for sex drive, lots of guys bang trannies because of tren, no need for cialis.

Lots of side effects and e2 is not one of them so good to go lol!
yeah man primo is fucking weak. Being able to sleep, eat , and train for long periods of time without feeling bogged down by toxic compounds is very overrated. Those things are hardly important anyways. Let’s blast tren and get McDonald’s
Hell no it's not useless. My pet rat is fuckin jacked bro.

srs though: primo/test is not overrated. being able to run a gram of anabolics without any AI is a godsend.

I do like primo for this reason but what is the problem of using an AI?
Anyone tried using hcg instead of a higher test dose to prevent low e2? How did it go?

Also i made some weird experiences with primo. Every time when i don't use it for a while, after the first injection of lets say 200 mg i get very tired and need to lay down for a while, like feeling exhausted af. Doesn't happen with the following injections, but the first injection after some time i feel almost instantly tired. Primo E in MCT btw.
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Anyone tried using hcg instead of a higher test dose to prevent low e2? How did it go?

500IU 3 times a week raised slightly my e2, i now dose 6,25 aromasin every 5 days instead of 6 days (currently at 210 test). I think it's not sustainable to dose high HCG, it would require something like 3-4K IU per week to see any significant raise. Cost is also high compared to test. So what's the reason not to push both up proportionally? Is there a significant difference in anabolism between a 400 test and 800 primo than 700 test and 500 primo?
It sucks when you buy gear then don't like it or use it lol. I made this stupid mistake with dhb and a some injectable orals.

It would be cool if this forum had a "trading post" sub forum but it appears that is not allowed here. I don't know of any other forums it's allowed
DHB is easily one of the best compounds I’ve ever ran so far lol at 400mg/week I feel like an animal. Appetite, nutrient partitioning, pumps, strength, it’s like a cleaner feeling of Bold Cyp and w/o the debilitating pip. Next week will be my 8th week in, we’ll see how bloods look lol.
DHB is easily one of the best compounds I’ve ever ran so far lol at 400mg/week I feel like an animal. Appetite, nutrient partitioning, pumps, strength, it’s like a cleaner feeling of Bold Cyp and w/o the debilitating pip. Next week will be my 8th week in, we’ll see how bloods look lol.
EQ and DHB both are bad for your health
I’m currently running 400 test and 40ml Anavar and plan to add 200 primo this week.

I’ve been running 400 Test for 2 months and plan on staying on 400 for another 2/3 months, do you think 200 extra primo a week will make much difference?
EQ and DHB both are bad for your health
Like I said, we’ll see how bloods look... Not sure if you just completely neglected that comment, or if you have a literacy deficit. You’ve only been here for a month though, so I’m not surprised. If they’re fucked I’m just gonna drop it and run primo at a higher dose. Highest I’ve ever ran it was 200mg.
Thats not TRT.
As someone who has written strong opinions in the past...

I propose a new definition. TRT can now be however much Test ester (no BB allowed) you can get through a 31g insulin pin over the course of the week. Patience and persistence.


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