Primobolan - underrated for muscle gain?

, and the results I'll see.
You haven’t given it a run yet and are already decided you won’t see anything from it? There are tons of IFBB Pros making the majority of their gains on primo or masteron. I guarantee you’ll see size gains from it and avoid the toxic side effects and damage you would from the same dose of harsher compounds

I‘m still learning about PEDs but during my research I‘ve often seen Primo being called a weak and mild steroid that only has a place in a cutting phase.

However, I‘ve recently found an interesting study on the r/steroids wiki:
Primo is basically as potent as Testosterone and only slightly worse than Nandrolone according to this chart.

I‘m here to ask about anecdotal experiences with a Test + Primo cycle, especially during a (lean) bulking phase. How does it compare to traditional bulking compound

You know it's people like you that make me feel better about my knowledge... Now I have been researching peds for YEARS and can answer almost any questions you throw at me so I'm not gonna talk down to you as I remember when I was wet behind the ears like you... But primo is not underated it's actually very overrated, it's over priced for what it does and you could get better results with plenty other compounds for the price...hell it's only expensive cus it's the least likely to fuck you over later on in life. I'm not saying it's useless but I am saying your wrong in every conceivable way...also

I mean…. I think it would be cool to be able to run a gram of primo without having to run a gram+ of test.

With that being said I don’t think I would run estrogen to make that happen, but it’s a nice thought nonetheless, lmao.

Only way to know is to try. I may not be susceptible to low E2 sides bc I once took 2 Primo amps with 140mg of test and my E2 was 4. I did this for 8 weeks before I got the bloods to know. I didn't even know based on how I felt. I'd bet taking 200mg of test and a gram of primo isn't as unpleasant as those who fear low E2 think it may end up being. Probably worth trying.
Only way to know is to try. I may not be susceptible to low E2 sides bc I once took 2 Primo amps with 140mg of test and my E2 was 4. I did this for 8 weeks before I got the bloods to know. I didn't even know based on how I felt. I'd bet taking 200mg of test and a gram of primo isn't as unpleasant as those who fear low E2 think it may end up being. Probably worth trying.
I know people taking 200-350 test with 600-1000 primo or mast and feel fine. I tried an approach like that and wanted to die. Very individual
Only way to know is to try. I may not be susceptible to low E2 sides bc I once took 2 Primo amps with 140mg of test and my E2 was 4. I did this for 8 weeks before I got the bloods to know. I didn't even know based on how I felt. I'd bet taking 200mg of test and a gram of primo isn't as unpleasant as those who fear low E2 think it may end up being. Probably worth trying.
Oh yeah man absolutely I know people who do great with lower e2. I’m not one of those people, haha.

I personally like my e2 quite high, like to the point most people would be overwhelmed by high e2 sides. For me I don’t get any.

I’ve done test 175mg per week with primo 650 a week.
I took a long break from lifting weights or any peds and when I started to get back into lifting weights again as a natural I took terkesterone when it was hyped up. Did bloodwork and with a testosterone of 635 my Estradiol was bottom of reference range <5 and I had no idea. I felt completely normal somehow.

Anyways back on topic there are too many guys who are huge and look great just off test, primo and gh to ignore it is a great compound
Oh yeah man absolutely I know people who do great with lower e2. I’m not one of those people, haha.

I personally like my e2 quite high, like to the point most people would be overwhelmed by high e2 sides. For me I don’t get any.

I’ve done test 175mg per week with primo 650 a week.

Yep I'm on the other end of it. I prefer my e2 15-20. I take anastrozole w/my TRT to achieve this nowadays. 1/2 mg w/each 100mg shot twice per wk.
Hell no it's not useless. My pet rat is fuckin jacked bro.

srs though: primo/test is not overrated. being able to run a gram of anabolics without any AI is a godsend.
primo is just too pricey and i never understood why,for one vial of legit primo u could easily get 5 of any other compound exxcept hgh
primo is just too pricey and i never understood why,for one vial of legit primo u could easily get 5 of any other compound exxcept hgh
I think that's fair and what it comes down to. To me, Primo isn't pricey. If it is for you, it probably makes more sense to choose other compounds.
Thanks for your sensical yet somewhat financially bragadocius response, i can afford it but imo my money can be better spent on other compounds.
Financially bragadocious?

Man I probably spend more on whey powder in any given year than I do on gear. Forget blood tests and food in general. This is an expensive hobby.

It's not even that primo is particularly expensive gear, it's just that all the other steroids are incredibly cheap. We are fuckin spoiled. We spend less getting jacked with illegal drugs than diabetics spend just staying alive.

My time, and especially my health are much much more valuable to me than the perhaps couple hundred dollars a year I could save running cheaper gear.

Maybe I'm an out of touch asshole, but it's hard to put myself into the shoes of anyone who has any business messing with steroids in the first place that can't even afford to homebrew Primo.
Financially bragadocious?

Man I probably spend more on whey powder in any given year than I do on gear. Forget blood tests and food in general. This is an expensive hobby.

It's not even that primo is particularly expensive gear, it's just that all the other steroids are incredibly cheap. We are fuckin spoiled. We spend less getting jacked with illegal drugs than diabetics spend just staying alive.

My time, and especially my health are much much more valuable to me than the perhaps couple hundred dollars a year I could save running cheaper gear.

Maybe I'm an out of touch asshole, but it's hard to put myself into the shoes of anyone who has any business messing with steroids in the first place that can't even afford to homebrew Primo.
Financially bragadocious?

Man I probably spend more on whey powder in any given year than I do on gear. Forget blood tests and food in general. This is an expensive hobby.

It's not even that primo is particularly expensive gear, it's just that all the other steroids are incredibly cheap. We are fuckin spoiled. We spend less getting jacked with illegal drugs than diabetics spend just staying alive.

My time, and especially my health are much much more valuable to me than the perhaps couple hundred dollars a year I could save running cheaper gear.

Maybe I'm an out of touch asshole, but it's hard to put myself into the shoes of anyone who has any business messing with steroids in the first place that can't even afford to homebrew Primo.
homebrewing is relatively cheap i mean buyingit premade...ive seen a 10ml vial of primo go for like 200 bucks once
homebrewing is relatively cheap i mean buyingit premade...ive seen a 10ml vial of primo go for like 200 bucks once

You can find it with 60 or 80..and with promos maybe lower. Also, you can buy 10 amps legit rimobolan for is there anyone actually spending that much for ugl primo? wtf


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