Pristine Anabolics Intro

This is the frustrating thing. Some packs are moving completely normally, others are taking 7-12 days when they normally take 3. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason for it. I have a handful of packs that were dropped and never scanned once. They're just out there in the abyss. I got a package yesterday that ID told me was in pre-shipment for a week, never scanned. Basically, if it ain't an Amazon package, USPS doesn't give a damn about it right now.

I think if I'm still doing this next year, I'll be taking a prolonged break over the holiday season, just too crazy.
IF you're still doing this? Damn bro we need you here...I know thats selfish AF
How the hell did I miss this guy since August? You said you have 5-6 people on payroll? Nice papertrail:confused: I can’t be believe anyone is desperate enough to buy and trust this source. Illegal drug dealers putting people on payroll... Merry Christmas you bastards!
How the hell did I miss this guy since August? You said you have 5-6 people on payroll? Nice papertrail:confused: I can’t be believe anyone is desperate enough to buy and trust this source. Illegal drug dealers putting people on payroll... Merry Christmas you bastards!

It’s not unusual though. Assquatch had several people.
Assquatch just had some buddies and a couple chicks hanging out. Payroll and flipping someone cash is completely different. The pics of his gear is about as much as a 15 year old allowance would allow. I’m sure his sanitary efforts are elaborate. Yes @T-Bagger I am being a little hard and a dick. It’s the holiday season and I just hope nobody jeopardizes another persons health for a monetary gain. I see he had some clients and that’s cool. Just had to speak my peace and let him prove himself as 2018 was pretty fucking hairy in Meso(pun intended).
Assquatch just had some buddies and a couple chicks hanging out. Payroll and flipping someone cash is completely different. The pics of his gear is about as much as a 15 year allowance would allow. I’m sure his sanitary efforts are elaborate. Yes @T-Bagger I am being a little hard and a dick. It’s the holiday season and I just hope nobody jeopardizes another persons health for a monetary gain. I see he had some clients and that’s cool. Just had to speak my peace and let him prove himself as 2018 was pretty fucking hairy in Meso(pun intended).
All good brother. People will do anything for a buck. Let’s face it - his opening post already said his family’s at risk. They’re in it for the money ultimately. Back in the glory days of CIM and WU/MG, there were clients who would become people who pickup. There’s a risk right there of getting popped. It’s all in the game.
What happened/What did I miss?????

@Trenity you're wrapping things up?

He isn’t wrapping anything other that Christmas presents for the orphans at the orhphanage.

He just made a comment that “if he is still here next year, during the holidays, he is gonna take a break during that time”. Dude just got over the flu and is probably a little stressed physically.