Pristine Anabolics Intro

I will say I always like running prop/ace with enanthate of the same compound.

I’ve done 500 mg Test E with 100 mg of Test Prop EOD and didn’t get the same water weight issues with high Test E. Maybe something to try.
I'm thinking about doing this with tren e and tren ace in the future
I like mixing long/short ester of the same compound as well. Haven’t tried the test like that yet
I like mixing long/short ester of the same compound as well. Haven’t tried the test like that yet
Yeah I've done it with Mast as well. Dude I ran 400mg per week of Mast E and 100mg eod of Mast P with 250mg Test E...and I fuckin loved it. Sex drive was through the roof and vascularity was insane.
How did it work out with the nandrolone doing it like that?
i ran 450mg/week of npp for 10 weeks or so, at week 4 i added 250mg deca/week. ive done tren like that also, not the same doses though. to me at the end of the cycle i still feel like i get more for 3-4 weeks. maybe my imagination, bit i swear it extends the cycle
Been out of pocket for most of the last 3 days. Had a little health scare with one of the little ones. Think we're out of the woods though!

We're caught up on all shipments and emails. About to make the donation to AL from this past weekend's sale. $240 doesn't seem like much seeing that Ashop just dropped 18k, but every little bit helps I suppose.
Been out of pocket for most of the last 3 days. Had a little health scare with one of the little ones. Think we're out of the woods though!

We're caught up on all shipments and emails. About to make the donation to AL from this past weekend's sale. $240 doesn't seem like much seeing that Ashop just dropped 18k, but every little bit helps I suppose.
Good man. It shows good faith as a source to do it. The two bigger ones aren’t giving, so that says a lot for you and the other startup.
Been out of pocket for most of the last 3 days. Had a little health scare with one of the little ones. Think we're out of the woods though!

We're caught up on all shipments and emails. About to make the donation to AL from this past weekend's sale. $240 doesn't seem like much seeing that Ashop just dropped 18k, but every little bit helps I suppose.
I believe that not only does it prove legitimacy to an extent but also shows your after longevity and not the quick buck.
i ran 450mg/week of npp for 10 weeks or so, at week 4 i added 250mg deca/week. ive done tren like that also, not the same doses though. to me at the end of the cycle i still feel like i get more for 3-4 weeks. maybe my imagination, bit i swear it extends the cycle
Was the shutdown after the cycle as bad as some guys say it is with Deca?
Was the shutdown after the cycle as bad as some guys say it is with Deca?
im on my 2nd week off, i wasnt expecting to start noticing anything until 4weeks. so far not too bad, just a little irritability. i will keep updating. remember im still on test though, dropped down to 200mg/week
So never off @Hog72
no sir, my test was in the low 120's, doc prescribed me 100mg/week. i actually stuck to doctors orders and after 3 months or so i got bloods approximately a week after last pin and my test was up in the 600's. but it felt so good i self-prescribed myself 200mg/week. lol. then i started blasting with higher dose compounds. doc likes to see me every 4-6 months. so i try to my levels back down. if i cant or dont feel like it, i just reschedule. whats the worst that can happen?? cut me off?? whatever
About to make the donation to AL from this past weekend's sale. $240 doesn't seem like much seeing that Ashop just dropped 18k, but every little bit helps I suppose.

You do what YOU can. Don’t worry about what anybody else is doing. I agree with others, “shows good faith and helps the BB community”. Do what you say your are going to do. Be where you say you will be. And stand by your word.

All orders over $100 placed before 1PM Eastern time will get buy 2 get 1 free on orals and 25% off their total!

Current Promos
- Buy 2 get 1 free on orals

Minimum - None
*Shipping - $10 (Free over $100)
*Carrier is Safflower Oil
* Oral filler is protein powder
* Capsule size 0

10mL Vials
Mega Test 150 - $30 (100mg Test Prop, 50mg Test Base -- Contains MCT)
Test E 250 - $30
Test C 250 - $30
Test P 100 - $20
Tren A 100 - $35
Tren E 200 - $45 (Low Stock)
Mast P 100 - $35
Mast E 200 - $45
Deca 250 - $35
NPP 150 - $35
EQ 300 - $35
Inj. Superdrol 40mg/mL - $30 (Contains MCT)
DHB/1-Test Cyp 100mg/mL - $35 (Contains MCT)

30 Count Orals
Dbol 25mg - $25
Adrol 25mg - $25
Winny 25mg - $25
Var 25mg - $30
Sdrol 10mg - $30
Lady Var 5mg - $25 (50 Count)
tadalafil 10mg - $20
sildenafil - 25mg - $20
nolva - 25mg - $20


Tuta to Tuta, Proton to Proton is strongly preferred, we will ignore and delete emails from non-encrypted sources (gmail, yahoo, hotmail, etc)

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