Pristine Anabolics Intro

5 weeks off cycle, coming off deca/npp. running 100 mg/test cyp at the moment (dr. prescribed trt) ugh.
definitely feeling the withdrawal. elbows, shoulders, knees are feeling it. lol
hating life at the moment.
5 weeks off cycle, coming off deca/npp. running 100 mg/test cyp at the moment (dr. prescribed trt) ugh.
definitely feeling the withdrawal. elbows, shoulders, knees are feeling it. lol
hating life at the moment.
That what I hate the most about deca. Month or two after even my bones hurt!
It’s crazy, I even gained a few pounds after cycle
It’s seems like 500 mg/test a week had my metabolism higher
I’m not eating near as much as I did while on cycle
It’s crazy, I even gained a few pounds after cycle
It’s seems like 500 mg/test a week had my metabolism higher
I’m not eating near as much as I did while on cycle
We’re getting old bro. I was hitting the gym 5 days a week and couldn’t get rid of my belly fat. Started a new cycle and within a week the gut was trimming down. It’s ridiculous.
It goes without saying - have a good pharma AI on hand.

part of the reason I have never tried Nandrolones. I don't particularly automatize from Test or DHT's, or Tren. But I hear Decca, Dbol and NPP you do. Its harder for me to find consistent AI's than actual gear. If Pristine would get his shit together already (JK Brother) and make a one stop shop Id be good to go.
part of the reason I have never tried Nandrolones. I don't particularly automatize from Test or DHT's, or Tren. But I hear Decca, Dbol and NPP you do. Its harder for me to find consistent AI's than actual gear. If Pristine would get his shit together already (JK Brother) and make a one stop shop Id be good to go.

Meaning ADEX
Tren Test and and Anavr for this guy so far.
What batch of Var you have? We’ve discussed batch numbers prior but you can pm if you like. I took a 100mg this morn and hit arms. My tolerance is a little higher than most, so not big deal. No I’m not bashing at all. This guys been doing great keep it up
part of the reason I have never tried Nandrolones. I don't particularly automatize from Test or DHT's, or Tren. But I hear Decca, Dbol and NPP you do. Its harder for me to find consistent AI's than actual gear. If Pristine would get his shit together already (JK Brother) and make a one stop shop Id be good to go.
It’s just good to have on hand. There are no guarantees you’ll need it. There are several sources in the UG that carry pharma and it’s definitely worth it to get pharma vs UGL.
It’s just good to have on hand. There are no guarantees you’ll need it. There are several sources in the UG that carry pharma and it’s definitely worth it to get pharma vs UGL.

BAT #01a 08/2018

if ya can pm me Id like to talk..for whatever reason pm isnt working on my mobile for me right now. wont let me send but i can reply.