Proof that SF (and/or) Sciroxx gear is good to go.

That is of course unless objectivity is being disproportionately STRETCHED for the sake of the business!
Wow, I didn't expect this response, but I'm glad I did, because I now have all of meso to help me make sense of my bloodwork. :D

First off, let me state I am a first time cycler, I've trained for 2 years but this is my first time doing gear, so I am learning here and not sure what to expect.

Lets figure out whats going on here.

.What IS the expected increase from such a dosage? I'm not able to find much on it. Can anyone share some insight on this? Its hard to find much of anything on this. Can anyone share PUBLISHED MEDICAL STUDIES or PERSONAL BLOODWORK as example? He said/she said second hand anecdotals won't fly here. Can anyone show some concrete evidence what should be expected?

All I could find was this study:

Testosterone dose-response relationships in healthy young men

Which states a 300mg administration a month should only result in a 700ng increase, while a 600 mg dosage increased by 1700, if this matches, if we were to double that, a 1.2G dose a week would equate in a 3400ng increase. Could my gear really be TRIPLE overdosed? Not that I mind...but I doubt it.

Serum Table:

Testosterone dose-response relationships in healthy young men
Let me elaborate in as much detail as I can as to my protocol.

1. Yes I am taking 100mg Prop EOD. Its actually around 110mg since we pull .1ml to compensate. So at best about 390mg a week.

2. Whats up with my free test to estrogen ratio? My Test has gone up roughly 7 times over, yet my estrogen is only triple. Is this normal? Is this an expected ratio? What is the expected ratio from a test prop cycle from test to estrogen?

3. I checked my texts, I went to my friend house and was pinned at exactly 8PM that night, and got my bloodwork done at 12 noon next day almost exactly, so it had been almost exactly 16 hours since my last inject, which was a bit of a bleeder compared to all my other pins? Does hitting a capillary while injecting mean the test will absorb/increase naturually? Is it possible that I got my bloodwork done at the absolute peak release time and for a very short time I had that amount of test circulating in my body? Again I'm new at this, I don't know if this is even possible but its an idea.

4. Is it possible the bloodtest was just bad/off? It doesn't match up. I went to a Labcorp inside a Walmart...bad work? Lol.

5. Do my results match up with my bloodowork? I'm up 15lbs in 3 weeks. My bench has gone up 25lbs for the same amount of reps and sets, my deadlift 50, my squat 60, my military press 15, my rows 20. Are these the kind of strength
gains one would see off of 100mg prop EOD, or a 700ng increase in test? I've read test is not known for strength increases but I'll be damned if the weight isn't going up daily. I do train for strength so my routine supports and aims for strength gains.

6.I certainly don't feel like I am pinning 1.2g of test a week, although this is my first cycle, I think I would notice it a little more. I don't any increase in rage/on feeling or confidence. Although I do have a better sense of well being, feel better all around, and maybe masturbate twice a day instead of once. I do notice when I see a fine pair of tits or a huge round ass I have a deeper lust for it, my blood starts flowing and I'm just god damn I need to put my dick in that. I usually only get aroused from nudity, not just a nice body in some clothes.
Regardless, if my test levels are what are claimed here, I feel like I'd have more "roid rage" or "feeling on" than I do now.

7. I'm 3 weeks in, and my nuts still feel relatively full although the bloodwork shows I am shutting down due to low FSH/LH, is it possible I am still producing a fair amount of test naturually which is making my numbers a bit higher? Keep in mind this is my first cycle and I am doing a relatively conversative cycle, so maybe I haven't fully shut down yet. I don't know, thats why I am asking YOU, the experienced vets to share you knowledge and experience.

I'm forcing my friend to get bloods done tomorrow, we have been running the same exact cycle with the same shipment of test and the same dosage, start time and dosing protocols. The only difference is he is about 10 years older. He is also taking Arimidex for a swollen left ankle he had. He will have the test done tomorrow and bloods available next day, I will share as soon as possible. He is testing at the same exact location as well, only difference is his last pin will have been yesterday afternoon, so alot more time than 18 hours will have passed, and if his bloods look more normal, maybe we can attribute it to my injection time?

I cannot wait till I get these results and figure out whats going on here. Also would love to see that his estrogen is a lot lower than mine and know for sure that the Arimidex is real. The test I know is good, ancillaries are a tougher thing and this will ease my mind a lot when it comes to the Nolvadex and PCT.

Looking forward to ANY feedback or input. I want to understand whats going on here. I knew my results were high, but after doing research they look incredibly high.

EDIT: Just wanted to also mention I fasted for the 12 hours prior to the bloodwork, which is whats expected/normal right?
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In the first I meant to say 300/600mg a week, not month.

Also, now that I think about it, maybe I do a feel a more "on" and confident, but not the degree which one would expected from the dosage I would need to take to attain these blood levels according to the study. Its definitely there, but its not overbearing, its not at the forefront, you kind of have to take the time to assess everything.
Roids don't cause "roid rage" people do, based on a PREDISPOSITION!

Appreciate the input, expected something more from ya Jim. You seem like you love your research. Can you find any medical studies which show how much of an increase on should see from my dosage? Also have you yourself had bloodwork done a test cycle of any kind or dosage, and have bloodwork to correlate too.

I am looking for medical studies or someones OWN personal bloodwork to relate to and gather information from.
Oh considering u took the time to write an intelligable, time consuming and complete narrative, rest assured I will answer all your questions BUT I need to look em over more thoroughly since there's some with a certain degree of overlap with the other there mate!
I will make one suggestion for future reference, although your narratives are well written, the intent or point should evolve nor culminate into a question, where applicable, at the end of a paragraph rather then interjecting questions within a narratives content.

My suggestion, placing any questions at the end of a paragraph, allows the reader to understand the basis for the query and eliminates any search within the paragraph itself.

Just a thought... he's 32...still producing a lot of test... if he JUST started pinning with prop on top of his natural test before it shut down...would that be the reason it would show high? Things that make you go hmmmmmmm

Second...'Roid Rage' proven in court as something made up to blame one's behavior on to decrease the amount of justice imposed on a person for bad behavior.
I will make one suggestion for future reference, although your narratives are well written, the intent or point should evolve nor culminate into a question, where applicable, at the end of a paragraph rather then interjecting questions within a narratives content.

My suggestion, placing any questions at the end of a paragraph, allows the reader to understand the basis for the query and eliminates any search within the paragraph itself.


I feel like I'm in college again. Haha. Anyway, I'll be sure to follow that model in the future, it was a scatterbrained post at 3 AM before I had to head to bed. Eagerly looking forward to your input.
Just a thought... he's 32...still producing a lot of test... if he JUST started pinning with prop on top of his natural test before it shut down...would that be the reason it would show high? Things that make you go hmmmmmmm

Second...'Roid Rage' proven in court as something made up to blame one's behavior on to decrease the amount of justice imposed on a person for bad behavior.

I'm 23, my friend is 32-33, and he will have bloods in about 2 days (couldn't make it to the lab today), but again he pinned at the same time and schedule as me, so we shall see.
I love how I start asking more questions about my bloods than everyone else, and then everyone goes dark. Suddenly the legitimacy of this blood test isn't that big of a deal anymore.:rolleyes:
I know I posted a huge wall of text, all I particularly care to know is the expected test level increase from my dosage, from some sort of medicinal journal or collection of blood tests.
I spent $48 at:


You pay for the test online and they have over 1000 locations you can go to for testing (in the states). Just type in your zip code and the site will tell you if any locations are around your area.

You view the results online in 2-3 days.

how in the hell did you get all of these test for $48??
I'm confident in sciroxx injectables as for orals I've been on the anavar for a week now so need more time to evaluate it. But I will find out of the sciroxx aromasin is real this Friday when I get my follow up bloodwork. Was on 12.5mg ed, got blood work done and e2 was 102, it's been a week on 25mg ed, so we'll find out if its real Friday. Hope it is because I have a lot of it for future cycles.
I'm confident in sciroxx injectables as for orals I've been on the anavar for a week now so need more time to evaluate it. But I will find out of the sciroxx aromasin is real this Friday when I get my follow up bloodwork. Was on 12.5mg ed, got blood work done and e2 was 102, it's been a week on 25mg ed, so we'll find out if its real Friday. Hope it is because I have a lot of it for future cycles.

Definitely keep us posted on that bro. I for one, am very curious..