PurplePandaLabs Raw source

By the way, when people are playing with raws, nothing is more important than security. Not many people are going to be busted for having a few vials of gear, but you get caught with lots of raws, or selling the stuff you brew at the gym, you're fucked
By the way, when people are playing with raws, nothing is more important than security. Not many people are going to be busted for having a few vials of gear, but you get caught with lots of raws, or selling the stuff you brew at the gym, you're fucked
Yup, manufacture, and Distribution. The whole case pretty much wrapped up, and gift tied.
Underdosed hgh, mislabeled testosterone (My guess is that is what was causing the pip, not the mygol), calling out people as reverse scammers (never seen thatmas much as with this source). And i always disagreed with how they handled the elite debacle. Not to mention, their security protocols, and ability to deliver to correct addresses has always been suspect.. But most of these problems existed while they were at Reddit, and rather than fix them permenently, they just keep repeating the same mistakes.
Underdosed hgh was met with refunds or replacement hgh iirc. Pip causing gear was met with refunds or replacement iirc. Elite was fired and all gear that was dirty or suspect that could be verified as sold during the elite timeframe was replaced or refunded iirc. I'm not sure about incorrect addresses and how that was handled. I assume packs were resent but I'm not sure one way or another. How else would you have handled the elite situation once in that position? What would you have done differently once you would have been behind the 8ball? Or are you commenting on the fact that's who they hired in the first place? I'm discussing the issues that they have supposedly
swept under the rug with the plan that people here will just forget about it.
From my seat I will agree whole heartedly that Panda makes some big mistakes but I can't recall any source that has gone to the lengths that Panda has to rectify those mistakes. I'm not foing to waste a Sunday morning going back and forth on it but to blanket statement panda like that isn't accurate. If you want to sound the alarm and say they have sold underdosed gear, dirty gear, under dosed hgh, bad addressing on packs I couldn't debate you one bit.
Underdosed hgh was met with refunds or replacement hgh iirc. Pip causing gear was met with refunds or replacement iirc. Elite was fired and all gear that was dirty or suspect that could be verified as sold during the elite timeframe was replaced or refunded iirc. I'm not sure about incorrect addresses and how that was handled. I assume packs were resent but I'm not sure one way or another. How else would you have handled the elite situation once in that position? What would you have done differently once you would have been behind the 8ball? Or are you commenting on the fact that's who they hired in the first place? I'm discussing the issues that they have supposedly

From my seat I will agree whole heartedly that Panda makes some big mistakes but I can't recall any source that has gone to the lengths that Panda has to rectify those mistakes. I'm not foing to waste a Sunday morning going back and forth on it but to blanket statement panda like that isn't accurate. If you want to sound the alarm and say they have sold underdosed gear, dirty gear, under dosed hgh, bad addressing on packs I couldn't debate you one bit.
Not really in the mood for a debate either, I'll jyst say most of the big sources don't make these mistakes in the first place, much less repeat them over and over
The calc is on bottom of the ppl page like a sponsor
Yeas that's it. I thought it was the plot your cycle calculator at first. I use it from time to time and I wondered how the hell the ycould've gotten my email by me just going on to the site. I'm not very tech savvy.

But it makes sense it's a homebrew calculator and panda sells raws.
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It's actually a pretty useful website. But nonetheless panda shouldn't have given up our emails.

@ickyrica if you do sign up with a new email make notice if it asks you for permission to share your info with his affiliates. I doubt it does.
@PurplePandaLabs Rep. Could you ask Joe Hollywood (Panda) if he's taken up the practice of selling/sharing the email addresses of those that sign up on the website?

After talking with a few members here that received spam from some jackass trying to sell access to his steroid calculator, the common denominator seems to be the PPL site.

Not mad or anything. Just marked it as spam and shouldn't ever see it again, but you all know me, i'm a curious mother fucker.

Edit: Just reread the email. Apparently, it's a free service, but he's looking to sell ad space. Just wanted to be precise.
It's not us because me and others haven't received it you ever visited the sight?
We don't share anything with anyone.
It's not us because me and others haven't received it you ever visited the sight?
We don't share anything with anyone.

Whoever the character is might have stolen the information on website. As in a breech.

Too many panda members getting the email. Just because 100% of people who signed up for panda doesn’t get email doesn’t mean he didn’t miss a few.

This needs to be taken seriously imo
Whoever the character is might have stolen the information on website. As in a breech.

Too many panda members getting the email. Just because 100% of people who signed up for panda doesn’t get email doesn’t mean he didn’t miss a few.

This needs to be taken seriously imo
How many guy's here do you think have ever visited the site it came from?
Some sites capture information.
I didn't get it and I have multiple emails with ppl.
Look how many people that haven't even ordered from us that got it.
I will definitely ask but I know they don't sell or share anything.
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How many guy's here do you think have ever visited the site it came from?
Some sites capture information.
I didn't get it and I have multiple emails with ppl.
Look how many people that haven't even ordered from us that got it.
I will definitely ask but I know they don't sell or share anything.
Theres your answer @Roger rabbit
I've never visited the site, until today. I've gotten the email. Panda has a link to the site at the bottom of his site. And that site has a panda banner.
How many guy's here do you think have ever visited the site it came from?
Some sites capture information.
I didn't get it and I have multiple emails with ppl.
Look how many people that haven't even ordered from us that got it.
I will definitely ask but I know they don't sell or share anything.

I’m not saying shared or sold my man. Although it could be possible.

I’m saying stolen.

Normally with a proton account or something similar you don’t get the spam.
In this case people who only use proton for ordering from your site got this email. There is a common denominator to the scenario which is the ppl website.

Somehow this fellow got people’s emails and from what people say he is on the front page of the website so there is the second common denominator.

There is simply no way for this fellow to have randomly guessed peoples email addresses.