PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I’ll just put this right back here where it belongs. Right up front.


And until PPL starts acknowledging their fuckups and stop brushing this shit off, I’ll be here along with the others to remind everyone that their health AND safety is at risk with this source and that their reps will do everything possible to sway the gullible crowd into not caring.

Anyone who believes this bullshit about PPL not having something to do with the email leak is a fucking moron that does not deserve an opinion. Go fuck yourself because I don’t give a shit what your dumbass thinks.
1 or 2 of those that reported getting the email said they weren't customers or site members. The rest were.
He said 99.99% of panda customers had there emails compromised. I'm saying that's false. As the 25 or so that said anything about the emails, is just a small percentage of all of pandas customers.

Hell maybe 100% of pandas customers had their info compromised, but there's no way for that guy to know that just from what's been said in this thread.
I’ll just put this right back here where it belongs. Right up front.

View attachment 86316

And until PPL starts acknowledging their fuckups and stop brushing this shit off, I’ll be here along with the others to remind everyone that their health AND safety is at risk with this source and that their reps will do everything possible to sway the gullible crowd into not caring.

Anyone who believes this bullshit about PPL not having something to do with the email leak is a fucking moron that does not deserve an opinion. Go fuck yourself because I don’t give a shit what your dumbass thinks.
What percentage of people would you say believe that panda had nothing to do with It? And of that percentage of people, exactly what percentage of them should fuck themselves? Just so we're 99.99% clear.
I’ll just put this right back here where it belongs. Right up front.

View attachment 86316

And until PPL starts acknowledging their fuckups and stop brushing this shit off, I’ll be here along with the others to remind everyone that their health AND safety is at risk with this source and that their reps will do everything possible to sway the gullible crowd into not caring.

Anyone who believes this bullshit about PPL not having something to do with the email leak is a fucking moron that does not deserve an opinion. Go fuck yourself because I don’t give a shit what your dumbass thinks.
We buy banners every were on almost every forum .
Update on the new steroid calculator website is owned by ppl and is connected to the emails.
Nobody's emails were sold or shared and won't be.
I wasn't notified of this until inquiring which I wasn't happy about and I also suggested that customers be notified before hand.
They plan on running the websites separately and thought not announcing would somehow help to achieve this.
Update on the new steroid calculator website is owned by ppl and is connected to the emails.
Nobody's emails were sold or shared and won't be.
I wasn't notified of this until inquiring which I wasn't happy about and I also suggested that customers be notified before hand.
They plan on running the websites separately and thought not announcing would somehow help to achieve this.
Thank you for the update PPL
Update on the new steroid calculator website is owned by ppl and is connected to the emails.
Nobody's emails were sold or shared and won't be.
I wasn't notified of this until inquiring which I wasn't happy about and I also suggested that customers be notified before hand.
They plan on running the websites separately and thought not announcing would somehow help to achieve this.

@AnTabolic73 @SuperMaroid
Go fuck yourselves like I said already. I was right.

People, pull your heads out of your asses.

Reps. You too.
Update on the new steroid calculator website is owned by ppl and is connected to the emails.
Nobody's emails were sold or shared and won't be.
I wasn't notified of this until inquiring which I wasn't happy about and I also suggested that customers be notified before hand.
They plan on running the websites separately and thought not announcing would somehow help to achieve this.

Thank you for looking into it.
Now tell Joe Hollywood to shove his spam where the sun don't shine.
I have seen a couple of guy's speak up saying that they received it but don't use us.
I have contacted proton although I didn't receive it.
I did receive the dhl and login spam I won't to know if they share our emails.

This brings up another question. The site is PPL owned, so those of us that signed up and/or ordered got the spam from there.

What about the ones that didn't sign up or order!?
How did PPL get those email addresses?

Pulling a Brew Kit and selling PPL under multiple UGL names? Hmmm... Makes a fella wonder.


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