PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Question for you guys: Has anyone else experienced just fuckin awful pip from PPL test E? I'm sure rookie pinning had something to do with it but gotdamn
Question for you guys: Has anyone else experienced just fuckin awful pip from PPL test E? I'm sure rookie pinning had something to do with it but gotdamn

Never ordered, never will, so i can't speak from experience, but if you have batches that were made with Miglyol, you definitely aren't the first to register that complaint.
Question for you guys: Has anyone else experienced just fuckin awful pip from PPL test E? I'm sure rookie pinning had something to do with it but gotdamn

You mean their gear which was mislabeled. Test E in fact it was... funny your having an issue with it as well?
As far as GSO or mig i got the pre brewed ones international so not sure

Gear was mislabeled?? @Sdryx

And ya I've heard a lot that Test E has worse pip sometimes
protonmail giving up people emails for steroid advertisements... good one reps. :rolleyes:

Thats not what happened. Re read this:

Update on the new steroid calculator website is owned by ppl and is connected to the emails.
Nobody's emails were sold or shared and won't be.
I wasn't notified of this until inquiring which I wasn't happy about and I also suggested that customers be notified before hand.
They plan on running the websites separately and thought not announcing would somehow help to achieve this.
As far as GSO or mig i got the pre brewed ones international so not sure

Gear was mislabeled?? @Sdryx

And ya I've heard a lot that Test E has worse pip sometimes

You received Mig and some people dont react well to it. Nothing they can do about that. Go domestic next time for GSO.
Man. I just trust Tes Cyp unless brewed my self. Test E from anyone these days scares me.
Just sayin.

I have 5 vials of PPL TestC that was made with Mig and I won't ever touch because of the pip.. I went with another source's TestC and its def much better.

I may try mixing half and half of PPL TestC with the other Source TestC to see if i can eliminate the pip, otherwise these vials will just sit here.
I have 5 vials of TestC that was made with Mig and I won't ever touch because if the pip.. I went with another source's TestC and its def much better.

I may try mixing half and half of PPL TestC with the other Source TestC to see if i can eliminate the pip, otherwise these vials will just sit here.

i've been cutting a ml of M840 Cyp with a half ml of EO Prop. The injection site still gets a bit swolen, but the PIP has been reduced by a great deal.
Update on the new steroid calculator website is owned by ppl and is connected to the emails.
Nobody's emails were sold or shared and won't be.
I wasn't notified of this until inquiring which I wasn't happy about and I also suggested that customers be notified before hand.
They plan on running the websites separately and thought not announcing would somehow help to achieve this.

Hate to say it, but we were correct.

But thank you on the update.
Has anyone ordered mast e from domestic recently? I got a vial of tren e and a vial of mast e. The mast is dark like the tren i have from another lab, actually a little darker even. The tren is clear like i would expect the mast to be. I asked panda about it and they said that the labels were correct and the mast had come out dark for some reason.

Curious if anyone else has had dark mast e or clear tren e from domestic lately