PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I'm a fan of allowing people to make mistakes, as long as they correct the mistake and hopefully never make the same mistake again. I don't even mind if the same person or entity makes mistakes more than some other peers. I have patience when I believe that someone is in it for the correct reasons.

What I do mind is my personal information being shared, even if it's within the confines of one person's invention. If I signed up on PPL and elected to have my info deleted immediately so it could not be used at any point in time and in turn it's sent over to another leg of the panda 'empire' for spamming exploit I'd be pissed. That's not being in it for the correct reasons.

I'm not a panda hater obviously and i can make some sort of excuse for every thing thats happened but info storing and sharing is nuts. Watching now with a different set of eyes.
People are asking questions about which oil they have and I'm helping them out. Kind of annoying digging through 1,000 pages dont you think.

Are you a broken record? You have said the same shit for the past 500 pages. We get it, you hate PPL and want to watch them burn. No need to keep repeating yourself over and over.

I like the way you explain to the new guys why the pip causing gear is their problem and ppl says to go screw, it's very helpful. and like I said to other people, if you don't like what I write, put me on ignore
I like the way you explain to the new guys why the pip causing gear is their problem and ppl says to go screw, it's very helpful. and like I said to other people, if you don't like what I write, put me on ignore

I dont care enough to ignore you. Your just the annoying kid that always pops up and has something to say. I know people just like you.
I dont care enough to ignore you. Your just the annoying kid that always pops up and has something to say. I know people just like you.
I see you'd rather ignore real issues like pip causing trash, mis labeled gear, and underdosed hgh, not to mention security breaches, you're a big help to the community. Than you wonder why everyone thinks you're a shill
I see you'd rather ignore real issues like pip causing trash, mis labeled gear, and underdosed hgh, not to mention security breaches, you're a big help to the community. Than you wonder why everyone thinks you're a shill

Perfect example of what I just said about you lol Copy and Paste what you just said in your phone so you can repost it in an hour, instead of having to type it over and over.
Perfect example of what I just said about you lol Copy and Paste what you just said in your phone so you can repost it in an hour, instead of having to type it over and over.
k, i'll keep doing what I'm doing, and you keep explaining how to inject pip causing trash gear, and all the other issues that you're an expert on
I never said they were stolen as in 100%, I said it was suspect it was suspected to be stolen. I also said it was connected to panda. There were only so many variables.

The end result was it was connected to panda.

When did you become the guy who corrects everyone? Your almost getting as bad as a grammar nazi my man.
Is this the email in question? I've never ordered from them but did register to check out some raws but decided not to order. This email is not used anywhere else by the way.
Is this the email in question? I've never ordered from them but did register to check out some raws but decided not to order. This email is not used anywhere else by the way.
View attachment 86347

That would be the one. Seems Panda has his fingerprints all over the place.

So, allow me to ask again. How did PPL get the email addresses of those that never ordered or signed up at the website?
I'm a fan of allowing people to make mistakes, as long as they correct the mistake and hopefully never make the same mistake again. I don't even mind if the same person or entity makes mistakes more than some other peers. I have patience when I believe that someone is in it for the correct reasons.

What I do mind is my personal information being shared, even if it's within the confines of one person's invention. If I signed up on PPL and elected to have my info deleted immediately so it could not be used at any point in time and in turn it's sent over to another leg of the panda 'empire' for spamming exploit I'd be pissed. That's not being in it for the correct reasons.

I'm not a panda hater obviously and i can make some sort of excuse for every thing thats happened but info storing and sharing is nuts. Watching now with a different set of eyes.

Well said!

Exactly the point!
So is PPL actually deleting old emails like they are supposed to? Or are they bulshitting us once again...?

I think I remember people posting that they received this spam who also deleted their old accounts and addresses...

@PurplePandaLabs Rep. and don’t give me some shit you pull out of your ass. Ask the man FIRST and THEN reply before you make a fool of yourself again.

Would like this answered since I deleted my account over 2 months ago and received the spam.
So who else would you say is a good consistent src for raws? Direct competition for panda? Not even sure why ppl would ever order oils from panda. Very confusing shit from my point of view.

I have a hard time believing any of these people foreign or domestic anywhere delete ppl info ever.

I just don't believe it. For anyone.
So assume the risk when dealing with anyone.
So who else would you say is a good consistent src for raws? Direct competition for panda? Not even sure why ppl would ever order oils from panda. Very confusing shit from my point of view.

I have a hard time believing any of these people foreign or domestic anywhere delete ppl info ever.

I just don't believe it. For anyone.
So assume the risk when dealing with anyone.

Does this look like the forum where we spoon feed members? Go do some research.

And maybe people dont know how to brew, or simply dont want to.
Im not going to trip as long as i get my shit. Ppl is better than most chinese labs when it comes to spam. My raws order was purportedly returned to ppl a month ago. As long as i get it this time they can send me spam. Reading nearly all of these 1050 pages, it seems their only issue is quality control, expanding too fast. That beijg said i got this calculator email as well but i dont care.
Does this look like the forum where we spoon feed members? Go do some research.

And maybe people dont know how to brew, or simply dont want to.

gee, you're always willing to help someone figure out how to inject crap gear, thought you spoon fed everyone everything.
The mislabeled test 500 is the same gear you were calling underdosed because @Cramps88 bloods came back in the 2000’s on 750mg a week. Funny how wrong your assumptions turn out. Now this supposed “security breach” as you called it ended up being PPL themselves setting up a site to calculate homebrew recipes, because they sell raws... go figure.

Cry wolf enough and you become a joke like this guy. No one takes you seriously. Don’t be like this guy.

The gear was LAB TESTED and VERIFIED as mislabeled.

You mean they deleted email accounts like they were supposed to? Then why are members who deleted their accounts receiving this email????

You don’t have a leg to stand on with this shit show here. Stop defending them. You only look like a clown in doing so. You have been literally PROVEN WRONG!
Im not going to trip as long as i get my shit.

it seems their only issue is quality control

You sound like you will be happy to receive contaminated gear, that law enforcement knows is being mailed to your home address, a month late... along with items missing from your order... :rolleyes:

But hey, as long as they fuck you with a smile you are happy to wear lipstick for them!
does anyone here in the community have any ideas as how we can get proof of our records being deleted..
I think this is more sensitive that tank tops and advertising on youtube..
these people wanna sink their ship that's fine.. I just don't my info being leverage for them when the shit hits the fan!!
does anyone here in the community have any ideas as how we can get proof of our records being deleted..
I think this is more sensitive that tank tops and advertising on youtube..
these people wanna sink their ship that's fine.. I just don't my info being leverage for them when the shit hits the fan!!
I don't know of there is a way to prove it. You just have to trust your source to do so. Like how you trust them to not take your money and run. Or send you zika virus with your vials.

Or how we trust them not to share or sell or info, or spam our anonymous emails.
I don't know of there is a way to prove it. You just have to trust your source to do so. Like how you trust them to not take your money and run. Or send you zika virus with your vials.

Or how we trust them not to share or sell or info, or spam our anonymous emails.
well... we obviously cant just go off trust.. hahah look what happens when u take someones word .hahahah