PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Update on the new steroid calculator website is owned by ppl and is connected to the emails.
Nobody's emails were sold or shared and won't be.
I wasn't notified of this until inquiring which I wasn't happy about and I also suggested that customers be notified before hand.
They plan on running the websites separately and thought not announcing would somehow help to achieve this.

This still violates your privacy policy. You should at least update it to say PPL and affiliated companies will also send out periodic advertisements via email.

Our system will send out notification emails during the ordering process. You you don't want to receive any emails you can simply register with a fake email address.
After your order is completed you can delete your order in MY ORDER LIST. After you delete the order, all of your information including order details and your shipping address will be erased. The data will be unrecoverable. You won't be able to refer to this order later as we won't have the record.

The real source of the emails is also suspicious. As you said yourself, not everyone who received emails had any specific connection with the PPL site. I have seen banner ads successfully scavenge email addresses and other information from browsers with multiple windows open. I hope PPL isn't involved in something like this.
That's the first thing I thought.
also, I've never seen a source have so many problems with test e, people are saying it causes alot of pip[, but I look at alot of source threads, and nobody complains about test e pip the way they do with this source. throw in the mislabeled test 500 and it's just another huge screwup. My advice to anyone is never to order the test e from these guys
So is PPL actually deleting old emails like they are supposed to? Or are they bulshitting us once again...?

I think I remember people posting that they received this spam who also deleted their old accounts and addresses...

@PurplePandaLabs Rep. and don’t give me some shit you pull out of your ass. Ask the man FIRST and THEN reply before you make a fool of yourself again.
also, I've never seen a source have so many problems with test e, people are saying it causes alot of pip[, but I look at alot of source threads, and nobody complains about test e pip the way they do with this source. throw in the mislabeled test 500 and it's just another huge screwup. My advice to anyone is never to order the test e from these guys

The mislabeled test 500 is the same gear you were calling underdosed because @Cramps88 bloods came back in the 2000’s on 750mg a week. Funny how wrong your assumptions turn out. Now this supposed “security breach” as you called it ended up being PPL themselves setting up a site to calculate homebrew recipes, because they sell raws... go figure.

Cry wolf enough and you become a joke like this guy. No one takes you seriously. Don’t be like this guy.
So is PPL actually deleting old emails like they are supposed to? Or are they bulshitting us once again...?

I think I remember people posting that they received this spam who also deleted their old accounts and addresses...

@PurplePandaLabs Rep. and don’t give me some shit you pull out of your ass. Ask the man FIRST and THEN reply before you make a fool of yourself again.
The mislabeled test 500 is the same gear you were calling underdosed because @Cramps88 bloods came back in the 2000’s on 750mg a week. Funny how wrong your assumptions turn out. Now this supposed “security breach” as you called it ended up being PPL themselves setting up a site to calculate homebrew recipes, because they sell raws... go figure.

Cry wolf enough and you become a joke like this guy. No one takes you seriously. Don’t be like this guy.
i never said any gear was underdosed, said it was pip causing garbage, and if you don't like what I have to say, don't care. don't read it

btw, it's only crying wolf when the source didn't actually screwup
The mislabeled test 500 is the same gear you were calling underdosed because @Cramps88 bloods came back in the 2000’s on 750mg a week. Funny how wrong your assumptions turn out. Now this supposed “security breach” as you called it ended up being PPL themselves setting up a site to calculate homebrew recipes, because they sell raws... go figure.

Cry wolf enough and you become a joke like this guy. No one takes you seriously. Don’t be like this guy.
and the "supposed security breach" means they are saving customers info when they shouldn't be.

I know words are hard, but try and keep up
Part correct. You said the emails were stolen initially.

But then you said they were connected to panda.

I'll give you partial credit.

I never said they were stolen as in 100%, I said it was suspect it was suspected to be stolen. I also said it was connected to panda. There were only so many variables.

The end result was it was connected to panda.

When did you become the guy who corrects everyone? Your almost getting as bad as a grammar nazi my man.
The mislabeled test 500 is the same gear you were calling underdosed because @Cramps88 bloods came back in the 2000’s on 750mg a week. Funny how wrong your assumptions turn out. Now this supposed “security breach” as you called it ended up being PPL themselves setting up a site to calculate homebrew recipes, because they sell raws... go figure.

Cry wolf enough and you become a joke like this guy. No one takes you seriously. Don’t be like this guy.

It’s still a security breach in a sense, if they are collecting emails and spamming people.

Your email is now attached to another site, is this site secure? Your email is possibly not only on pandas website, but now on another site..did anyone give Permission for panda to use their email address?

Believe that was backed up in policy agreement that clearly shows panda himself broke.

The moral of the story here again is, pandas actions were about himself not about the community, it was about him driving more traffic to a website to increase revenue. It’s the same theme from the start.
Are you a rep for this source or just a shil

People are asking questions about which oil they have and I'm helping them out. Kind of annoying digging through 1,000 pages dont you think.

Are you a broken record? You have said the same shit for the past 500 pages. We get it, you hate PPL and want to watch them burn. No need to keep repeating yourself over and over.
just to think about something else here,
anyone could advice me what to do with 125mg blend of Test prop / NPP? each is 125mg, mixed together, brewed.
I've had once terrible pip from it, other two times it went pretty smooth.
However I'd like to inquire if anyone from you experienced brewers could see this blend having strong pip potential.
18bb, 2ba % with MCT oil.
If yes, then how would you proceed to minimize pip:
Dilute with filtered oil?

Many thanks

